P. 2
Monday 3 February 2020
Trump speech to project optimism at time of bitter division
Continued from Front tuned into one of the presi-
dent's rallies.
Any attempt to try to be But it's one the White House
a messenger for unity will believes will reach a broad-
surely be dismissed at a er audience and have a
time of palpable anger more potent impact giv-
and rancor, much of which en the venue, especially
he has helped generate on among independent vot-
both sides of the divide. ers. His campaign has been
Senior administration of- courting these voters as
ficials were tight-lipped it works to stitch together
about the extent to which a winning coalition for his
Trump would mention his reelection.
impeachment, which he "Once again, it will present
has denounced as a "witch that opportunity for the
hunt" orchestrated by American people to see
Democrats to try to undo how much has been done
the results of the 2016 elec- that not necessarily has
tion and harm his reelec- been showcased," said Dit-
tion chances this Novem- to. "This is one of the presi-
ber. They stressed this his dent's best opportunities to
prime-time speech was still talk about his record unfil-
a work in progress. tered with a captive audi-
But they said Trump sees ence." The legal defense team for President Donald Trump is loaded on a bus on Capitol Hill in Washington,
the speech as an oppor- The speech will include a Friday, Jan. 31, 2020, as they leave after the Senate voted to not allow witnesses in the impeachment
tunity to talk about moving section on health care. trial of President Donald Trump on charges of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress.
Associated Press
the country ahead, con- Aides say Trump is expect-
trast his vision with Demo- ed to go after what one of- that have been construct- peachment charge, will sit who prosecuted much of
crats' and try to make the ficial described as the "radi- ed. He will once again ex- over Trump's shoulder as the impeachment case
case to voters that he de- cal proposals being floated coriate "sanctuary cities" a constant presence. Last against Trump on grounds
serves four more years in on the left," including the as dangerous criminal ha- year, the California Demo- that he obstructed Con-
the White House. call by some Democratic vens. crat created a viral internet gress and abused his of-
"We're really looking to giv- presidential candidates for He will again dedicate a meme with a an enthusias- fice by trying to pressure
ing a very, very positive "Medicare for All." He will section to "American val- tic "clap back" gesture. Ukraine to investigate a
message," Trump told re- highlight efforts to reduce ues," discussing efforts to The audience will include Trump political rival and by
porters Sunday during a Su- drug prices, end surprise protect "religious liberties" Democrats such as Cali- withholding crucial security
per Bowl watch party. medical billing and tackle and limit access to abor- fornia Rep. Adam Schiff, aid.q
"This has been a very par- the opioid epidemic, urg- tions as he continues to
tisan process and this is ing members of Congress court the evangelical and
an opportunity for him to to pass legislation to back conservative Christian vot-
unify the country around his efforts. ers who form a crucial part
opportunities for all Ameri- Trump promised voters in of his base.
cans," added White House 2016 that he would offer a In addition, he will press
spokeswoman Jessica Dit- health plan that was better Congress to pass legislation
to. and cheaper than Presi- encouraging alternatives
Trump will spend much of dent Barack Obama's Af- to traditional public schools
the speech highlighting the fordable Care Act, which and highlight passage of
economy's strength, includ- his administration has tried mandatory paid leave for
ing the low employment to gut. Trump has yet to federal workers. He will try
rate, stressing how it has offer any detailed alterna- to make the case that the
helped blue-collar work- tive. U.S. government is leading
ers and the middle class. A While the White House said by example and send a
focus will be the new trade the president will have mes- clear "signal" to the private
agreements he has negoti- sage of unity, he will also sector to follow suit, one
ated, including his phase- spend time on issues that aide said.
one deal with China and have created great divi- He also will discuss foreign
the United States-Mexico- sion and resonated with his policy and national secu-
Canada agreement he political base. He will again rity at length.
signed last week. highlight his signature issue Throughout his remarks,
It's a familiar message — immigration — trumpet- House Speaker Nancy
to anyone who has ever ing the miles of border wall Pelosi, who led the im-