P. 7

                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Monday 3 February 2020
            Report: San Diego

            secures $300M to

            intercept Mexico sewage

            SAN DIEGO (AP) — The San  included in the overhaul of
            Diego  region  will  get  $300  the  North  American  Free
            million  in  federal  funding  Trade  Agreement  signed
            for  a  new  U.S.  facility  to  by President Trump on Jan.
            capture sewage spills from  29, the newspaper said.
            Mexico  before  they  foul  "This is a huge, huge deal,"
            shorelines north of the bor-  said Imperial Beach Mayor
            der, according to a news-    Serge Dedina.                In a Wednesday, Dec. 12, 2018 file photo, a couple walk along
                                                                      the  beach  as  signs  warn  of  contaminated  water  at  Imperial
            paper report Sunday.         Toxic    water    pollution   Beach, Calif.
            Congressional  leaders  an-  from  Mexico  has  shut-                                              Associated Press
            nounced  the  funding  in  tered  shorelines  in  Impe-
            December,  but  it  wasn't  rial  Beach  and  other  San   tions for how to address the  to about 12.
            clear  whether  the  money  Diego  County  areas  more    pollution.                   San  Diego  Mayor  Kevin
            would be distributed across  than 500 days over the last   Since  then,  local  leaders  Faulconer  promised  that
            the  entire  Southwest  bor-  three  years,  according  to   have  pushed  to  build  a  the money would be used
            der  or  dedicated  specifi-  court  papers  cited  by  the   $400  million  facility  north  to  "clean  up  the  sewage
            cally to address pollution in  Times.                     of  the  border  to  intercept  spills from the Tijuana River
            the Tijuana River Valley just  The approach is a shift from   and  treat  the  pollution.  It's  Valley  once  and  for  all."
            south of San Diego County,  longstanding efforts to help   been estimated the project  Faulconer   was    present
            the  Los  Angeles  Times  re-  Mexico maintain its waste-  could  reduce  cross-border  when  Trump  signed  the
            ported.                      water system in Tijuana.     flows from roughly 138 days  agreement  at  the  White
            Now  officials  believe  most  Last  summer,  top  officials   a  year  on  average,  down  House last week. q
            — if not all — of the mon-   with  the  U.S.  Environmen-
            ey will be doled out in and  tal  Protection  Agency  vis-
            around  the  San  Diego  ited San Diego to lay out a
            area,  thanks  to  language  blueprint  with  several  op-

            geeks celebrate rare

            palindrome day

            RICHMOND,  Va.  (AP)  —  ebration  on  Twitter,  where
            Mathematicians and geeks  even those who don't spe-
            everywhere  celebrated  a  cialize  in  math  got  a  kick
            rare  occurrence  Sunday,  out of the rare global pal-
            02/02/2020, a kind of 8-dig-  indrome.
            it  palindrome  that  hasn't  "Another  one  won't  hap-
            happened  for  more  than  pen for 101 years, so make
            900 years.                   the  most  of  this  one!  "
            A  palindrome  is  any  se-  tweeted actor Mark Hamill
            quence,  phrase  or  word  of "Star Wars" fame.
            that reads the same back-    "Are  you  guys  pumped?
            ward  as  forward.  And  The big day is finally here!!"
            02/02/2020  is  considered  tweeted  musical  comedi-
            a  "universal  palindrome"  an "Weird Al" Yankovic.
            because it reads the same  "Right now people all across
            whether written as "Month/   the country are getting to-
            Day/Year"  as  the  Unit-    gether  with  friends  and
            ed  States  does,  or  "Day/  loved  ones  to  celebrate  -
            Month/Year" as many oth-     so  exciting.  Anyway,  from
            er countries do.             my  house  to  yours,  Happy
            The  last  universal  pal-   Palindrome Day!"
            indrome     occurred    on  The  Royal  Wedding  Cha-
            11/11/1111.    The    next  pel in Las Vegas was hop-
            one  won't  come  until  ing  the  date  would  have
            12/12/2121. "It's possible to  special  meaning  for  many
            live  your  entire  life  without  couples.  The  chapel  not-
            ever  having  gone through  ed  in  its  advertising  that
            a  universal  palindrome,  so  couples  who  marry  on
            it's pretty cool to have one  02/02/2020  would  have
            in your lifetime," said Heath-  their two-year anniversaries
            er  Pierce,  a  mathematics  on 02/02/2022. "Two being
            lecturer at Emmanuel Col-    the ultimate symbolic num-
            lege in Boston.              ber  representing  you  and
            The date was cause for cel-  your spouse to be."q
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