P. 6

A6   U.S. NEWS
                  Monday 3 February 2020

            Confusion over what data schools can provide for 2020 Census

            By MIKE SCHNEIDER                                                                                                   In  2010,  more  than  a  third
            Associated Press                                                                                                    of students in college hous-
            ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) — The                                                                                            ing  were  counted  through
            U.S.  Census  Bureau  this                                                                                          administrative records pro-
            week  starts  its  process  of                                                                                      vided by the university.
            counting  students  living  in                                                                                      "The data that comes from
            college-run  housing,  but                                                                                          administrative  records  is
            there's confusion over what                                                                                         never  as  accurate  as  in-
            demographic  information                                                                                            formation   collected   di-
            university officials can share                                                                                      rectly  from  individuals  and
            with the agency.                                                                                                    households,"  said  Terri  Ann
            Two  weeks  ago,  the  U.S.                                                                                         Lowenthal,  a  consultant
            Department  of  Education                                                                                           and former top congressio-
            said in a memo to schools                                                                                           nal aide specializing in the
            that they couldn't, if asked,                                                                                       census.
            provide  information  about                                                                                         Students who live off-cam-
            students' sex, race and His-                                                                                        pus can fill out the forms as
            panic  origin  for  the  2020                                                                                       those  in  other  households
            Census.  Now  the  depart-                                                                                          would.
            ment says schools are able                                                                                          In a statement, the Census
            to furnish such data if they                                                                                        Bureau said it expected to
            strip  away  anything  that                                                                                         get  most  of  its  information
            could identify a student.                                                                                           about on-campus students
            The department's new posi-   In this Tuesday, Jan. 28, 2020 photo, Leon Hayner, an associate dean of students at Rollins College   from the "drop off/ pick up"
            tion was issued last week in   looks over requests from the U.S. Census Bureau in Winter Park, Fla.                 method.
            a revision of a memo it sent                                                                       Associated Press  Counting  college  students
            out  last  month  to  universi-                                                                                     in  group  housing  is  tricky.
            ties  about  how  students  questions  from  universities  At risk is getting a complete  tendance.  Directory  infor-  Students  sometimes  leave
            living  in  college  housing  about the earlier memo.     count of the students living  mation doesn't include sex,  campus  as  the  school  se-
            should be counted.           Much  is  at  stake:  the  2020  in college-run housing. Un-  race or Hispanic origin, and  mester  winds  down  during
            The 2020 Census form "asks  count  will  help  determine  der  the  old  version  of  the  the  school  can't  provide  the  count  and  students
            for  information  about  the  the allocation of $1.5 trillion  memo,  a  decades-old  pri-  any information about stu-  often  don't  know  if  they
            student's  sex,  Hispanic,  La-  in  federal  spending  and  vacy law would have pro-  dents who have opted out  should  answer  the  form  or
            tino, or Spanish origin, and  how  many  congressional  hibited schools from provid-   of  sharing  directory  infor-  let their parents do it back
            race,"  said  the  original  seats each state gets.       ing the Census Bureau with  mation.                       home.  The  Census  Bu-
            memo  issued  on  Jan.  14.  The  last  Census  in  2010  information  on  students'  The Census Bureau is giving  reau  says  students  should
            "However,  school  officials  found  more  than  2.5  mil-  sex, race and Hispanic ori-  campuses three ways to fill  be  counted  where  they
            may not disclose this infor-  lion students living in dorms  gin, if the students didn't fill  out the forms. A census tak-  live, which in most cases is
            mation,  without  prior  writ-  or  on-campus  fraternity  of  out the forms asking about  er can drop off paper forms  where  the  students  go  to
            ten  consent  from  the  stu-  sorority  houses,  the  larg-  those demographic details.  to a university liaison to dis-  school.
            dent."                       est  segment  of  what  the  The   Family   Educational  tribute  to    students,  and  This is the first year the Cen-
            The  revised  memo  says  Census  Bureau  refers  to  Rights and Privacy Act says  then  the  students  return  sus  Bureau  is  encouraging
            schools  can  furnish  the  as  "group  quarters,"  which  students  need  to  provide  them  in  sealed  envelopes  a  majority  of  respondents
            demographic  information  also  include  prisons,  jails  written   consent   before  so  the  liaison  can  hand  to  answer  the  once-a-de-
            provided "such data is de-   and nursing homes.           information  from  their  re-  them  back  to  the  census  cade questionnaire online,
            identified."                 And  because  of  the  diffi-  cords  can  be  shared,  but  taker.                    although  they  still  can  an-
            The  memo's  author,  Kala  culty  in  counting  students,  an  exception  is  made  for  A  census  taker  can  knock  swer  by  telephone  or  by
            Suprenant,  acting  director  the Census Bureau will start  what is called "directory in-  on  doors  in  the  dorm  or  mailing in a paper form.
            of the Student Privacy Poli-  reaching  out  to  college  formation."                  house  and  personally  in-  But  students  living  in  col-
            cy Office, and the agency's  campuses  this  week  to  Directory  information  in-     terview  residents,  the  most  lege  housing,  perhaps  the
            press office, didn't immedi-  collect  information  about  cludes  facts  often  found  costly method. Or, a univer-  group most likely to answer
            ately  respond  Sunday  to  student  housing.  The  2020  in  student  handbooks  or  sity  representative  can  fill  questions online, will be giv-
            emails  inquiring  about  the  count started last month in  yearbooks, such as names,  out  the  form  for  everyone  en  paper  forms.  Cutbacks
            reason for the change. The  rural Alaska, and the rest of  addresses,     telephone  living  there  using  adminis-  in  research  and  testing  for
            revised  memo  noted  that  the nation won't begin par-   numbers,  dates  of  birth,  trative records — t he most  group  quarters  led  to  that
            the  office  had  received  ticipating until mid-March.   activities  and  dates  of  at-  efficient method.        decision, Lowenthal said.q
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