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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Monday 3 February 2020



            Pennsylvania groundhog declares early spring 'a certainty'

            PUNXSUTAWNEY,  Pa.  (AP)  his inner circle announced  weeks of winter thrice and
            —  Pennsylvania's  most  fa-  that  spring  would  come  an  early  spring  twice.  Ac-
            mous  groundhog  on  Sun-    early this year.             cording  to  records  dating
            day  declared:  "Spring  will  The  annual  event  has  its  back  to  1887,  the  Penn-
            be early, it's a certainty."  origin in a German legend  sylvanian    prognosticator
            At  sunrise  on  Groundhog  that  says  if  a  furry  rodent  has predicted more winter
            Day,  members  of  Punx-     casts  a  shadow  on  Feb.  more than 100 times, mak-
            sutawney  Phil's  top  hat-  2,  winter  continues.  If  not,  ing  this  year's  forecast  a
            wearing  inner  circle  re-  spring comes early.          rare one overall.
            vealed the cuddly oracle's  In  reality,  Phil's  prediction  Phil's  prediction  was  mir-
            prediction — his 134th, ac-  is  decided  ahead  of  time  rored  by  one  of  his  fellow
            cording  to  the  Pennsylva-  by the group on Gobbler's  groundhogs in New York.
            nia Tourism Office.          Knob, a tiny hill just outside  At  the  Staten  Island  Zoo,
            Awoken  by  the  crowd's  Punxsutawney.                   schoolchildren  and  elect-
            chants of "Phil!" the ground-  That's  about  65  miles  (105  ed  officials  cheered  Sun-
            hog  was  hoisted  in  the  air  kilometers)  northeast  of  day  morning  as  a  curtain
            for the assembly to hail be-  Pittsburgh.                 was pulled back at a glass   Groundhog Club co-handler John Griffiths holds Punxsutawney
                                                                                                   Phil during the 134th celebration of Groundhog Day on Gobbler's
            fore making his decision. He  Over the past five years —  enclosure  containing  Stat-  Knob in Punxsutawney, Pa. Sunday, Feb. 2, 2020.
            then grasped the glove of  from  2015  through  2019  —  en  Island  Chuck.  He  also                                           Associated Press
            a handler as a member of  Phil has predicted six more  didn't see his shadow.q
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