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Thursday 16 February 2023
Judge to Trump: Too late to offer DNA to rebut rape claim
By LARRY NEUMEISTER lawyers turned over the full
Associated Press DNA report on the dress.
NEW YORK (AP) — Former And the judge noted that
President Donald Trump the report did not find evi-
missed his chance to use dence of sperm cells and
his DNA to try to prove he that reopening the dispute
didn’t rape a longtime would raise a “complicat-
magazine advice colum- ed new subject into this
nist, a federal judge said case that both sides elect-
Wednesday, clearing away ed not to pursue over a pe-
a potential roadblock to riod of years.”
an April trial. He said that a positive
Judge Lewis A. Kaplan re- match of Trump’s DNA to
jected the 11th-hour offer that on the dress would
by Trump’s legal team to prove only that there had
provide a DNA sample to been an encounter be-
rebut claims E. Jean Carroll tween Trump and Carroll
first made publicly in a 2019 on a day when she wore
book. the dress, but that it would
Kaplan said that lawyers for not prove or disprove that
Trump and Carroll had over a rape occurred and might
three years to make DNA prove entirely inconclusive.
an issue in the case and Kaplan added: “His condi-
that both chose not to do Former President Donald Trump speaks at a campaign event at the South Carolina Statehouse on tional invitation to open a
so. He said it would almost Jan. 28, 2023, in Columbia, S.C. Associated Press door that he kept closed
surely delay the trial sched- for years threatens to
uled to start April 25 to re- attorney, Roberta Kaplan, hattan department store that he never raped Carroll change the nature of a
open the DNA issue four declined to comment. dressing room in late 1995 and that she was making trial for which both parties
months after the deadline Carroll’s lawyers have or early 1996. An analysis of the claim to stoke sales of now have been preparing
passed to litigate concerns sought Trump’s DNA sam- DNA on the dress conclud- her book. for years.
over trial evidence and just ple for three years to com- ed it did contain traces of After refusing to provide Whether Mr. Trump’s ap-
weeks before trial. pare it with stains found on an unknown man’s DNA. Trump’s DNA sample, his plication is intended for a
Trump’s lawyers did not im- the dress Carroll wore the Trump has denied knowing lawyers recently switched dilatory purpose or not, the
mediately comment on day she says Trump raped Carroll and said repeated- tactics, saying they would potential prejudice to Ms.
Kaplan’s ruling. Carroll’s her in an upscale Man- ly, and sometimes angrily, provide his DNA if Carroll’s Carroll is apparent.” q
Waters off New England had 2nd warmest year on record in ‘22
temperature was 53.66 de- ness, which has recorded sea surface temperature,
grees (12 degrees Celsius), heavy catches over the the report said.
more than 3.7 degrees past 10 years. However, “What is being observed
above the 40-year aver- lobster fisheries in more in the Gulf of Maine (and
age, the scientists said. The southern waters have col- elsewhere around the
accelerated warming is lapsed, and scientists have world), however, is a loss of
changing an ecosystem placed the blame on that balance: larger frac-
that’s host to numerous warming temperatures. tions of recent years are
important commercial fish- The Gulf of Maine is also a experiencing above av-
ing industries, especially for key area for marine mam- erage temperatures and
lobsters, they said. mals such as the North At- cold spells are becoming
One implication is that the lantic right whale, which vanishingly rare,” the report
warming is driving spe- numbers only about 340, said.
cies more associated with and sea birds such as At- The hottest year in the Gulf
southern waters into the lantic puffins. Those spe- of Maine was 2021, ac-
Lobster fishermen work at sunrise, Thursday, Sept. 8, 2022, off Gulf of Maine and altering cies and many others are cording to records that go
Kennebunkport, Maine. its food chain, said Janet threatened by disruptions back to 1982, the institute
Associated Press Duffy-Anderson, chief sci- in their food supply due to said. That year, the aver-
entific officer with the insti- warming waters. age annual sea surface
By PATRICK WHITTLE Maine, New Hampshire, tute. That includes species The environmental fac- temperature was slightly
Associated Press Massachusetts and Cana- such as black sea bass, tors accompanying high more than 54 degrees (12.2
PORTLAND, Maine (AP) — da, is warming faster than which prey on lobsters. temperatures in the Gulf of degrees Celsius). Last year
The waters off New Eng- the vast majority of the “Who will be the emergent Maine include persistent, in- was a fraction of a per-
land, which are home to world’s oceans. Last year species and who will be tense heatwaves, accord- cent warmer than the third
rare whales and most of fell short of setting a new the species that decline ing to a report released by warmest year, which was
the American lobster fish- high mark for hottest year is, in large part, a function Gulf of Maine Research In- 2012.
ing industry, logged the by less than half a degree of those interactions,” said stitute on Wednesday. Those three years are the
second-warmest year on Fahrenheit, said scientists Duffy-Anderson. “At the The warming is also com- only ones in recorded his-
record last year. with the Gulf of Maine Re- moment, we’re not in a pe- ing at a time when the tory in which the gulf’s
The Gulf of Maine, a body search Institute, a science riod of stability.” world’s oceans are heating average temperature ex-
of water about the size center in Portland. The gulf is the nerve center up. Last year was the third- ceeded 53 degrees (11.7
of Indiana that touches The average sea surface of the lobster fishing busi- warmest year for global degrees Celsius). q