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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Thursday 16 February 2023
            Scottish leader Sturgeon quits with

            independence goal unmet

            By DANICA KIRKA
            Associated Press
            LONDON  (AP)  —  Scottish
            leader Nicola Sturgeon said
            Wednesday that she plans
            to  step  down  after  more
            than  eight  years  in  office,
            amid  criticism  of  her  drive
            to  expand  transgender
            rights  and  her  strategy  for
            achieving  independence
            from the United Kingdom.
            Sturgeon made the surprise
            announcement  during  a
            news  conference  at  her
            official  residence  in  Edin-
            burgh,  Bute  House,  saying
            the  decision  wasn’t  a  re-
            sponse to the “latest period
            of pressure.” But she added
            that part of serving well was
            knowing  when  to  make
            way for someone else.        Nicola Sturgeon speaks during a press conference at Bute House in Edinburgh, Wednesday, Feb.
            “In  my  head  and  in  my   15 2023.
            heart  I  know  that  time  is                                                                     Associated Press
            now,”  she  said.  “That  it’s  staunch  support  for  both  it  was  time  step  down  for  ment by quitting the SNP to
            right  for  me,  for  my  party  independence  and  legis-  weeks. She said she wasn’t  form a rival party, Alba.
            and my country.”             lation  that  would  make  it  resigning  because  of  re-  For  the  past  few  months,
            Sturgeon, 52, has led Scot-  easier  for  people  in  Scot-  cent  criticism,  though  she  much  of  Sturgeon’s  en-
            land since 2014, when Scots  land  to  legally  change  acknowledged  that  the  ergy has been focused on
            narrowly  voted  to  remain  genders.  Just  two  weeks  “physical  and  mental  im-   a  renewed  drive  for  inde-
            part of the United Kingdom.  ago she scoffed at resigna-  pact” of the job had taken  pendence  and  the  gen-
            While  the  referendum  was  tion  rumors,  saying  she  still  their toll.            der  recognition  bill,  which
            billed  as  a  once-in-a-gen-  had “plenty in the tank.”  Sturgeon    led   Scotland  would  allow  people  aged
            eration  decision  on  inde-  “This is as sudden as Jacin-  through  the  coronavirus  16  or  older  in  Scotland  to
            pendence,  Sturgeon  and  da Ardern … Geez,” tweet-       pandemic     and   guided  change the gender desig-
            her  Scottish  National  Party  ed  SNP  lawmaker  Angus  her party during three U.K.-  nations  on  identity  docu-
            have  pushed  for  a  new  MacNeil,  referring  to  the  wide  elections  and  two  ments  by  self-declaration,
            vote,  arguing  that  Britain’s  resignation   last   month  Scottish elections.       removing  the  need  for  a
            departure  from  the  Euro-  of  New  Zealand’s  prime  “If  the  question  is,  can  I  medical  diagnosis  of  gen-
            pean  Union  had  changed  minister.  Sturgeon  came  battle  on  for  another  few  der dysphoria.
            the ground rules.            under  pressure  in  recent  months, then the answer is  Hailed  as  a  landmark  by
            The  first  female  leader  of  weeks  after  she  pushed  yes,  of  course  I  can,”  she  transgender rights activists,
            Scotland’s  devolved  gov-   the gender recognition bill  said.  “But  if  the  question  the legislation faced oppo-
            ernment,  Sturgeon  won  through the Scottish parlia-     is,  can  I  give  this  job  ev-  sition from some SNP mem-
            praise  for  her  calm,  mea-  ment over the objections of  erything  it  demands  and  bers who said it ignored the
            sured  public  communica-    some members of her own  deserves  for  another  year,  need  to  protect  single-sex
            tions during the pandemic  party. That raised concerns  let alone for the remainder  spaces for women, such as

            a  contrast  to  the  erratic  that Sturgeon’s position on  of  this  parliamentary  term,  domestic  violence  shelters
            messaging    of   then-U.K.  transgender  rights  could  give it every ounce of ener-  and rape crisis centers. Crit-
            Prime  Minister  Boris  John-  undermine  support  for  in-  gy that it needs in the way  icism  of  the  bill  increased
            son.                         dependence,  the  SNP’s  that  I  have  strived  to  do  after reports that a convict-
            She led her party to domi-   overarching goal.            every day for the last eight  ed rapist was being held in
            nance  in  Scottish  politics  Joanna  Cherry,  an  SNP  years,  the  answer  honestly  a  women’s  prison  in  Scot-
            but  leaves  office  with  the  member of Parliament who  is different.”               land while transitioning.
            goal of her political life  in-  opposes  the  new  gender  Sturgeon weathered a pe-   The inmate was transferred
            dependence  unfulfilled.     law,  said  the  resignation  riod  of  scandal  after  her  to a men’s prison after be-
            Sturgeon said she planned  provided  an  opportunity  predecessor  and  former  ing  assessed  by  prison  au-
            to remain in office until the  for the party.             mentor  Alex  Salmond  was  thorities.
            SNP  elects  a  new  leader.  “We must restore the SNP’s  tried and acquitted in 2020  While  the  Scottish  parlia-
            Scotland is part of the U.K.  tradition  of  internal  party  on  charges  of  sexual  as-  ment  approved  the  legis-
            but,  like  Wales  and  North-  democracy, open respect-  sault and attempted rape.  lation, it has been blocked
            ern  Ireland,  has  its  own  ful debate and intellectual  A  parliamentary  investiga-  by  the  British  government
            semi-autonomous  govern-     rigour and we must also put  tion  found  that  Sturgeon  because  it  would  present
            ment  with  broad  powers  the welfare of everyone liv-   had    misled   lawmakers  problems  for  authorities
            over areas including health  ing in Scotland back at the  about  what  she  knew,  in  other  parts  of  the  U.K.,
            care.                        heart  of  our  endeavours,”  though she was cleared of  where a medical diagnosis
            Sturgeon’s  announcement  Cherry said on Twitter.         major wrongdoing. In 2021  is  needed  before  individu-
            caught  political  observ-   Sturgeon said she had been  Salmond  opened  a  rift  in  als  can  transition  for  legal
            ers  by  surprise  amid  her  “wrestling”  with  whether  the  independence  move-     purposes. q
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