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Thursday 16 February 2023
Informative session about dementia with speaker Mrs. Anne Mei The
ORANJESTAD - On Febru- speaker Mrs. Anne Mei Mrs. Anne Mei will speak
ary 13, 2023, the Minister of The, a professor by special about dementia on Thurs-
Transport, Integrity, Nature appointment of Long-Term day, February 16, and
and Elderly Affairs, Mr. Ur- Care and Social Approach share her knowledge and
sell Arends, had the honor to Dementia at the Vrije a better understanding of
to welcome renowned Universiteit Amsterdam. this condition.
Dementia is a progressive
condition affecting millions
of people and their pa-
tient's families and caregiv-
ers. The characteristics of
this condition are the loss of
cognitive function, includ-
ing memory loss, speech
ability, and the capacity to
solve problems. Although
it is a widespread prob- 2023, from 2:00 pm to 4:00
lem, there is more to learn Minister Arends invites all pm at the J.F. Kennedy Ed-
about this condition. The professionals in the care, ucation Centre. The session
presentation's objective is the community interest- will be in Dutch, and the
to raise awareness of the ed, and particularly those entrance is free. Attendees
latest developments and working daily with seniors, will have the opportunity
improved care practices to attend this informative to ask questions and ex-
for those with dementia. session on February 16, change views.q
Protect your hearing
Aruba to me
ORANJESTAD – The De- Do not cut the earplugs in
partment of Public Health half. They can get stuck!
(DVG) reminds all carnival Remember that members
participants, musicians, of organizations like the
and the public to be more Quota Club every year
aware and protect their are present on the pa- ORANJESTAD — You are back or still en- By submitting photos, text or any other
hearing against loud noises rade route selling earplugs joying your vacation?... we would like materials, you give permission to The
that can affect their hear- for those participants and to portrait you! By inviting you to send Aruba Today Newspaper, Caribbean
ing for the rest of their lives. spectators in the carnival us your favorite vacation picture while Speed Printers and any of its affiliated
parades. enjoying our Happy Island. companies to use said materials, as well
During the carnival season, as names, likeness, etc. for promotional
the DVG urges us to use the Besides Quota Clun, ear- Complete the sentence: Aruba to me is purposes without compensation.
following tips: plugs are also available at, ……. Send your picture with that text (in-
Always wear earplugs among others, Giselle De- cluding your name and where you are Last but not least: check out our web-
around loud noises; partment Store, Mrs. Min- from) to: and site, Instagram and Facebook page!
Do not dance near speak- ute. K&G Piedra Plat, FE- we will publish your vacation memory. Thank you for supporting our free news-
ers; POH (Foundation for Hear- Isn’t that a special way to keep your paper, we strive to make you a happy
Control if you are wearing ing Impaired Aruba), and best moments alive? Please do note: reader every day again.q
your earplugs correctly; the Specialist.q