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A32    sports
                Diasabra 14 augustus 2021

                         Youth movement for Little League World Series broadcasters

                                                                                                   broadcast  will  complement  Hampton University.
                                                                                                   the main feed on ESPN.       “I know the team has a lot of
                                                                                                                                fun  things  planned  for  the
                                                                                                   Two  nights  later,  one  of  the  broadcasts that will be of in-
                                                                                                   Little  League  World  Series  terest to kids and MLB fans
                                                                                                   games will serve as the stand-  of  all  ages.  Since  2019  I’ve
                                                                                                   alone  telecast  on  ESPN  at  had  some  practice  and  feel
                                                                                                   7:30 p.m. EDT.               more  prepared  than  ever.  I
                                                                                                                                can’t wait to work with some
                                                                                                   This  is  the  second  time  the  new people and get back at it
                                                                                                   network has done a KidsCast  in  Williamsport,”  Davis  said
                                                                                                   from the Little League World  in a statement.
                                                                                                   Series.  A  2019  game  win-
                                                                                                   ner’s  bracket  game  between  Play-by-play  announcer  Ian
                                                                                                   Hawaii and Virginia aired on  Nichols,  analyst  Zoe  Alter
                                                                                                   ESPN2  alongside  the  tradi-  and reporter Hayley Galindo
                                                                                                   tional broadcast on ESPN.    were selected from the Bruce
                                                                                                                                Beck  Sports  Broadcasting
                                                                                                   Last  year’s  LLWS  and  MLB  Camp.  Alter  was  a  reporter
                                                                                                   Little  League  Classic  were  during  the  2019  game  and
                                                                                                   canceled because of the pan-  said in a statement she is hop-
                                                                                                   demic.                       ing that her experience from
                                                                                                                                two years ago will help with
                                                                                                   Mo’ne  Davis,  the  celebrated  calling a game in the booth.
                                                                                                   pitcher  for  Pennsylvania  in
                                                                                                   the  Little  League  World  Se-  Alter will also serve as the re-
            (AP)  -  ESPN  will  be  us-  port, Pennsylvania.         MLB  Little  League  Clas-   ries in 2014, will be an analyst  porter  for  the  Little  League
            ing young broadcasters as                                 sic between the Los Angeles  for  the  second  time.  Davis  Home  Run  Derby,  which
            part  of  the  Little  League  The  first  of  two  KidsCast  Angels  and  Cleveland  Indi-  was in the booth in 2019 and  will  air  Aug.  29  before  the
            World Series in Williams-    presentations  will  be  the  ans on Aug. 22. The ESPN2  is a communications major at  LLWS title game.

                        Joe Thornton, 42 and eyeing Stanley Cup, signs with Panthers

            (AP)  —  Joe  Thornton’s                                  season.                      decide  if  it  was  right  to  re-  season  behind  Zdeno  Chara
            pursuit of an elusive Stan-  “With more than 1,600 games                               turn.  He  said  in  June,  after  — decide that it wasn’t time
            ley  Cup  is  bringing  him  played in the NHL, Joe will  He was the No. 1 pick in the  Toronto’s season ended, that  to retire quite yet. He’s been
            to the Florida Panthers at  bring a wealth of experience  1997  draft  and  started  his  he hadn’t made up his mind  going  through  two-a-day
            age 42.                      to our locker room and line-  career  playing  parts  of  eight  and wanted to focus on being  workouts  for  much  of  the
                                         up,”  Panthers  general  man-  seasons  with  Boston.  He  a father before settling on any  summer  and  is  convinced
            He  signed  a  one-year  deal  ager Bill Zito said. “His drive  then went on to a 15-year run  plans.               he can still contribute at the
            Friday,  making  Florida  his  to  succeed  is  unmistakable  with the Sharks and spent last                        NHL level.
            fourth  franchise  in  a  now  and  we  are  thrilled  that  he  season with Toronto — scor-  “We’ll see,” Thornton said at
            24-year NHL career. He has  chose  to  sign  with  our  club  ing five goals in 44 games.  the time.                “The  body  feels  good,  the
            more  points  than  any  other  and that he believes in what                                                        mind feels good and I knew
            active  NHL  player  and  is  we are building here in South  Thornton  has  been  playing  And then the Panthers called,  pretty much after the season,
            14th all-time on that list with  Florida.”                on  essentially  a  year-to-year  with  the  offer  that  helped  I  started  training  right  away
            1,529.                                                    basis for the last few seasons,  Thornton  —  the  second-  and  I  felt  good,”  Thornton
                                         Conversations with the Pan-  taking time each summer to  oldest skater in the NHL last  said. “Here we go again.”
            The 13 players ahead of him  thers’  braintrust  —  includ-
            in  points  are  in  the  Hall  of  ing  Zito,  head  coach  Joel
            Fame.                        Quenneville  and  his  former
                                         Team Canada teammate Ro-
            “I see their team on paper, I  berto Luongo — helped con-
            watched their team last year, I  vince Thornton this was the
            love their team and that’s it,”  right move, he said.
            Thornton  said.  “I  love  what
            they’re building and I’m ex-  “The energy these guys bring
            cited to be part of it. But ev-  every day, they want to work
            erything  is  about  ultimately  every  day,  they  want  to  get
            winning the Stanley Cup and  better  every  day,”  Thornton
            the Panthers are right there in  said. “I’m just really looking
            my opinion.”                 forward  to  joining  them  on
                                         the journey.”
            Thornton  said  he  watched
            Florida’s  playoff  series  with  Thornton has done about all
            Tampa  Bay  last  spring  and  there is in hockey, except win
            was  impressed  by  what  he  a  Stanley  Cup.  He  went  to
            saw  from  the  Panthers.  The  the final once, with San Jose
            Lightning went on to win the  in 2016 when the Sharks lost
            Stanley  Cup,  their  second  in six games to the Pittsburgh
            consecutive  title.  The  Pan-  Penguins.
            thers  have  spent  a  summer
            making  moves  to  get  closer  He’s  won  an  Olympic  gold
            to  that  level,  and  Thornton  medal with Canada in 2010,
            was  contacted  by  the  Pan-  the  Hart  Trophy  as  the
            thers  weeks  ago  in  an  effort  league’s MVP in 2005-06 and
            to make him part of the mix.  the  scoring  title  that  same
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