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A30    world news
                Diasabra 14 augustus 2021

                        Lee freed on parole, showing Samsung's might in South Korea

                                                                                                   and suspended his sentence,  financial crimes from return-
                                                                                                   overturning  key  convictions  ing to work for five years af-
                                                                                                   and reducing the amount of  ter their release. He is widely
                                                                                                   his bribes.                  expected to get that approval.

                                                                                                   The  Supreme  Court  re-     Samsung showed no obvious
                                                                                                   turned  the  case  to  the  high  sign of trouble while Lee was
                                                                                                   court in 2019, ruling that the  in prison. It has reported ro-
                                                                                                   amount  of  Lee’s  bribes  had  bust  profit  during  the  coro-
                                                                                                   been  undervalued.  Lee  was  navirus  pandemic,  seeing
                                                                                                   jailed  again  in  January  this  larger  demands  for  its  con-
                                                                                                   year following a retrial.    sumer  electronics  products
                                                                                                                                and chips used in computing
                                                                                                   Almost no one had expected  devices and servers as the vi-
                                                                                                   Lee to serve his full sentence  rus forced millions to stay at
                                                                                                   through July 2022.           home.

                                                                                                   After  avoiding  the  issue  for  But  there  were  also  views
                                                                                                   months,  Moon  signaled  a  that Lee’s prison term com-
                                                                                                   step change in May when he  promised  Samsung’s  speed
                                                                                                   told  reporters  that  his  gov-  in  major  investments  when
                                                                                                   ernment  will  consider  both  it needs to spend aggressively
                                                                                                   the  intensifying  competition  to  stay  competitive  in  semi-
                                                                                                   in  the  semiconductor  sector  conductors  and  other  tech-
                                                                                                   and public feelings before de-  nologies.
            (AP) — Samsung leader Lee  about-face  for  the  govern-  between two Samsung affili-  ciding  whether  to  grant  Lee
            Jae-yong walked out of pris-  ment of President Moon Jae-  ates that tightened his control  an early release.       While   Samsung    remains
            on Friday a year early in a pa-  in,  who  after  being  elected  over the corporate empire.                        dominant  in  memory  chips,
            role  decision  demonstrating  in 2017 pledged  to  curb  the                          Moon’s  office  initially  dis-  which are used to store infor-
            the  conglomerate’s  outsized  excesses  of  “chaebol,”  or  His  case  was  part  of  a  mas-  tanced  itself  from  Lee’s  re-  mation, it’s apparently falling
            influence  in  South  Korea  as  South Korea’s family-owned  sive  corruption  scandal  that  lease, saying paroles are up to  behind  rival  Taiwan  Semi-
            well  as  continuing  leniency  conglomerates,   and   end  triggered nationwide protests  the  Justice  Ministry,  before  conductor   Manufacturing
            for bosses who commit cor-   their cozy ties with the gov-  and led to the impeachment  using its statement on Friday  Co. in the race for high-tech
            porate corruption.           ernment.  Park  Soo-hyun,  and ouster of Park, who has  to address criticism that it re-  chips  designed  to  perform  a
                                         Moon’s spokesperson, said in  been  jailed  since  2017  and  vived a tradition of preferen-  broader range of functions.
            Wearing  a  gray  suit  and  a  a statement that Lee’s release  won’t be released until 2039  tial  treatment  for  convicted
            mask, Lee left the prison near  benefited  “national  interest”  if she fully serves her term.  tycoons.            The  demand  for  advanced
            Seoul to a barrage of camera  and pleaded for people’s un-                                                          chips  is  expected  to  grow
            flashes and bowed in apology  derstanding.                Even  with  his  release,  Lee  While Lee has always been in  rapidly  in  the  coming  years,
            over the anger ignited by his                             isn’t out of the legal woods.  control  of  Samsung  regard-  driven  by  5G  wireless  ser-
            case, which was related to the  Business  leaders  and  key  He  appeared  at  the  Seoul  less of whether he was in the  vices,  artificial  intelligence
            explosive  corruption  scandal  members of Moon’s govern-  Central  District  Court  on  boardroom  or  a  prison  cell,  and  self-driving  cars.  Some
            that  toppled  South  Korea’s  ment had endorsed Lee’s ear-  Thursday  for  another  trial  it’s  unclear  how  quickly  he  analysts say Samsung will be-
            previous  president  in  2017.  ly  release  in  recent  months,  over alleged stock price ma-  could  formally  resume  his  come more active in pursing
            Hundreds  of  demonstrators  citing Samsung’s vital role in  nipulation,  auditing  viola-  management role. He would  merger and acquisition deals
            standing  behind  police  lines  South  Korea’s  export-driven  tions  and  other  financial  need  the  justice  minister  to  gain  such  technologies  as
            simultaneously  shouted  slo-  economy  and  the  increas-  crimes  related  to  the  2015  to  officially  approve  his  re-  Lee will be able to sign off on
            gans denouncing or welcom-   ing challenges it faces in the  merger. His lawyers have in-  turn to work as the law bans  investments more easily.
            ing his release.             global  semiconductor  mar-  sisted  the  allegations  in  that  people  convicted  for  major
                                         ket.                         case  were  not  criminal  acts
            “(I) caused too much concern                              but were normal business ac-
            to our people. I am very sor-  Freeing  Lee  became  politi-  tivities.
            ry,” said Lee, who had spent  cally  convenient  for  Moon
            the past months in prison re-  after  recent  polls  indicated  In  including  Lee  among
            laying his business decisions  South Korea’s public — years  some 800 prisoners who were
            through  visiting  employees.  removed from the angry pro-  granted paroles ahead of Sun-
            He said he was keeping close  tests that filled the streets with  day’s  Liberation  Day,  which
            attention  to  the  “concerns,  millions  of  demonstrators  celebrates  Korea’s  indepen-
            criticism  and  huge  expecta-  in  2016  and  2017  —  largely  dence from Japanese colonial
            tions”  about  him  and  then  favored  Lee’s  release.  With  rule at the end of World War
            walked  into  a  black  sedan  the  next  presidential  elec-  II, the Justice Ministry cited
            without answering reporters’  tion coming in March 2022,  unspecified  economic  con-
            questions.                   the ruling liberals are hoping  cerns related to the pandemic
                                         to win votes among the mil-  and global markets.
            Lee,  53,  is  the  third-genera-  lions of South Koreans who
            tion heir of a business empire  own  Samsung  shares,  some  Lee  runs  the  Samsung  con-
            that  runs  everything  from  experts say.                glomerate  in  his  capacity  as
            technology, construction, and                             vice  chairman  of  Samsung
            financial  services  companies  Samsung  had  no  immediate  Electronics,  a  major  global
            to  hospitals,  an  amusement  comment to Lee’s release.  provider of computer mem-
            park  and  baseball  and  soc-                            ory chips and smartphones.
            cer  clubs.  The  crown  jewel,  Lee  served  a  total  of  18
            Samsung Electronics, single-  months  of  a  30-month  sen-  Lee was originally sentenced
            handedly  represents  about  tence  for  embezzling  mil-  in 2017 to five years in prison
            20% of South Korea’s entire  lions  of  dollars  from  cor-  on  the  corruption  charges
            stock market value and one-  porate  funds  to  bribe  then-  but was freed after 11 months
            fourth of its total exports.  President  Park  Geun-hye  in February 2018 following a
                                         to  ensure  her  government’s  Seoul High Court ruling that
            Lee’s  parole  marked  an  support  for  a  2015  merger  reduced his term to 2 ½ years
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