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world news Diasabra 14 augustus 2021
Man kills 5, himself in UK's first mass shooting in decade
(AP) — A young man who Thursday arrived six minutes ble for Devon and Cornwall
killed five people, includ- later at an address in Plym- police, told reporters that in-
ing his mother, and then outh’s Keyham neighbor- vestigators are not sure what
took his own life in Brit- hood, where Davison had Davison’s motive was and
ain’s first mass shooting shot and killed his mother, keeping open minds but do
in over a decade had com- 51-year-old Maxine Davison, not think extremist ideology
plained online about dif- also known as Maxine Chap- prompted the attack.
ficulties meeting women man.
and being “beaten down” “Let’s see what’s on his hard
by life. According to police accounts, drive, let’s see what’s on his
Davison left the house and computer, let’s see what’s on
Police said Friday the motive immediately shot and killed a social media,” Sawyer said.
for the shootings was unclear 3-year-old girl, Sophie Mar-
but there were no immediate tyn, and her father, Lee Mar- “We believe we have an inci-
signs that the crime was an act tyn, 43. He then shot and dent that is domestically re-
of terrorism or the 22-year- wounded two other people lated that has spilled into the
old gunman had connections down the street whom police street and seen several people
to extremist groups. haven’t identified. of Plymouth lose their lives ing as a scaffolder when he similar to me, they’ve had
in an extraordinarily tragic was 17-18, and hinted at his nothing but themselves, and
They identified the shooter Police said Davison moved circumstance,” he added. lack of a love life by referring then they’ve socially had it
as Jake Davison, 22, and said on to a park where he shot to “people who are incels” — tough.”
he had a gun license, but re- Stephen Washington, 59, Davison appeared to post on shorthand for “involuntarily
vealed few other details. Wit- who died at the scene, and YouTube under the name celibate.” He compared himself to a
nesses reported that he used a then to a nearby street, where Professor Waffle in an ac- businessman struggling to
pump-action shotgun, police he shot Kate Shepherd, 66 on count that has now been tak- The “incel” movement justi- break even despite working
said, though they wouldn’t a nearby street. She died later en down, replaced by a notice fies violence against women long hours but who has a wife
confirm what type of weapon in hospital. saying it violated the site’s as revenge for men who are and kids supporting him.
it was and whether it was the community guidelines. In a rejected as sexual partners,
one Davison was licensed to Eyewitnesses reported that final 11-minute clip posted and believes society unjustly “Does an incel virgin get
use. Davison shot himself be- before the killings, “Profes- denies men sexual or ro- that? No,” he said.
fore police arrived. He was sor Waffle” talks about how mantic attention. The online
Gun crimes are rare in Brit- licensed to use a gun last he was “beaten down and de- subculture has been linked Britain’s last mass shooting
ain, which has strict firearm year and police are checking feated” to deadly attacks in Califor- was in 2010, when a taxi driv-
control rules. whether he had the license nia, Toronto and Florida. er killed 12 people in Cum-
before then. He talks about struggling to Davison said that while he bria in northwest England
Police responded to multiple stay motivated at working wouldn’t describe himself as before taking his own life.
emergency calls at 6:11 p.m. Shaun Sawyer, chief consta- out and losing weight, work- an “incel,” they are “people
UK protests Russian refusal to renew BBC journalist's visa
(AP) — Russia has refused extend her visa came in re- BBC’s audiences of hun- Russian Foreign Ministry annexation of Ukraine’s
to renew a visa for a BBC taliation to British refusal to dreds of millions of people spokeswoman Maria Zakha- Crimean Peninsula, accusa-
journalist in Moscow — an grant or extend visas to Rus- around the world.” rova said on her channel tions of Russian interference
effective expulsion amid sian journalists. on a messaging app that the with elections, hacking at-
simmering tensions with The U.K. Foreign, Com- ministry had given detailed tacks and other tensions.
Britain — a move that the “The expulsion of Sarah monwealth and Develop- information to BBC repre-
British government and Rainsford is a direct assault ment Office condemned the sentatives a few days ago. She Relations between Russia
the BBC condemned Fri- on media freedom which move as “another unjustified wouldn’t identify Rainsford and Britain have remained
day as an assault on media we condemn unreservedly,” step by the Russian authori- by name. particularly strained after the
freedom. BBC Director-General Tim ties” and urged Moscow “to 2018 poisoning in England
Davie said in a statement. reconsider this retrograde Zakharova charged that Lon- of former Russian spy Ser-
Rossiya 24 said late Thurs- “Sarah is an exceptional and step against an award-win- don has ignored “repeated gei Skripal and his daugh-
day that BBC correspondent fearless journalist. She is a ning BBC journalist which Foreign Ministry warnings ter, Yulia, in an attack with a
Sarah Rainsford will have to fluent Russian speaker who can only do further damage that it will take correspond- Soviet-designed nerve agent
leave Russia before the end provides independent and in- to media freedom in Russia.” ing measures” in response to that British authorities said
of the month when her visa depth reporting of Russia and its treatment of Russian jour- had almost certainly been ap-
expires. It said the Foreign the former Soviet Union. Rainsford, who first came nalists. “We have made regu- proved “at a senior level of
Ministry’s decision not to Her journalism informs the to the former Soviet Union lar statements, urging the the Russian state” — an al-
nearly thirty years ago, re- British to end persecution of legation that Moscow has ve-
ported from Russia for five Russian journalists,” she said. hemently denied.
years from 2000 and has been
on her current deployment The U.K. Foreign, Com- In a June incident that fur-
in Moscow since 2014. She monwealth and Develop- ther aggravated ties, Russia
also reported from Havana, ment Office rejected Mos- said one of its warships fired
Madrid and Istanbul. cow’s claim of discrimina- warning shots and a warplane
tory action against Russian dropped bombs in the path
The BBC called on Moscow journalists based in the U.K. of the British destroyer HMS
to revise its move. and insisted that “Russian Defender to chase it away
journalists continue to work from an area near Crimea
“We urge the Russian au- freely in the U.K., provided that Moscow claims as its ter-
thorities to reconsider their they act within the law and ritorial waters. Britain, which
decision,” Davie said. “In the the regulatory framework.” like most other nations didn’t
meantime, we will continue recognize Russia’s annexa-
to report events in the region Russia’s relations with the tion of Crimea, insisted the
independently and impar- West have sunk to the low- Defender wasn’t fired upon
tially.” est levels since the Cold War, and said it was sailing in
following Moscow’s 2014 Ukrainian waters.