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u.s. news Diasabra 14 augustus 2021
Federal judge leaves CDC evictions moratorium in place
(AP) — A federal judge on through June. of three judges appointed
Friday refused landlords’ by President Barack Obama
request to put the Biden As of Aug. 2, roughly 3.5 mil- rejected the landlords’ plea
administration’s new evic- lion people in the United to enforce Friedrich’s ruling
tion moratorium on hold, States said they faced eviction and allow evictions to re-
though she ruled that the in the next two months, ac- sume, saying it believes the
freeze is illegal. cording to the Census Bu- CDC moratorium falls with-
reau’s Household Pulse Sur- in a 1944 law dealing with
U.S. District Judge Dabney vey. public health emergencies.
Friedrich said her “hands are
tied” by an appellate decision White House press secre- If the D.C. Circuit doesn’t
from the last time courts con- tary Jen Psaki said in a state- give the landlords what they
sidered the evictions morato- ment Friday that the admin- want now, they are expected
rium in the spring. istration believes the CDC to seek Supreme Court in-
moratorium is legal. “We are volvement.
Alabama landlords who are pleased that the district court
challenging the moratorium, left the moratorium in place, In late June, the high court
which is set to expire Oct. 3, though we are aware that fur- refused by a 5-4 vote to allow wrote. But facing pressure the former from this Court’s
are likely to appeal her ruling. ther proceedings in this case evictions to resume. Justice from liberals in Congress, order,” that the CDC lacks
are likely,” Psaki said. Brett Kavanaugh, part of the the administration devised a authority to order a tempo-
In discussing the new mora- slim majority, said he agreed new order that it argued was rary ban on evictions, she
torium imposed by the Cen- Friedrich, who was appointed with Friedrich, but was vot- sufficiently different. wrote.
ters for Disease Control by President Donald Trump, ing to keep the moratorium
and Prevention because of wrote that the CDC’s new in place because it was set to The old moratorium applied She also noted that Kavana-
COVID-19, President Joe temporary ban on evictions expire at the end of July. nationwide. The current or- ugh’s opinion and decisions
Biden acknowledged last is substantially similar to the der applies in places where by other courts that either
week there were questions version she ruled was illegal Kavanaugh wrote in a one- there is significant transmis- questioned or also found the
about its legality. But he said in May. At the time, Freidrich paragraph opinion that he sion of the coronavirus. earlier moratorium illegal
a court fight over the new put her ruling on hold to al- would reject any additional raise doubts about the D.C.
order would buy time for low the Biden administration extension without a new, But Friedrich noted the Circuit’s decision.
the distribution of some of to appeal. clear authorization from moratorium covers “roughly
the more than $45 billion in Congress, which has not ninety-one percent of U.S. “For that reason, absent the
rental assistance that has been This time, she said, she is been able to take action. counties,” citing the CDC’s D.C. Circuit’s judgment,
approved but not yet used. bound to follow a ruling COVID-19 data tracker. this Court would vacate the
The Treasury Department from the appeals court that Biden and his aides initially stay” and allow evictions to
has said that only about $3 sits above her, the U.S. Court said they could not extend “The minor differences be- resume, Friedrich said. But
billion of the first slice of $25 of Appeals for the District of the evictions ban beyond July tween the current and previ- she said she was not free to
billion had been distributed Columbia Circuit. A panel because of what Kavanaugh ous moratoria do not exempt do that.
NY Legislature won't try to impeach Cuomo after he quits
(AP) — The New York made in reference to the gov- rate investigation “an unjust the Executive Mansion. That
state Assembly will sus- Some lawmakers had urged ernor,” said Heastie, a New cop out.” aide, Brittany Commisso,
pend its investigation the Assembly to press on with York City Democrat. filed a criminal complaint
of Gov. Andrew Cuomo an impeachment proceeding, “The public deserves to that could result in a misde-
once he steps down after perhaps to bar Cuomo from He said that included evi- know the extent of the Gov- meanor groping charge.
its leaders concluded they holding state office in the fu- dence related to the sexual ernor’s misdeeds and pos-
didn’t have the authority ture if he attempted a politi- harassment claims, possible sible crimes. His victims de- Heastie’s statement didn’t
to impeach him once he cal comeback. misuse of state resources in serve justice and to know he say whether the committee
leaves office, the cham- conjunction with publication will not be able harm others,” would still publicize its find-
ber’s top Democrat said But Assembly Speaker Carl of the governor’s book on she wrote. ings.
Friday. Heastie said in a statement the pandemic, and “improper
that lawyers had advised the and misleading disclosure of Cuomo faces ongoing probes Republicans objected to the
Cuomo announced Tuesday Legislature’s judiciary com- nursing home data.” from the state attorney gen- end of the legislature’s probe.
that he planned to resign over mittee that doing so would eral over his $5 million book Assembly Minority Leader
sexual harassment allegations be unconstitutional. “This evidence — we believe deal and from federal pros- Will Barclay called it “a mas-
as it became clear he was al- — could likely have resulted ecutors, who are scrutinizing sive disservice to the goals of
most certain to be impeached “Let me be clear — the com- in articles of impeachment his handling of nursing home transparency and account-
by the Legislature. He said mittee’s work over the last had he not resigned,” Heastie deaths data. The state’s ethics ability.”
his resignation was effective several months, although said. commissioners, who could
in 14 days, at which point he not complete, did uncover levy fines against Cuomo, are Assemblymember Tom Abi-
will be replaced by Lt. Gov. credible evidence in relation Cuomo’s office and his law- also looking into similar is- nanti, a Westchester Demo-
Kathy Hochul. to allegations that have been yer, Rita Glavin, didn’t im- sues. crat and member of Judiciary
mediately respond to a re- Committee, said he also ob-
quest for comment. Heastie also cited “active in- jected to the decision.
vestigations” by county dis-
The state attorney general trict attorneys in Manhattan, “Cancelling the investigation
last week released an inde- Albany, Westchester, Nassau is premature,” he said. “The
pendent investigation that and Oswego concerning in- governor has not even left of-
concluded Cuomo sexually cidents of alleged sexual ha- fice. The committee should
harassed at least 11 women. rassment by Cuomo. continue to meet and issue
a public report to the people
The first woman to publicly Several women have said on the extensive investiga-
accuse Cuomo of miscon- the governor inappropriately tion that the committee and
duct, Lindsey Boylan, called touched them, including an its attorneys have conducted
the Assembly leadership’s aide who said he groped her to date.”
decision to call off its sepa- breast at his official residence,