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Papillon: Where Culinary Tradition
                                                                                                                    Sparks with Timeless Elegance
                                                                                      May 23, 2024
                                                                                      T: 582-7800
                                                                                                                                             Page 8
                 Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper
                 A r u b a ’ s   O N L Y   E n g l i s h   n e w s p a p e r
            Senate confirms 200th federal judge under Biden as

            Democrats surpass Trump’s pace

            Gavels and law books are shown, July 14, 2010 in San Francisco, Calif.
                                                                                                                                            Associated Press

            By  KEVIN  FREKING  and  ed with the confirmation of  vote.  “Simply  put,  our  200  “Going  forward,  I  will  con-  weeks.
            SEUNG MIN KIM                Angela  Martinez  as  a  dis-  judges  comprise  the  most  tinue  my  solemn  respon-  Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va.,
            Associated Press             trict court judge in Arizona.   diverse  slate  of  judicial  sibility  of  nominating  indi-  said  he  would  not  support
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  The  The  milestone  reflects  the  nominations    under    any  viduals who have excelled  nominees who do not have
            Senate    on   Wednesday  importance  that  Biden,  a  president  in  American  his-   in their professional careers,  some  bipartisan  support,
            confirmed  the  200th  fed-  former  chairman  of  the  tory.”                         who  reflect  the  communi-  and  the  two  Democratic
            eral judge of President Joe  Senate  Judiciary  Commit-   The current pace of judicial  ties they serve and who ap-  senators  from  Nevada  are
            Biden’s  tenure,  about  a  tee,  and  Senate  Major-     confirmations for this White  ply the law impartially and  opposing  a  nominee  who
            month  earlier  than  when  ity Leader Chuck Schumer,  House came despite Biden,  without favoritism.”              would  become  the  na-
            Donald Trump hit that mark  D-N.Y.,  placed  on  judicial  a  Democrat,  coming  into  It’s  unclear  whether  Biden  tion’s first Muslim appellate
            in  his  term,  though  Trump  confirmations  after  Trump  office in 2021 with far few-  can  eclipse  his  predeces-  court judge. They did so af-
            still holds the edge when it  put his enormous stamp on  er  vacancies,  particularly  sor’s 234 judges before the  ter some law enforcement
            comes to the most impact-    the  federal  judiciary  with  in  the  influential  appellate  year ends, though.     groups  came  out  against
            ful  confirmations  —  those  the  confirmation  of  three  courts,  than  Trump,  a  Re-  Democrats  have  solidly  the nomination.
            to the Supreme Court and  Supreme Court justices.         publican, did in 2017.       backed  the  president’s  ju-
            the  country’s  13  appellate  “Reaching  200  judges  is  a  “There is more work to do,”  dicial  nominees,  but  there
            courts.                      major milestone,” Schumer  Biden  said  in  a  statement  have  been  some  cracks             Continued on Page 2
            The march to 200 culminat-   said  just  before  the  66-28  after the vote.           in  that  resolve  in  recent
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