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P. 16
local Thursday 23 May 2024
Aruba Celebrates the Grand Opening of the Renovated Maria
Convent Building, a Hub for STEM Education
(Oranjestad)—The Govern- systems for further energy
ment of Aruba (GoA), the savings, and a water reuse
University of Aruba (UA), system for irrigation that
the European Union (EU), promotes water conserva-
and the United Nations tion. The building serves as
Development Programme the new home for the UA's
(UNDP) are proud to an- SISSTEM program, dedi-
nounce the grand opening cated to fostering a strong
of the rehabilitated Maria foundation in STEM fields.
Convent building on Mon- This investment in STEM
day, May 20th, 2024. This education is crucial for Aru-
historic occasion marks ba's continued develop-
the culmination of a col- ment as SISSTEM graduates
laborative effort to create a will be equipped to tackle
vibrant center for Science, critical challenges such
Technology, Engineering, as sustainability, renew-
and Mathematics (STEM) able energy, and climate
education in Aruba. change adaptation. This,
in turn, strengthens Aruba's
The Maria Convent—now position as a leader in inno-
considered a monument— vation and environmental
was constructed in 1920 as responsibility within the Ca-
a convent for the Domini- ribbean region.
can Sisters of Voorschoten
who had moved from the The success of the Ma-
Netherlands to Aruba. In ria Convent rehabilitation
1946, the first stone for the project is a testament to
chapel of the convent was the collaborative efforts of
laid, and in the 1950s, there the GoA, particularly the
were approximately 23 sis- Ministry and Department of
ters living in the convent. Economic Affairs, the Uni-
The convent closed in the versity of Aruba, the Monu-
1980s and was transferred ments Bureau, the EU as
to the Government of Aru- the project donor, and the
ba. UNDP team on the ground.
This collaborative spirit ex-
The building was aban- emplifies the importance
doned for many years and of partnerships in achieving
has now been completely sustainable development
restored to its original glory goals, and the opening
in a very beautiful way. ceremony underscores the
The €7.3 million project, value of continued support
funded by the European and investment in projects
Union, transformed the that contribute to the pres-
2,000-square-meter Maria versity of Aruba KU Leuven, ervation of cultural heri-
Convent building into a and the UNDP and the in- Mr. Ugo Blanco, UNDP Resi- The Maria Convent renova- tage, sustainable develop-
state-of-the-art education- troduction of the SISSTEM dent Representative, of- tion prioritized sustainability ment, and social inclusion
al facility. The renovated faculty at the University of fered his perspective on by incorporating features in Aruba and the wider
building now features four Aruba." the project's impact, stat- that minimize environmen- region. The Maria Convent
dedicated classrooms, H.E. Rene Van Nes, EU ing, "This state-of-the-art tal impact. This includes a building stands as an ex-
two server rooms, a well- Ambassador stated, "The STEM facility will empower smart climate control sys- ample of progress, poised
equipped library, a stun- beautiful renovation of the future generations to tackle tem that optimizes energy to nurture generations of
ning aula (auditorium), five Maria Convent makes me the pressing challenges of efficiency, enhanced roof future Aruban leaders in
dedicated study rooms, proud in many ways. It is our time, from renewable insulation to reduce energy STEM fields.q
office space for 30 staff wonderful to see this cultur- energy to climate change consumption, smart lighting
members, and a computer al heritage site returned to adaptation. The success of
lab outfitted with ICT equip- its old glory. It is great that this project highlights the
ment for 40 students. old Aruban architecture power of collaboration and
H.E. Mrs. Evelyn Wever- meets modern Science, the shared commitment of
Croes, Prime Minister of Technology, Engineering, the Government of Aruba,
Aruba, expressed her grati- and Math, paving the way the University of Aruba, the
tude for the completion for a future anchored in the European Union, and the
of the project and what it past. I am in particular hap- UNDP to foster innovation
means for Aruba; "I am ever py that the EU has contrib- and environmental respon-
grateful for the possibility of uted to giving young Aru- sibility. We are proud to sup-
enhancing our education bans now the opportunity port initiatives that not only
level. Aruba, as a Small Is- to receive a highly relevant preserve cultural heritage
land State embraces the quality education at home, but also pave the way for a
collaboration between the here on the beautiful island brighter, more sustainable
European Union, the Uni- of Aruba." future."