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P. 10
local Saturday 3 december 2022
The Dutch Caribbean Nature Alliance (DCNA) and Fundacion
Parke Nacional Aruba (FPNA) Organise Marine Management
Workshop in Aruba
From the 21st to the 23rd
of November 2022, the
Dutch Caribbean Nature
Alliance (DCNA) together
with Fundacion Parke Na-
cional Aruba (FPNA) host-
ed a workshop on Marine
Management in Aruba.
Delegates from both gov-
ernments and park man-
agement organizations
representing islands in the
Dutch Caribbean came
together for in-depth dis-
cussion on how to address
the unique challenges our
islands face when protect-
ing the ocean. It is the first
time such a workshop was
organised for the Dutch
At the start of the work-
shop invited experts from
Australia, Jamaica, United
Kingdom, Colombia, the
USA and Aruba presented
examples of best prac-
tices and innovative ap-
proaches to ocean protec-
tion from around the world,
which were used in prob-
lem solving exercises and
round table discussions on
an expansive mix of sub- the ambitious agenda that to an island-round marine As part of the workshop, on local level and cross-
jects such as marine park Aruba has for marine con- park as part of a larger participants were invited island is key in implement-
management, sustainable servation, which includes goal for Aruba’s eventual to hike through Parke Na- ing innovative approaches
fisheries management, establishing an ‘island- Marine Spatial Plan. Rather cional Arikok to learn more to protect our oceans for
control and enforcement round’ marine park. than prohibit activities, the about Aruba’s diverse flora generations to come.
at sea, sustainable tourism island-round marine park and fauna. This hike served
and strategic stakeholder Minister Ursell Arends: “For model will create a road- as a reminder of why it This was the first of a series
mapping. Minister Ursell Ar- many years, Aruba has map for a sustainable bal- is vital to protect nature of workshops that DCNA
ends, the Minister of Integ- prioritised our economic ance between the human and also gave FPNA the plans to host in the coming
rity, Transport, Nature and prosperity, at the expense and economic activities chance to showcase the years, each time on a dif-
Senior Affairs for the gov- of our nature. The ambi- of our maritime space and important work the team is ferent island but all focused
ernment of Aruba kicked- tion is to expand the cur- the conservation of marine doing to protect and con- on sustainable manage-
off the workshop, outlining rent four-area marine park life.” serve nature in Aruba. ment of natural resources
and the protection of na-
“We were honored to col- ture. This workshop was
laborate with DCNA to host generously sponsored by
the Marine Management the Oceans5 funders’ col-
workshop in Aruba and laborative and supported
welcome key stakehold- by the Blue Marine Founda-
ers and international ex- tion and the Allen Institute
perts to share knowledge for Artificial Intelligence.
and expertise on marine
management with the dif- “It was great to see such a
ferent island representa- big diversity of participants
tives”, said Natasha Silva, who were all enthusiastic
Chief Conservation Officer, about collaborating with
FPNA. Now more than ever, each other,” says Irene
our oceans are under great Kingma, Policy Advisor to
threat, and from the work- DCNA. “As DCNA-secretar-
shop it is evident that we iat, we play a facilitatory
all have ambitious plans to role towards our members,
protect and manage our is- and capacity building and
land’s marine environment knowledge sharing is a
and beyond. Collaboration central part in that.”q