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                                                                                                           LOCAL Saturday 3 december 2022

            Aruba to me

            ORANJESTAD  —  You  are  Speed  Printers  and  any  of
            back and we would like to  its  affiliated  companies  to
            portrait you! By inviting you  use  said  materials,  as  well
            to send us your favorite va-  as names, likeness, etc. for
            cation picture while enjoy-  promotional purposes with-
            ing our Happy Island.        out compensation.
                                         Last  but  not  least:  check
            Complete  the  sentence:  out our website, Instagram
            Aruba  to  me  is  …….  Send  and   Facebook      page!
            your  picture  with  that  text  Thank  you  for  supporting
            (including  your  name  and  our  free  newspaper,  we
            where  you  are  from)  to:  strive to make you a happy
    reader every day again.
            and  we  will  publish  your
            vacation    memory.    Isn’t  For  today  we  received  a
            that a special way to keep  lovely  message  from  Car-
            your  best  moments  alive?  mela and Joseph Villari
            Please do note: By submit-
            ting photos, text or any oth-  Our  lovely  visitors  wrote  to
            er  materials,  you  give  per-  us saying;               Christmas   holidays   and  Flying Fishbone and enjoy-    py  Island  and  thank  you
            mission to The Aruba Today  “We  are  back  at  our  2nd  staying at The Hilton Hotel.  ing this breathtaking view.”  very much for sharing your
            Newspaper,      Caribbean  home  to  celebrate  the  Here is a picture of us at the  Welcome back to our hap-       time here with us!q

              Information evening about sexually transmitted diseases

              ORANJESTAD  –  On  No-      Dr. de Kort and Dr. Roden-  about these subjects.
              vember  30,  2022,  the  De-  burg of the HOH were the
              partment  of  Public  Health  speakers  at  the  event.  Dr.  Rodenburg  and  Dr.
              DVG, the Horacio Oduber  The  information  evening  de Kort talked extensively
              Hospital,  and  the  Health  was  in  connection  with  about  their  medical  ex-
              Promotion Platform held a  International  Aids  Day  on  perience  in  Aruba  and
              joint  information  evening  December  1  and  prepa-   abroad.  They  explained
              for healthcare workers.     ration  for  the  upcoming  the  differences  in  the
                                          holiday  season  and  car-  awareness  of  these  sub-
                                          nival.  The  purpose  of  the  jects  and  provided  tips
                                          evening  was  to  provide  and  valuable  information
                                          information  to  all  health-  in the context of our com-
                                          care  workers  about  sexu-  munity. They also provided  ferent cases.              awareness.
                                          ally  transmitted  diseases,  information  on  diagnos-
                                          including  HIV,  Chlamydia,  tic,  treatment,  care,  and  Dr.  de  Kort  emphasized  Minister  of  Public  Health
                                          and  the  existing  taboo  treatment  centers  for  dif-  the  importance  of  sup-  Dangui Oduber is grateful
                                                                                                  port groups in these cases.  to the DVG Health Promo-
                                                                                                  The lack of support groups  tion,  the  Horacio  Oduber
                                                                                                  affects  the  process  of  in-  Hospital,  and  the  Health
                                                                                                  dividuals  with  an  STD,  but  Promotion  Platform  for  or-
                                                                                                  also groups like LGBTQ+ .   ganizing  this  event  and
                                                                                                                              sharing  valuable  informa-
                                                                                                  It  is  essential  to  state  that  tion  with  the  healthcare
                                                                                                  there are positive changes  sector and the community
                                                                                                  in STDs, and the communi-   in the wake of the upcom-
                                                                                                  ty is slowly responding pos-  ing season.q
                                                                                                  itively  and  creating  more
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