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a8    local
                Saturday 3 december 2022

                                                                      Aruba Tourism Authority honored loyal

                                                                      visitors at Divi Village Golf & Beach Resort

                                                                      The  Aruba  Tourism  Author-  Ms.  Olga  Ruiz  representing  ees definitely consider Aru-
                                                                      ity recently recognized the  the  Aruba  Tourism  Authori-  ba  their  home  away  from
                                                                      Emerald  Ambassadors  of  ty, and members of the Divi  home!
                                                                      Aruba  by  awarding  them  Village  Golf  Beach  Resort  The top reason for returning
                                                                      the  Emerald  certificate  as  bestowed  the  certification  to Aruba, provided by the
                                                                      a token of appreciation for  of  the  Ambassadors  and  honorees were:
                                                                      visiting  the  island  for  more  presented  the  Ambassa-  Very relaxing
                                                                      than 35 years.               dors with gifts, and thanked  Sun, surf and sand
                                                                                                   them  on  behalf  of  the  Friends we have made, lo-
                                                                      Honorees  were:  Charles  Government  of  Aruba  for  cals and tourist
                                                                      &  Sharon  Nemser  resident  choosing Aruba as their fa-  The safety of Aruba
                                                                      of  Massachusetts,  United  vorite vacation destination  Food, shopping and activi-
                                                                      States                       for  so  many  years.  Honor-  ties q
            Aruba Tourism Authority honored loyal

            visitors of Manchebo Beach Resort & Spa

            The  Aruba  Tourism  Author-                              ed States
            ity  recently  honored  the  Honorees were:
            Goodwill  Ambassadors  of  Goodwill        Ambassadors  During  the  ceremony  Ms.
            Aruba  and  the  Emerald  (more than 20 years):           Olga  Ruiz  representing  the
            Ambassadors  of  Aruba  by  John  &  Sandra  Busino  resi-  Aruba  Tourism  Authority
            awarding  the  Ambassa-      dents  of  New  York,  United  (A.T.A), and members Man-
            dors with the Goodwill cer-  States                       chebo Beach Resort & Spa
            tificate  and  the  Emerald                               bestowed  the  certification
            certificate in recognition of  Emerald     Ambassador  of  the  Ambassadors,  and  Government  of  Aruba  for  honorees were:
            their  visits  to  the  island  for  (more than 35 years):   presented  the  Ambassa-  choosing  Aruba  as  her  fa-  Beaches  and  ocean  at
            more than 20 and 35 years,  David  &  Julie  Maheu  resi-  dors with gifts, and thanked  vorite vacation destination  Manchebo
            respectively.                dents of Rhode Island, Unit-  them  on  behalf  of  the  for  so  many  years.  Aruba  The  people  that  work  at
                                                                                                   is  definitely  considered  by  Manchebo
                                                                                                   the  Honorees,  their  Home  Fantastic weather
                                                                                                   Away from Home!              Restaurants
                                                                                                                                Hospitality  and  friendliness
                                                                                                   Top  reason  for  returning  of the natives in Aruba
                                                                                                   to Aruba, provided by the  The safety of Aruba.q
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