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WORLD NEWS Saturday 3 december 2022
Ceremony to turn on the lights and reopen Caya G.F. Betico Croes
for car traffic
ORANJESTAD – The first of
December, beginning to
feel the atmosphere of the
year-end holidays, minis-
ter of Education and Sport,
Endy Croes joined his col-
leagues of the Wever-
Croes II Cabinet to be pres-
ent during the ceremony
to turn on the lights in the
main street of Oranjestad,
Caya G. F. Betico Croes.
The Prime Minister, Mrs.
Evelyn Wever-Croes indi-
cated that the main street
will be temporarily open for
traffic, in order to bring life
to the shopping area and
encourage the people to
support or local businesses.
Vice-Prime Minister, Ursell
Arends accompanied by
his wife and business own-
ers were also present, and
around 6pm the lights were
turned on in the Caya G.F.
Betico Croes. This way, the
street was opened for all
cars during the holiday
Winners of Wiki Loves Monuments Aruba 2022 are known
ORANEJSTAD – Yesterday Wiki Loves Monuments Aru- two categories. Category
afternoon, Stichting Monu- ba, and the 12th edition of 2 consists of photographs
mentenfonds Aruba (SMFA) the international project. of monuments that are not
announced the winners of This year, Aruba received protected. This category
the Wiki Loves Monuments a total of 144 photographs, helps the foundation see
Aruba 2022 competition. and 39 countries took part through the eyes of the
in the competition. A total public themselves what
Wiki Loves Monuments is an of 10 photographs were they consider to have a
international project that nominated, and these 10 monumental value. Cat-
has the goal of document- photographs will continue egory 1 is the category for
ing monuments around the participating in the inter- photographs of protected
world. Contestants not only national Wiki Loves Monu- monuments.
take part in the competi- ments competition. The
tion in order to win, but they results of this international This year is the first time that
also contribute to helping competition will be known the photographs of both
document monuments in at the end of January 2023. categories can continue in
Aruba and to sharing these the international compe-
with the whole world. This is the sixth edition of The competition consists of tition. In previous years, it
was only photographs from
Category 1 that could go
on to compete in the inter-
national competition.
A jury consisting of three
members was in charge
of choosing the winners in
both categories in Aruba. In
the Category 2, the winner
was Dyanne Lopez Schip-
per with a photograph of
a ‘cas di torto’, and in the
Category 1 the winner was
Jeroen Lucas, with a pho-
tograph of the California