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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Monday 3 august 2020
            Continued from Front         just  cherish  the  day,  espe-
            More  than  an  hour  after  cially  given  all  the  things
            splashdown, the astronauts  that  have  happened  this
            emerged  from  their  cap-   year."
            sule  on  the  deck  of  a  re-  There was one unexpected
            covery ship, both signaling  problem:  Once  the  cap-
            a thumbs-up as they head-    sule  was  in  the  water,  pri-
            ed for medical exams.        vate  boaters  "just  made
            Their ride home in the cap-  a  beeline  for  it,"  and  got
            sule  dubbed  Endeavour  too  close,  said  NASA  Ad-
            was  fast,  bumpy  and  hot,  ministrator  Jim  Bridenstine,
            at least on the outside.     promising to do better next
            The spacecraft went from a  time  at  keeping  sightseers
            screaming orbital speed of  far away.
            17,500 mph (28,000 kph) to  The  last  time  NASA  astro-
            350  mph  (560  kph)  during  nauts returned from space
            atmospheric  reentry,  and  to  water  was  on  July  24,
            finally to 15 mph (24 kph) at  1975,  in  the  Pacific,  the
            splashdown.  Peak  heating  scene of most splashdowns,
            during  descent  was  3,500  to  end  a  joint  U.S.-Soviet
            degrees  Fahrenheit  (1,900  mission  known  as  Apollo-
            degrees Celsius). The antic-  Soyuz.  The  Mercury  and
            ipated top G forces felt by  Gemini  crews  in  the  early
            the crew: four to five times  to  mid-1960s  parachuted   Astronauts Doug Hurley and Bob Behnken prepare to return to earth on a SpaceX capsule, Sunday
                                                                      Aug. 2, 2020.
            the force of Earth's gravity.  into the Atlantic, while most                                                                    Associated Press
            Within a half-hour of splash-  of the later Apollo capsules
            down,  the  scorched  and  hit  the  Pacific.  The  lone  flight in 2011 and the com-  spaceflight  where  NASA  flight next spring. A Houston
            blistered  15-foot  capsule  Russian  "splashdown"  was  mander  of  this  SpaceX  gets  to  be  the  customer,"  company  run  by  a  former
            was  on  board  a  SpaceX  in 1976 on a partially frozen  flight.                      Bridenstine said from John-  NASA  official,  meanwhile,
            recovery  ship  with  a  staff  lake amid a blizzard follow-  President  Donald  Trump  son Space Center in Hous-   has partnered with SpaceX
            of  more  than  40,  includ-  ing an aborted mission; the  and  Vice  President  Mike  ton shortly before the astro-  to  send  three  customers
            ing  doctors  and  nurses.  To  harrowing  recovery  took  Pence, who both watched  nauts' splashdown.              to  the  space  station  in  fall
            keep  the  returning  astro-  hours.                      the  launch  in  Florida,  sent  At  a  press  briefing  later,  2021.
            nauts safe in the pandem-    Gemini  and  Apollo  astro-  congratulations..            Gwynne  Shotwell,  presi-    Boeing  doesn't  expect  to
            ic, the recovery crew quar-  naut  Thomas  Stafford  —  "Great to have NASA Astro-     dent of SpaceX called the  launch  its  first  crew  until
            antined for two weeks and  the commander of the last  nauts  return  to  Earth  after  mission  a  springboard  to  next  year.  The  company
            were tested for the corona-  crew  to  splash  down  —  very  successful  two  month  "doing even harder things,"  encountered      significant
            virus.                       watched the reentry on TV  mission.  Thank  you  to  all!"  like collaborating on astro-  software  problems  in  the
            The  opening  of  the  hatch  from his Florida home. While  Trump tweeted.             naut  flights  to  the  moon  debut  of  its  Starliner  cap-
            was  held  up  briefly  by  ex-  pleased  with  the  crew's  NASA  turned  to  SpaceX  and then Mars.               sule,  with  no  one  aboard,
            tra  checks  for  toxic  rocket  safe return, he wasn't overly  and  also  Boeing  to  build  "It  was  an  enormous  relief  last  year.  Its  capsules  will
            fumes outside the capsule.  impressed. "It's what we did  capsules  and  ferry  as-    after  months  of  anxiety  touch  down  in  the  U.S.
            After  medical  exams,  the  over 50 years ago," he said.  tronauts  to  and  from  the  making sure we could bring  Southwest desert.
            astronauts  were  expected  SpaceX  made  history  with  space station, following the  Bob and Doug back home  By beating Boeing, SpaceX
            to fly home to Houston for a  this mission, which launched  retirement  of  the  shuttles.  safely," Shotwell said.  laid  claim  to  a  small  U.S.
            reunion with their wives and  May  30  from  NASA's  Ken-  Until  Hurley  and  Behnken  SpaceX needs six weeks to  flag  left  at  the  space  sta-
            sons. Musk was also head-    nedy Space Center. It was  rocketed  into  orbit,  NASA  inspect the capsule before  tion by Hurley and the rest
            ed  to  Texas  to  meet  with  the first time a private com-  astronauts relied on Russian  launching  the  next  crew  of  the  last  shuttle  crew.
            them from SpaceX's Mission  pany  launched  people  rockets.  SpaceX  already  around  the  end  of  Sep-           Musk tweeted his congrat-
            Control in California.       into  orbit  and  also  the  first  had  experience  hauling  tember. This next mission of  ulations  and  a  flag  emoji
            Hurley  offered  final  thanks  launch of NASA astronauts  cargo to the space station,  four  astronauts  will  spend  followed by "returned."
            just  before  he  exited  the  from home turf in nearly a  bringing  those  capsules  a  full  six  months  aboard  Also on board: a toy dino-
            capsule.  "Anybody  who's  decade.  Hurley  came  full  back  to  a  Pacific  splash-  the  space  station.  Hurley  saur  named  Tremor,  sent
            touched  Endeavour,  you  circle,  serving  as  pilot  of  down.                       and Behnken's capsule will  into  space  by  the  astro-
            should  take  a  moment  to  NASA's  last  space  shuttle  "This is the next era in human  be  refurbished  for  another  nauts' young sons.q
            U.S. Marshals put Fyre Festival merchandise up for auction

                                                                      NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  More  million in the 2017 Fyre Fes-   Farland,  with  the  intent  to
                                                                      than  three  years  after  the  tival  and  over  $100,000  in  sell  the  items  and  use  the
                                                                      highly  publicized  Fyre  Fes-  a  fraudulent  ticket-selling  funds  to  commit  further
                                                                      tival famously fizzled out in  scheme  after  his  arrest  in  criminal  acts  while  he  was
                                                                      the Bahamas, merchandise  the  scam.  He  was    sen-     on  pre-trial  release,"  U.S.
                                                                      and other "minor assets" are  tenced to six years in prison  Marshal Ralph Sozio of the
                                                                      up  for  sale  —  courtesy  of  in  October  2018.  Now  28,  Southern  District  of  New
                                                                      the U.S. Marshals Service.   he's  serving  his  sentence  York said in the release.
                                                                      In  a  release  Thursday,  the  at  a  low-security  prison  in  Among  the  mementos  of
                                                                      U.S.  Marshals  announced  Ohio, according to the Bu-     that  festival  are  sweat-
                                                                      that 126 items from the fes-  reau  of  Prisons.  "This  Fyre  pants, shirts and tokens em-
                                                                      tival  will  be  auctioned  off,  Festival-branded  clothing  blazoned  with  "a  conspir-
                                                                      with  proceeds  going  to-   and  other  items  that  were  acy  to  change  the  enter-
                                                                      ward the victims of Billy Mc-  seized from Billy McFarland  tainment world."  The auc-
            In this March 6, 2018 file photo, Billy McFarland, the promoter
            of the failed Fyre Festival in the Bahamas, leaves federal court   Farland.            were originally intended to  tion,  run  by  Texas-based
            after pleading guilty to wire fraud charges in New York.  McFarland  acknowledged  be sold at the Fyre Festival  Gaston  &  Sheehan,  ends
                                                     Associated Press   defrauding investors of $26  itself but were kept by Mc-  Aug. 13.q
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