Page 28 - bon-dia-aruba-20200803
P. 28

                     Monday 3 august 2020
            Islamic State gunmen, suicide bomber attack Afghan prison

            By RAHIM FAIEZ                                                                                                      of war.
            KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) —                                                                                           That deal was struck to al-
            The Islamic State group on                                                                                          low  the  U.S.  to  end  its  19-
            Sunday  claimed  responsi-                                                                                          year  involvement  in  Af-
            bility for a complex attack                                                                                         ghanistan,  and  calls  on
            by  a  suicide  car  bomber                                                                                         the  Taliban  to  guarantee
            and     multiple   gunmen                                                                                           its territory will not be used
            against a prison in eastern                                                                                         by terrorist groups. The deal
            Afghanistan, which Afghan                                                                                           is  also  expected  to  guar-
            officials  said  killed  at  least                                                                                  antee  the  Taliban's  all-out
            three  people  and  injured                                                                                         participation  in  the  fight
            24 others.                                                                                                          against IS.
            The  hourslong  gunbattle                                                                                           Still, a United Nations report
            between  Afghan  secu-                                                                                              last  week  said  Afghani-
            rity  forces  and  insurgents                                                                                       stan saw a 13% drop in the
            in  Jalalabad,  the  capital                                                                                        number  of  civilians  killed
            of  Nangarhar  province,                                                                                            and  wounded  in  violence
            was  still  ongoing  Sunday                                                                                         across  the  country  in  the
            evening,  and  casualties                                                                                           first six months of the year,
            were  likely  to  rise,  accord-                                                                                    compared to the same pe-
            ing  to  Attaullah  Khogyani,                                                                                       riod last year.
            spokesman  for  the  provin-                                                                                        The  report  credited  the
            cial governor.               A wounded man receives treatment at a hospital after a suicide car bomb and multiple gunmen   drop in casualties in part to
            Tariq  Arian,  spokesman  for   attack in the city of Jalalabad, east of Kabul, Afghanistan, Sunday, Aug. 2, 2020.    the reduction of operations
            the Interior Ministry, said at                                                                     Associated Press   by  international  forces  —
            least  three  people  were                                                                                          which  now  only  act  when
            killed,  while  Zahir  Adil,  the  killed  by  Afghan  special  Adha.                  in  Afghanistan,  and  that  called upon and in support
            spokesman  for  the  provin-  forces near Jalalabad.      The  Taliban  had  also  de-  while the group is in "territo-  of the Afghan forces — and
            cial Health Ministry, provid-  The   Taliban's   political  nied  involvement  in  a  sui-  rial  retreat"  and  its  leader-  also  to  a  decrease  in  the
            ed the figure of 24 wound-   spokesman Suhail Shaheen  cide  bombing  in  the  east-   ship has been depleted, it  number of attacks by IS.
            ed.                          told  The  Associated  Press,  ern  Logar  province  late  "remains capable of carry-  The  report  said  the  U.N.
            The  Islamic  State  affiliate  "We have a cease-fire and  Thursday,  which  killed  at  ing out high-profile attacks  had  recorded  17  attacks
            in  Afghanistan,  known  as  are  not  involved  in  any  of  least  nine  people  and  in various parts of the coun-  by  IS  that  caused  civilian
            IS  in  Khorasan  province,  these  attacks  anywhere  in  wounded  at  least  40,  au-  try, including Kabul."     casualties  during  the  first
            claimed  responsibility  for  the  country,"  but  said  he  thorities said.           Efforts  to  get  peace  talks  six  months  of  2020,  down
            the attack. The IS affiliate is  was  not  aware  of  the  de-  Afghanistan has seen a re-  underway  between  the  from 97 attacks in the same
            headquartered  in  Nangar-   tails  of  the  Jalalabad  at-  cent spike in violence, with  Taliban and the Kabul gov-  period  last  year.  Overall,
            har province.                tack.                        most  attacks  claimed  by  ernment have stalled after  the U.N. said 1,282 people
            Sunday's  attack  comes  a  The  Taliban  declared  a  the local IS affiliate.         the  Taliban  and  the  U.S.  were  killed  in  violence  in
            day  after  the  Afghan  in-  three-day  cease-fire  start-  A United Nations report last  signed  a  deal  in  February,  the  first  six  months  of  2020
            telligence  agency  said  a  ing  Friday  for  the  major  month estimated there are  seen as a blueprint to end-   in  Afghanistan  and  2,176
            senior  IS  commander  was  Muslim  holiday  of  Eid  al-  around  2,200  IS  members  ing  Afghanistan's  decades  were wounded.q

            Ethiopians celebrate progress in building dam on Nile River

                                                                      of  the  capital  Addis  Aba-  and  for  all."  Hashtags  like  with neighboring countries.
                                                                      ba  on  Sunday  afternoon,  #ItsMyDam,  #EthiopiaNile-    Ethiopia  says  the  dam  will
                                                                      waving  Ethiopia's  flag  and  Rights and #GERD are also  provide  electricity  to  mil-
                                                                      holding up posters. People  trending  among  Ethiopian  lions  of  its  nearly  110  mil-
                                                                      in  cars  honked  their  horns,  social media users. Ethiopi-  lion citizens and help them
                                                                      others   whistled,   played  ans around the world con-    out  of  poverty.  The  dam
                                                                      loud music, and danced in  tributed  to  the  festivities  should  also  make  Ethiopia
                                                                      public  spaces  to  mark  the  on social media.  Sunday's  a  major  power  exporter.
                                                                      occasion.  Similar  events  celebration,  called  "One  Downstream  Egypt,  which
                                                                      were held in other cities in  voice  for  our  dam,"  came  depends  on  the  Nile  River
                                                                      Ethiopia.  Ethiopia's  Deputy  after Ethiopian officials an-  to  supply  its  farmers  and
                                                                      Prime  Minister,  Demeke  nounced  on  July  22  that  booming population of 100
                                                                      Mekonnen,  called  on  the  the  first  stage  of  filling  the  million with fresh water, as-
                                                                      public  to  rally  behind  the  Grand  Ethiopian  Renais-  serts that the dam poses it
                                                                      dam and support the com-     sance  Dam's  reservoir  was  an existential threat. Sudan,
            Ethiopians celebrate the progress made on the Nile dam, in Ad-  pletion of its construction.   achieved  due  to  heavy  between the two countries,
            dis Ababa, Ethiopia, Sunday Aug. 2, 2020.                 "Today  is  a  date  in  which  rains. Officials in the East Af-  is also concerned about its
                                                     Associated Press   we  celebrate  the  begin-  rican nation say they hope  access to the Nile waters.
                                                                      ning  of  the  final  chapter  the  $4.6  billion  dam,  fully  Negotiators  have  said  key
            ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia (AP)  filling.                      in  our  dam's  construction,"  financed  by  Ethiopia  itself,  questions  remain  about
            — Ethiopians in the capital  In  joyful  demonstrations   Demeke  told  scores  of  will reach full power gener-    how  much  water  Ethiopia
            are  celebrating  progress  urged  by  posts  on  social   people  who  gathered  at  ating capacity in 2023.       will release downstream if a
            in  the  construction  of  the  media and apparently en-  a  hall  in  the  capital.  "We  With  74%  of  the  construc-  multi-year  drought  occurs
            country's  dam  on  the  Nile  dorsed by the government,   want  the  construction  to  tion  completed,  the  dam  and  how  the  countries  will
            River, which has caused re-  tens  of  thousands  of  resi-  complete soon and began  has  been  contentious  for  resolve any future disputes.
            gional  controversy  over  its  dents  flooded  the  streets   solving  our  problems  once  years  and  raised  tensions  q
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