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A26    U.S. NEWS
                     Monday 3 august 2020
            Pompeo says Trump to take broad action on Chinese software

            By CATHY BUSSEWITZ                                                                                                  ership  has  raised  concern
            AP Business Writer                                                                                                  about  the  potential  for
            NEW YORK (AP) — President                                                                                           sharing user data with Chi-
            Donald Trump plans to take                                                                                          nese  officials  as  well  as
            action  on  a  what  he  sees                                                                                       censorship  of  videos  criti-
            as a broad array of nation-                                                                                         cal of the Chinese govern-
            al  security  risks  presented                                                                                      ment. TikTok says it does not
            by  software  connected  to                                                                                         censor videos and it would
            the  Chinese  Communist                                                                                             not  give  the  Chinese  gov-
            Party,  Secretary  of  State                                                                                        ernment access to U.S. user
            Mike Pompeo said Sunday.                                                                                            data.
            Pompeo's remarks followed                                                                                           "The  President,  when  he
            reports  that  Microsoft  is  in                                                                                    makes  his  decision,  will
            advanced talks to buy the                                                                                           make  sure  that  everything
            U.S.  operations  of  TikTok,                                                                                       we  have  done  drives  us
            which  has  been  a  source                                                                                         as close to zero risk for the
            of  national  security  and                                                                                         American  people,"  Pom-
            censorship concerns for the                                                                                         peo said. "That's the mission
            Trump administration.                                                                                               set that he laid out for all of
            "These  Chinese  software                                                                                           us when we get — we be-
            companies  doing  business                                                                                          gan  to  evaluate  this  now
            in the United States, wheth-                                                                                        several months back. We're
            er  it's  TikTok  or  WeChat  —   A man wearing a shirt promoting TikTok is seen at an Apple store in Beijing on Friday, July 17, 2020.    closing  in  on  a  solution.
            there are countless more ...                                                                       Associated Press  And I think you will see the
            are  feeding  data  directly                                                                                        president's  announcement
            to the Chinese Communist  controls  on  employee  ac-     possible,  and  its  members  saying: "We're not planning  shortly."
            Party,  their  national  secu-  cess, and its biggest inves-  agree  that  TikTok  cannot  on going anywhere."      The debate over TikTok par-
            rity  apparatus,"  Pompeo  tors  come  from  the  U.S.,  remain in the U.S. in its cur-  TikTok's  catchy  videos  and  allels  a  broader  U.S.  secu-
            said on Fox News Channel's  the company said Sunday.  rent  form,  because  it  "risks  ease  of  use  has  made  it  rity crackdown on Chinese
            "Sunday Morning Futures."    "We are committed to pro-    sending  back  information  popular,  and  it  says  it  has  companies,  including  tele-
            "Could  be  their  facial  rec-  tecting  our  users'  privacy  on  100  million  Americans,"  tens  of  millions  of  users  in  com providers Huawei and
            ognition  patterns.  It  could  and safety as we continue  said Treasury Secretary Ste-  the  U.S.  and  hundreds  of  ZTE.  The  Trump  administra-
            be  information  about  their  working to bring joy to fami-  ven Mnuchin.             millions  globally.  Its  parent  tion  has  ordered  that  the
            residence,   their   phone  lies and meaningful careers  "We all agree there has to  company, Bytedance Ltd.,  U.S. stop buying equipment
            numbers, their friends, who  to those who create on our  be a change ... everybody  launched  TikTok  in  2017.  It  from those providers to be
            they're   connected     to.  platform,"  a  TikTok  spokes-  agrees  it  can't  exist  as  it  bought,  a  video  used in U.S. networks. Trump
            Those  —  those  are  the  is-  person said.              does,"  Mnuchin  said  Sun-  service  popular  with  teens  has also tried to steer allies
            sues  that  President  Trump  Trump  had  said  on  Friday  day on ABC's "This Week."  in the U.S. and Europe, and  away  from  Huawei  over
            has  made  clear  we're  go-  that  he  would  soon  ban  As  speculation  grew  over  combined the two. It has a  concerns that the Chinese
            ing to take care of," he said.  TikTok  in  the  United  States.  a ban or sale of the social  similar  service,  Douyin,  for  government  has  access
            TikTok's  U.S.  user  data  is  A  federal  committee  is  media's U.S. business, TikTok  users in China.           to  its  data,  which  Huawei
            stored in the U.S., with strict  reviewing  whether  that's  posted a video on Saturday  But  TikTok's  Chinese  own-  denies.q

            RNC: Decision on private Trump renomination vote not final

                                                                      Convention  said  on  Satur-  more.                       parameters  set  before  us
                                                                      day, citing the coronavirus.  Nominating   conventions  by  state  and  local  guide-
                                                                      However,  a  Republican  are  traditionally  meant  to  lines regarding the number
                                                                      National  Committee  offi-   be  media  bonanzas,  as  of people who can attend
                                                                      cial  contradicted  that  as-  political  parties  seek  to  le-  events."
                                                                      sessment  Sunday,  empha-    verage  the  attention  the  The  decision  was  first  re-
                                                                      sizing that no final decisions  events draw to spread their  ported  by  the  Arkansas
                                                                      have been made and that  message to as many voters  Democrat-Gazette.
                                                                      logistics  and  press  cover-  as possible.               Privately  some  GOP  del-
                                                                      age options were still being  If the GOP decision stands,  egations have raised logis-
                                                                      evaluated, The official was  it will be the first party nomi-  tical  issues  with  traveling
                                                                      not  authorized  to  discuss  nating convention in mod-   to either city, citing the in-
                                                                      the  matter  publicly  and  ern history to be closed to  creasing number of jurisdic-
                                                                      spoke on condition of ano-   reporters.                   tions  imposing  mandatory
                                                                      nymity.                      "Given  the  health  restric-  quarantine  orders  on  trav-
                                                                      While Trump called off the  tions  and  limitations  in  elers  returning  from  states
                                                                      public  components  of  the  place  within  the  state  of  experiencing  surges  in  the
                                                                      convention  in  Florida  last  North  Carolina,  we  are  virus.
            President Donald Trump steps off Air Force One at Andrews Air
            Force Base, Md., Friday, July 31, 2020.                   month,  citing  spiking  cas-  planning  for  the  Charlotte  The  subset  of  delegates  in
                                                     Associated Press  es  of  the  virus  across  the  activities to be closed press  Charlotte  will  be  casting
                                                                      country,   336   delegates  Friday,  August  21  –  Mon-  proxy  votes  on  behalf  of
            By KEVIN FREKING             to be conducted in private  are scheduled to gather in  day, August 24," a conven-     the more than 2,500 official
            Associated Press             later  this  month,  without  Charlotte,  North  Carolina,  tion  spokeswoman  said.  delegates  to  the  conven-
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  The  members of the press pres-      on Aug. 24 to formally vote  "We  are  happy  to  let  you  tion.  Alternate  delegates
            vote  to  renominate  Presi-  ent,  a  spokeswoman  for  to  make  Trump  the  GOP  know  if  this  changes,  but  and  guests  have  already
            dent  Donald  Trump  is  set  the  Republican  National  standard-bearer       once  we  are  working  within  the  been prohibited.q
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