Page 68 - min.jus 19nov,2015
P. 68
U.S. NEWSThursday 19 November 2015
No threats found on 2 diverted
flights from US to Paris: Report
SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — Au- The flight in Canada was
thorities cleared both Air postponed until Wednes-
France flights bound for day evening and passen-
Paris from the U.S. that were gers were accommodated
diverted because of anon- in Halifax.
ymous threats phoned in Keith Rosso of Santa Moni-
after they had taken off. ca, California, a passenger
Air France Flight 65 from Los on the flight from Los An-
Angeles International Air- geles with his fiancee, said
port to Charles de Gaulle “everything was smooth,
Airport in Paris was divert- everything was great, ev-
ed to Salt Lake City Inter- erything was going swell”
national Airport Tuesday for the first two hours of the
night, Air France said in a flight, then things changed.
statement. At about the “The flight attendants
same time a second flight, quickly came by and
Air France 55, took off from cleared plates, then there
Dulles International Airport was an announcement
outside Washington and that we were making an
was diverted to Halifax on emergency landing and
Canada’s East Coast, offi- that the flight attendants
cials said. were trained exactly for
Passengers got off both situations like this,” Rosso
planes safely and were told The Associated Press
taken to terminals. by phone from the airport
American authorities inves- in Salt Lake City.
tigated and found no cred- He said he looked at the
ible threat, according to flight monitor at his seat
an FBI statement released and saw that “we had
late Tuesday night. made a pretty sharp right
The Royal Canadian turn — we had been al-
Mounted Police said inves- most near Canada — to-
tigators found no evidence ward Salt Lake City.”
of an explosive device Rosso said an FBI agent in-
after they searched the terviewed the passengers
plane and luggage. after the landing.
Air France said in a state- In Halifax, the Royal Cana-
ment that the flight in Salt dian Mounted Police led
Lake City took off for Paris the investigation.q
at 12:29 a.m. Wednesday.
Bush calls for US ground forces to fight Islamic State
THOMAS BEAUMONT objective.” Donald Trump and Ben Republican presidential candidate, former Florida Gov. Jeb
Associated Press The speech came as Eu- Carson and charismatic Bush, gives a speech on foreign policy and national defense,
CHARLESTON, South Caro- ropean nations hunted for young lawmakers Marco Wednesday, Nov. 18, 2015, on the campus of The Citadel in
lina (AP) — Republican conspirators in the attack Rubio and Ted Cruz have Charleston, S.C.
presidential candidate Jeb and amid a fierce political eclipsed him. The state-by-
Bush on Wednesday called debate within the U.S. over state primary contests be- (AP Photo/Mic Smith)
for theU.S. to send more whether to limit or halt the gin in February.
troops to the Middle East to resettlement of refugees “The brutal savagery is a re- allowing wholesale federal and non-military spend-
fight the Islamic State. surging fleeing war-rav- minder of what is at stake spending cuts prompted ing alike, at a time when
“This is the war of our time,” aged Syria. in this election,” Bush said by the 2013 budget recon- conflicts in Syria and Iraq
Bush said in a speech five Bush, the brother and son at The Military College of ciliation after Congress and “spiraled out of control as
days after Islamic State mili- of presidents, is project- South Carolina, known as the president were unable President Obama and Hill-
tants attacked Paris and ing himself as a potential Citadel. to craft more strategic cuts. ary Clinton failed to act,”
killed 129 people. commander in chief able “We are choosing the lead- The cuts affected military Bush said.q
“The United States, in con- to handle such challenges, er of the free world. And if
junction with our NATO allies as his own presidential bid these attacks remindus of
and more Arab partners, tries to gain traction in a pri- anything, it’s that we are
will need to increase our mary campaign likely to be living in serious times that
presence on the ground,” shaken up after the Paris require serious leadership.”
he added. He offered no attacks. Bush has long faulted Presi-
specifics, but said the num- Viewed a year ago as the dent Barack Obama’s ad-
ber of Americans sent to likely front-runner, the for- ministration, and former
the region should be, “in mer Florida governor has Secretary of State Hillary
line with what our military failed to move to the top Rodham Clinton — the
generals recommend — tier of Republican White leading Democratic presi-
not politicians — will be House hopefuls in a field dential candidate — for
necessary to achieve our where political outsiders