Page 70 - min.jus 19nov,2015
P. 70


WORLD NEWSThursday 19 November 2015

At Press Time:                                                                                                                                                    Boko Haram kills
                                                                                                                                                                 dozens in Nigeria
Official says Paris attacks mastermind not arrested                                                                                                              suicide bombing 

THOMAS ADAMSON                 information from tapped         raid is just over a mile (less  a good hour. I couldn’t                                           M. FAUL
JILL LAWLESS                   telephone conversations,        than two kilometers) from       say how many shots were                                           I. ABDULAZIZ
Associated Press               surveillance and witness        the Stade de France soc-        fired, but it was probably                                        Associated Press
SAINT-DENIS, France (AP)       accounts indicated that         cer stadium; three suicide      500. Hundreds, definitely.                                        YOLA, Nigeria (AP) — The
— Heavily armed French         Abaaoud might be in a           bombers blew themselves         There were maybe 10 ex-                                           suicide bomber exploded
SWAT teams swooped in          safe house in the Saint-De-     up outside the stadium dur-     plosions.”                                                        as truckers were tucking
Wednesday and neutral-         nis suburb.                     ing an international soccer     Police cordoned off an                                            into dinner at the bustling
ized a cell that was ready     Investigators have identi-      match Friday.                   area around the building                                          marketplace where ven-
to launch new attacks,                                                                                                                                           dors urged them to buy
leaving at least two peo-      Hooded police officers detain a man in Saint-Denis, near Paris, Wednesday, Nov. 18, 2015. A                                       sugar cane. At least 34
ple dead after firing 5,000    woman wearing an explosive suicide vest blew herself up Wednesday as heavily armed police                                         people were killed and an-
rounds during an hourslong     tried to storm a suburban Paris apartment where the suspected mastermind of last week’s attacks                                   other 80 wounded in Yola,
siege, a prosecutor said.      was believed to be holed up, police said.                                                                                         a town packed with refu-
Eight people were arrested.                                                                                                                                      gees from Nigeria’s Islamic
The raid had targeted the                                                                                                               (AP Photo/Peter Dejong)  uprising, emergency offi-
suspected planner of the                                                                                                                                         cials said Wednesday.
attacks, 27-year-old Abdel-    fied Abaaoud, a Belgian of      They were one of three          in a narrow street lined with                                     Later Wednesday, two
hamid Abaaoud, but his         Moroccan descent, as the        teams of attackers who also     low-rise buildings. Riot po-                                      more suicide bombers
fate remained unclear.         chief architect of Friday’s     targeted a rock concert at      lice cleared people from                                          killed at least 15 people in
Paris prosecutor Francois      attacks in Paris, which killed  the Bataclan theater as         the streets, pointing guns at                                     the northern city of Kano
Molins said the identities of  129 people and wounded          well popular night spots in a   residents to move them off                                        and injured 53, according
the dead were still being in-  368 others.                     trendy Paris neighborhood.      the roads.                                                        to police. The blasts were
vestigated, but that neither   A U.S. official briefed on      The Islamic State group has     “We tried to stop our chil-                                       the latest by Boko Haram,
Abaoud nor the fugitive        intelligence matters said       claimed responsibility for      dren hearing the noise,”                                          Nigeria’s home-grown ex-
attacker Salah Abdeslam        Abaaoud was a key figure        the carnage, which has left     said Farah Appane, who                                            tremists whose 6-year in-
was in custody.                in an Islamic State external    France in mourning and on       lives about 80 yards (me-                                         surgency has killed 20,000
“At this time, I’m not in a    operations cell that U.S. in-   edge.                           ters) from where the raid                                         and forced 2.3 million to
position to give a precise     telligence agencies have        On Wednesday, residents         took place. “My 19-month-                                         flee their homes.
and definitive number for      been tracking for months.       of Paris’ Saint-Denis neigh-    old was crying. Our 8-year-                                       Boko Haram was named
the people who died, nor       Abaaoud is believed to          borhood were shocked            old said ‘What is it? Are                                         Wednesday as the world’s
their identities, but there    have escaped to Syria af-       awake by an explosion at        there more attacks?’”                                             most deadly extremist
are at least two dead peo-     ter a January police raid       around 4:20 a.m.                She said she could hear                                           group in the Global Ter-
ple,” he told reporters.       in Belgium, but he has          Amine Guizani said the          gunfire on and off for over                                       rorism Index. Deaths at-
Earlier, the prosecutor’s of-  bragged in Islamic State        blast was followed by the       an hour, followed by “one                                         tributed to Boko Haram in-
fice had said the dead in-     propaganda of his ability       sound of grenades and au-       really huge boom.”                                                creased by 317 percent in
cluded a woman who det-        to move back and forth          tomatic gunfire.                “It was when the woman                                            2014 to 6,644 compared to
onated an explosive vest       between Europe and Syria        “It was continuous. It didn’t   exploded herself. It made                                         6,073 blamed on the Islam-
and a man hit by projec-       undetected.                     stop,” he said. “It lasted      our apartment shake it was                                        ic State group. Boko Haram
tiles and grenades. But at     The site of Wednesday’s         from 4:20 until 5:30. It was    so strong,” q                                                     pledged allegiance to IS in
a later news conference,                                                                                                                                         March and calls itself that
Molins clarified the earlier                                                                                                                                     group’s West Africa Prov-
statement that the wom-                                                                                                                                          ince.
an blew herself up, saying:                                                                                                                                      Wednesday’s explosions
“This point needs to be veri-                                                                                                                                    came as President Mu-
fied by an analysis of the                                                                                                                                       hammadu Buhari pressed
body and human remains,                                                                                                                                          his campaign against Ni-
as well as by all the foren-                                                                                                                                     geria’s endemic corrup-
sic police operations that                                                                                                                                       tion, blamed for hamper-
have to be carried out.”                                                                                                                                         ing the fight against the
Molins said heavily armed                                                                                                                                        insurgents. Buhari accused
police squads initially were                                                                                                                                     his predecessor’s national
thwarted by a reinforced                                                                                                                                         security adviser of stealing
door to the apartment in                                                                                                                                         billions of dollars meant to
the Saint-Denis neighbor-                                                                                                                                        buy weapons to fight Boko
hood north of Paris and                                                                                                                                          Haram, when soldiers had
faced nearly incessant fire                                                                                                                                      just a few bullets and the Is-
as they worked to enter.                                                                                                                                         lamic extremists were ram-
The prosecutor said the                                                                                                                                          paging across northeast
raid was launched after                                                                                                                                          Nigeria.q
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