Page 69 - min.jus 19nov,2015
P. 69

                                                                                                                                       Thursday 19 November 2015

Official: Unclear if man shot by Minneapolis cops was cuffed 

AMY FORLITI                     Pat Anderson attends a protest that aimed to demanded answers over the shooting of Jamar                                    sources, including an am-
Associated Press                Clark near a police precinct in Minneapolis. State investigators looking into the death of Clark,                           bulance, a mobile po-
MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — State        shot by police during a scuffle are trying to determine whether he was restrained at the time, as                           lice camera stationed in
investigators looking into      some witnesses allege.                                                                                                      the area, public housing
the death of an unarmed                                                                                                                                     cameras and citizens’ cell-
black Minneapolis man                                                                                         (Richard Tsong-Taatarii/Star Tribune via AP)  phones. But he said none
shot by police during a                                                                                                                                     of the videos captured the
scuffle are trying to de-       rests. A nationwide move-       Brown in the St. Louis suburb   excessive force against un-                                 entire incident and none
termine whether he was          ment — Black Lives Matter       of Ferguson last year has       armed black suspects.                                       will be released while the
restrained at the time, as      — spawned by the killing of     demanded an end to po-          Evans said investigators                                    investigation is ongoing to
some witnesses allege.          black 18-year-old Michael       lice killings and the  use  of  have video from several                                     avoid possibly tainting it.
Police initially said Jamar                                                                                                                                 Asked whether any of the
ONeal Clark was not hand-                                                                                                                                   video shows Clark in hand-
cuffed when he was shot,                                                                                                                                    cuffs, Department of Public
but authorities later said                                                                                                                                  Safety spokesman Bruce
handcuffs were at the                                                                                                                                       Gordon reiterated that it
scene and that they are                                                                                                                                     captures a portion of the
trying to determine wheth-                                                                                                                                  incident, but not every-
er Clark was restrained.                                                                                                                                    thing, and said officials
“We’re still examining                                                                                                                                      can’t discuss specifics be-
whether or not they were                                                                                                                                    cause it could potentially
on Mr. Clark or whether or                                                                                                                                  taint witness statements.
not they were just (fallen)                                                                                                                                 Kroll said he hoped people
at the scene. That’s what                                                                                                                                   who say Clark was hand-
we’re trying to ascertain,”                                                                                                                                 cuffed “make a statement
state Bureau of Criminal                                                                                                                                    to the BCA on that matter.”
Apprehension Superinten-                                                                                                                                    He added: “If it turns out
dent Drew Evans said at a                                                                                                                                   to be blatantly false, they
news conference Tuesday.                                                                                                                                    should be charged with a
Clark, 24, died Monday, a                                                                                                                                   crime.”
day after police shot him                                                                                                                                   The FBI also has agreed to
during an early morning                                                                                                                                     conduct a civil rights inves-
dispute.                                                                                                                                                    tigation into the shooting.q
Police said the incident
began when they were            Warrant:
called to north Minneapolis
around 12:45 a.m. Sunday        Suspect drank with Texas victims, then shot them 
following a report of an as-
sault. When they arrived,       DAVID WARREN                    turned alone to the camp-       before eventually surren-                                   vided by Taylor along with
a man was interfering with      Associated Press                site and chased her hus-        dering.                                                     details from the warrant
paramedics who were             DALLAS (AP) — The lone sur-     band, Carl Johnson, and         The motive for the attack                                   paint a portrait of Hudson
helping the victim, police      vivor of an attack that left    daughter, Hannah John-          remains unclear. Sheriff                                    as a seemingly friendly man
said. Officers tried to calm    six dead at a Texas camp-       son, into a travel camper.      Greg Taylor did not re-                                     before he turned on the
him, but there was a strug-     site told authorities that the  She said she fled and hid       spond to a call for com-                                    blended family that had
gle. An officer fired at least  suspect had drinks with the     in the woods but saw her        ment Wednesday.                                             gathered for the weekend
once, hitting the man, po-      victims before producing        husband fall on the steps of    Hudson was being held                                       to camp on land about 100
lice said.                      a gun and firing on them,       the camper, where Hudson        Wednesday at the Ander-                                     miles (160 kilometers) south-
The head of the Minne-          according to an arrest war-     shot him.                       son County jail on a $2.5                                   east of Dallas.
apolis police union, Bob        rant released Wednesday.        Cynthia Johnson waited          million bond. His court-ap-                                 Earlier on Saturday, Hudson
Kroll, said on Wednesday        William Hudson, 33, was         until it appeared safe and      pointed attorney, Stephen                                   drove a tractor over to the
that the officers were inter-   drinking with the group Sat-    made her way to a road          Evans, said he couldn’t                                     campsite to help the group
viewed Tuesday night.           urday when he accompa-          and eventually called po-       comment on the details of                                   pull out a vehicle that was
“I hope they expedite the       nied four of them — includ-     lice, the document said.        the investigation because                                   stuck in mud, the warrant
situation and wrap it up,”      ing a 6-year-old boy — into     Authorities have said Hud-      he had just been assigned                                   said. He returned later to
Kroll said.                     the surrounding woods, the      son went to his mother’s        the case and not yet met                                    share drinks. Thomas Kamp
The shooting sparked pro-       warrant provided by the         home on an adjacent             with Hudson.                                                purchased the land in Au-
tests, including one Mon-       Anderson County Sheriff’s       property and the warrant        “This is very obviously going                               gust. Kamp and Hannah
day night in which hun-         Office said.                    shows deputies saw him          to be a long hard journey                                   Johnson lived together in
dreds of people blocked         Cynthia Johnson told sher-      through a door wearing          and we have a lot of work                                   Midlothian, south of Dallas,
traffic on an interstate        iff’s deputies that she heard   bloodstained clothes. He        to do,” Evans said.                                         with Johnson’s 6-year-old
highway, leading to 42 ar-      gunshots before Hudson re-      barricaded himself inside       Previous information pro-                                   son Kade. q
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