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                                                                                                   u.s news Dialuna 4 Juli 2022

                                Uvalde schools’ police chief resigns from City Council

            (AP)  -  The  Uvalde  school  dis-  city leaders to fire him.
            trict’s  police  chief  has  stepped
            down  from  his  position  in  the  The  Uvalde  City  Council  released
            City Council just weeks after be-   Arredondo’s resignation letter Satur-
            ing  sworn  in  following  allega-  day, after city officials received notifi-
            tions that he erred in his response  cation of his intent to step down via
            to the mass shooting at Robb El-    email, but did not comment further.
            ementary School that left 19 stu-
            dents and two teachers dead.        Representatives  of  Uvalde  Mayor
                                                Don McLaughlin have not respond-
            Chief Pete Arredondo said in a letter  ed to AP’s requests for comment.
            dated  Friday  that  he  has  decided  to
            step down for the good of the city and  Col. Steven McCraw, director of the
            “to  minimize  further  distractions.”  Texas  Department  of  Public  Safety,
            He was elected to the council on May  told a state Senate hearing last month
            7 and was sworn in on May 31, just a  that Arredondo — the on-site com-
            week after the massacre, in a closed-  mander — made “terrible decisions”
            door ceremony.                      as the massacre unfolded on May 24
                                                , and that the police response was an
            “The mayor, the city council, and the  “abject failure.”
            city staff must continue to move for-
            ward  to  unite  our  community  once  Three minutes after 18-year-old Sal-  waited  in  a  hallway.  Officers  from  police and campus radios but that he
            again,”  Arredondo  said  in  his  resig-  vador  Ramos  entered  the  school,  other  agencies  urged  Arredondo  to  used his cellphone to call for tactical
            nation,  first reported by the Uvalde  sufficient  armed  law  enforcement  let  them  move  in  because  children  gear, a sniper and the classroom keys.
            Leader-News.                        were  on  scene  to  stop  the  gunman,  were in danger.
                                                McCraw testified. Yet police officers                                   It’s still not clear why it took so long
            Arredondo, who has been on admin-   armed  with  rifles  stood  and  waited  “The  only  thing  stopping  a  hallway  for police to enter the classroom, how
            istrative leave from his school district  in a school hallway for more than an  of  dedicated  officers  from  entering  they communicated with each other
            position since June 22, has declined  hour  while  the  gunman  carried  out  room 111 and 112 was the on-scene  during  the  attack,  and  what  their
            repeated requests for comment from  the  massacre.  The  classroom  door  commander  who  decided  to  place  body cameras show.
            The  Associated  Press.  His  attorney,  could not be locked from the inside,  the lives of officers before the lives of
            George  Hyde,  did  not  immediately  but  there  is  no  indication  officers  children,” McCraw said.     Officials  have  declined  to  release
            respond to emailed requests for com-  tried to open the door while the gun-                                 more details, citing the investigation.
            ment Saturday.                      man was inside, McCraw said.        Arredondo has tried to defend his ac-
                                                                                    tions,  telling  the  Texas  Tribune  that  Arredondo,  50,  grew  up  in  Uvalde
            On June 21, the City Council voted  McCraw has said parents begged po-  he didn’t consider himself the com-  and has spent much of his nearly 30-
            unanimously  to  deny  Arredondo  a  lice outside the school to move in and  mander in charge of operations and  year career in law enforcement in the
            leave  of  absence  from  appearing  at  students inside the classroom repeat-  that  he  assumed  someone  else  had  city.
            public  meetings.  Relatives  of  the  edly  pleaded  with  911  operators  for  taken control of the law enforcement
            shooting  victims  had  pleaded  with  help while more than a dozen officers  response. He said he didn’t have his

                          Distrust remains after Navy report on tainted Hawaii water

            (AP)  —  Lauren  Wright  lulu  hotels,  but  they  con-   families  and  everybody  in-  permanently,  setting  aside  the people of Hawaii, includ-
            continues  to  be  leery  of  tinue  taking  safety  measures  volved in this,” Wright said.  funds to remediate the water  ing Native Hawaiians — and
            the  water  coming  out  of  including  taking  short,  five-                          systems all across Oahu and  it is committed to rebuilding
            the  taps  in  her  family’s  minute showers. They don’t  She  said  the  ordeal  has  replant  our  forests  —  when  that  trust,”  Gordon  Trow-
            U.S.  Navy  home  in  Ha-    drink their tap water or cook  changed her view on the mil-  I see steps like that happen-  bridge,  acting  assistant  to
            waii,  saying  she  doesn’t  with it.                     itary from a decade ago when  ing  —  that’s  a  tangible  step  the Secretary of Defense for
            trust that it’s safe.                                     her husband first joined.    toward rebuilding trust.”    Public Affairs, said in a state-
                                         A Navy investigation released                                                          ment.
            Wright,  her  sailor  husband  Thursday  blamed  the  fuel  “I  was  the  proud  Navy  Some Native Hawaiians said
            and their three children ages  leak and the water crisis that  spouse,  you  know,  stickers  the  report  only  deepened  a  The   investigation   report
            8 to 17 were among the thou-  followed on shoddy manage-  and  T-shirts,”  she  said.  “I  distrust  in  the  military  that  released  Thursday  listed  a
            sands  of  people  who  were  ment and human error. Some  feel like the Navy has failed  dates  to  at  least  1893,  when  cascading  series  of  mistakes
            sickened  late  last  year  after  Hawaii  residents,  including  at what they promised every  a  group  of  American  busi-  from May 6, 2021, when op-
            fuel  from  military  storage  Native  Hawaiians,  officials  service member. They failed  nessmen, with support from  erator error caused a pipe to
            tanks leaked into Pearl Har-  and military families said the  at a lot of things. And I’m not  U.S. Marines, overthrew the  rupture  and  21,000  gallons
            bor’s tap water.             report  doesn’t  help  restore  so proud.”                Hawaiian  kingdom.  More  (80,000 liters) of fuel to spill
                                         trust in the Navy.                                        recently,  Native  Hawaiians  when it was being transferred
            The  family  has  returned  to                            It’s difficult to trust the Navy  fought to stop target practice  between  tanks.  Most  of  the
            their  military  housing  after  “I  was  at  least  hoping  for  partly  because  Hawaii  resi-  bombing on the island of Ka-  fuel  spilled  into  a  fire  sup-
            spending  months  in  Hono-  some sort of remorse for the  dents  and  officials  for  years  hoolawe and at Makua Valley  pression  line  and  sat  there
                                                                      have questioned the safety of  in west Oahu.              for  six  months,  causing  the
                                                                      the  giant  fuel  storage  tanks                          line  to  sag.  A  cart  rammed
                                                                      that  have  sat  above  an  im-  “There’s  no  proof  I  should  into this sagging line on Nov.
                                                                      portant  aquifer  since  World  have faith in them,” said Kale-  20,  releasing  20,000  gallons
                                                                      War  II,  said  Kamanamaika-  hua Krug, with Ka’ohewai, a  (75,700 liters) of fuel.
                                                                      lani Beamer, a former trustee  cultural  organization  advo-
                                                                      of the Commission on Water  cating for a clean aquifer for  The  report  said  officials  de-
                                                                      Resource Management.         Oahu.  “They’ve  done  noth-  faulted to assuming the best
                                                                                                   ing but lie for generations.”  about  what  was  happening
                                                                      “Releasing  a  report  saying                             when the spills occurred, in-
                                                                      that they were lying to us is  The Department of Defense  stead of assuming the worst,
                                                                      not  a  step  towards  building  recognizes  the  water  prob-  and this contributed to their
                                                                      trust,”  he  said.  “De-fueling  lems  “have  damaged  trust  overlooking  the  severity  of
                                                                      and  getting  the  tanks  out  between the Department and  situation.
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