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A30    world news
                         Dialuna 4 Juli 2022

                            With no fuel and no cash, Sri Lanka keeps schools closed

                                                                      while  the  first  ship  carrying  problem  is  the  lack  of  dol-  The  government  said  it  was
                                                                      gasoline would come on July  lars  and  appealed  to  some  2  also negotiating with suppli-
                                                                      22.                          million  Sri  Lankans  work-  ers in Russia and Malaysia.
                                                                                                   ing abroad to send their for-
                                                                      Several other fuel shipments  eign exchange earnings home  Sri Lanka has suspended re-
                                                                      are  in  the  pipeline.  But  he  through banks instead of in-  payment  of  about  $7  billion
                                                                      said authorities are struggling  formal channels.         in foreign loans due this year
                                                                      to  find  $587  million  to  pay                          out of $25 billion to be repaid
                                                                      for  the  fuel.  Wijesekera  said  He  said  workers’  remittanc-  by 2026. The country’s total
                                                                      that  Sri  Lanka  owed  about  es,  which  usually  stood  at  foreign debt is $51 billion.
                                                                      $800  million  to  seven  fuel  $600 million per month, had
                                                                      suppliers.                   declined  to  $318  million  in  The  economic  meltdown
                                                                                                   June.                        has triggered a political crisis
                                                                      Last  month,  schools  were                               with  widespread  anti-gov-
                                                                      closed  nationwide  for  a  day  According  to  the  Central  ernment  protests  erupting
                                                                      due to fuel shortages and had  Bank, the remittances — the  across  the  country.  Protest-
                                                                      remained  closed  for  the  last  nation’s  main  foreign  ex-  ers have blocked main roads
            (AP) — Cash-strapped Sri  only several days, will be pro-  two  weeks  in  urban  areas.  change  earner  —  dropped  to demand gas and fuel, and
            Lanka on Sunday extend-      vided  for  essential  services,  Schools will remain shut un-  from $2.8 billion in the first  television  stations  showed
            ed school closures for one  including  health  and  port  til Friday.                  six  months  of  2021  to  $1.3  people in some areas fighting
            week  because  there  isn’t  workers, public transport and                             billion  in  the  same  period  over limited stocks.
            enough  fuel  for  teachers  food  distribution,  officials  Authorities  also  announced  this year for a decline of 53%.
            and  parents  to  get  chil-  said.                       countrywide  power  cuts  of                              In  the  capital,  Colombo,
            dren  to  classrooms,  and                                up to three hours a day from  The drop came after the gov-  protesters  have  been  occu-
            the  energy  minister  ap-   ”Finding  money  is  a  chal-  Monday  because  they  can’t  ernment  last  year  ordered  pying  the  entrance  to  the
            pealed  to  the  country’s  lenge. It’s a huge challenge,”  supply enough fuel to power  the mandatory conversion of  president’s  office  for  more
            expatriates to send money  Power  and  Energy  Minister  generating  stations.  Sweep-  foreign currency. It said that  than two months to demand
            home through banks to fi-    Kanchana Wijesekera told re-  ing  power  cuts  have  been  a  black-market premiums have  President Gotabaya Rajapak-
            nance new oil purchases.     porters.                     blight  on  Sri  Lanka’s  econ-  led  people  to  hoard  foreign  sa’s resignation. They accuse
                                                                      omy for months, along with  currency.                     him and his powerful family
            A huge foreign debt has left  He said the government has  severe shortages of essentials                            that included several siblings
            the Indian Ocean island with  ordered new fuel stocks and  including cooking gas, medi-  Sri  Lanka’s  has  been  getting  holding top government po-
            none  of  the  suppliers  will-  the  first  ship  with  40,000  cine and food imports.  most  of  its  fuel  needs  from  sitions of plunging the coun-
            ing to sell fuel on credit. The  metric  tons  of  diesel  is  ex-                     neighboring  India,  which  try  into  the  crisis  through
            available stocks, sufficient for  pected  to  arrive  on  Friday  Wijesekera  said  the  main  provided it with a credit line.  corruption and misrule.

                           Afghan clerics’ assembly urges recognition of Taliban govt

            (AP) — A three-day assembly of  ghan assets abroad.                     “special attention and to ensure jus-  University. Later, Taliban spokesman
            Islamic  clerics  and  tribal  elders                                   tice,  religious  and  modern  educa-  Zabihullah  Mujahid  told  reporters
            in  the  Afghan  capital  concluded  Ansari said that more than 4,500 Is-  tion, health, agriculture, industry, the  that security forces fired on someone
            Saturday with pledges of support  lamic clerics and elders who attended  rights of minorities, children, women  suspected to have a hand grenade, but
            for  the  Taliban  and  calls  on  the  renewed  their  allegiance  and  loyalty  and the entire nation, according to Is-  that “there is nothing of concern.”
            international community to rec-     to  the  Taliban’s  supreme  leader  and  lamic holy law.” The Taliban adhere
            ognize the country’s Taliban-led  spiritual  chief,  Haibatullah  Akhun-  to  their  own  strict  interpretation  of  However,  IS  claimed  responsibility
            government.                         dzada.                              Islamic law, or Sharia.             for the attack. It said in a statement
                                                                                                                        that three of its fighters climbed onto
            The  meeting  in  Kabul  was  tailored  In a surprise development, the reclu-  On  Friday,  Akhundzada,  who  rose  the roof of a building near the gath-
            along  the  lines  of  Afghanistan’s  tra-  sive Akhundzada came to Kabul from  from  a  low-profile  member  of  the  ering  and  posted  a  video  showing  a
            ditional Loya Jirgas — regular coun-  his base in southern Kandahar prov-  Islamic  insurgent  movement  to  the  group  of  heavily  armed  men,  their
            cils of elders, leaders and prominent  ince and addressed the gathering on  leader of the Taliban in a swift transi-  faces masked, who say they have “tak-
            figures  meant  to  deliberate  Afghan  Friday. It was believed to be his first  tion of power after a 2016 U.S. drone  en positions very close to the gather-
            policy issues.                      visit  to  the  Afghan  capital  since  the  strike killed his predecessor, Mullah  ing” and are awaiting orders to attack.
                                                Taliban seized power.               Akhtar Mansour, also offered prayers
            But  the  overwhelming  majority  of                                    for Afghanistan’s earthquake victims.  The  IS  affiliate  in  Afghanistan,
            attendees  were  Taliban  officials  and  In  his  hour-long  speech  carried  by                           known as Islamic State in Khorasan
            supporters,  mostly  Islamic  clerics.  state  radio,  Akhundzada  called  the  The  powerful  quake  in  June  killed  Province or IS-K, has been operating
            Women were not allowed to attend,  Taliban  takeover  of  Afghanistan  a  more  than  1,000  people  in  eastern  since  2014.  Since  the  Taliban  take-
            unlike  the  last  Loya  Jirga  that  was  “victory for the Muslim world.”  Afghanistan, igniting yet another cri-  over, IS militants have staged numer-
            held under the previous, U.S.-backed                                    sis for the struggling country. Over-  ous  assaults  on  Afghanistan’s  new
            government.                         His appearance added symbolic heft  stretched aid groups already keeping  rulers and the Taliban have launched
                                                to the gathering. The Taliban are un-  millions of Afghans alive rushed sup-  a  sweeping  crackdown  against  IS  in
            The  former  insurgents,  who  have  der international pressure to be more  plies to the quake victims, but most  the  country’s  stronghold  in  eastern
            kept  a  complete  lock  on  decision-  inclusive  as  they  struggle  with  Af-  countries  responded  tepidly  to  Tal-  Afghanistan.
            making since taking over the country  ghanistan’s humanitarian crises.  iban calls for international help.
            last August, touted the gathering as a
            forum on issues facing Afghanistan.  The  international  community  has  The gathering in Kabul also touched
                                                been wary of any recognition or co-  on the Taliban’s chief rivals, the mili-
            According to Mujib-ul Rahman An-    operation with the Taliban, especial-  tant Islamic State group, and appealed
            sari, a cleric who attended the gather-  ly  after  they  restricted  the  rights  of  on Afghans across the country, saying
            ing, an 11-point statement released at  women  and  minorities  —  measures  that  “any  kind  of  cooperation”  with
            the end urges countries in the region  that  hark  back  to  their  harsh  rule  IS was prohibited.
            and the world, the United Nations,  when they were last in power in the
            Islamic  organizations  and  others  to  late 1990s.                    On Thursday, at the start of the gath-
            recognize  a  Taliban-led  Afghanistan,                                 ering,  gunfire  was  heard  near  the
            remove  all  sanctions  imposed  since  Saturday’s 11-point resolution called  heavily guarded assembly venue, the
            the Taliban takeover and unfreeze Af-  on  the  Taliban  government  to  pay  Loya Jirga Hall of Kabul’s Polytechnic
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