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                                                                                                       sports Dialuna 4 Juli 2022

                           Roger Federer hopes to play ‘one more time’ at Wimbledon

            (AP) — Roger Federer did  of  role,”  said  Federer,  who
            make his way to Wimble-      had  participated  in  every
            don  this  year,  after  all  —  Wimbledon  since  his  main-
            not to compete, mind you,  draw debut in 1999. “But it’s
            but  to  take  part  in  a  cer-  great to be here with ... all the
            emony  marking  the  cen-    other champions. This court
            tenary of Centre Court on  has  given  me  my  biggest
            Sunday  —  and  declared  wins, my biggest losses.”
            his intention to try to re-
            turn in 2023 with a racket  His  last  match  anywhere
            in hand.                     came on July 7, 2021, when
                                         he lost at Centre Court in the
            “Just  tried  to  be  successful  quarterfinals to Hubert Hur-
            here and represent the sport  kacz  6-3,  7-6  (4),  6-0.  Soon
            well. I hope I did that,” said  after, Federer had surgery to
            Federer,  who  won  a  men’s-  repair  damage  to  his  menis-
            record eight of his 20 Grand  cus and cartilage in his right
            Slam titles at the All England  knee  —  his  third  operation
            Club and was greeted with a  on that knee in a span of 1 1/2
            standing ovation. “And I hope  years.                                                                               Also listed by the club as at-
            I can come back ... one more                              There were gauzy videos —  Djokovic,  the  six-time  win-  tending:  the  son  of  Leslie
            time.”                       Federer  has  said he plans  to   three in all — quips from co-  ner scheduled to play at Cen-  Godfree,  who  delivered  the
                                         return  to  tournament  action   hosts  Sue  Barker  and  John  tre Court in the fourth round  first serve in the first match
            Instead  of  the  mandatory  at  the  Swiss  Indoors  in  Oc-  McEnroe,  performances  by  later  Sunday,  joked  when  it  at Centre Court in 1922, and
            all-white  playing  uniform,  tober.                      Cliff  Richard,  who  used  to  was his turn with the micro-  the  grandson  of  Algernon
            Federer  wore  a  dark  suit                              help kill time by singing dur-  phone:  “Gosh,  I  feel  more  Kingscote,  Godfree’s  oppo-
            and  tie,  his  purple  Wimble-  “Of  course  I’ve  missed  be-  ing rain delays (a thing of the  nervous than when I’m play-  nent that day.
            don member’s badge pinned  ing here. I would have loved   past, now that Centre Court  ing.”
            to  a  jacket  lapel.  The  Swiss  to  be  here.  I  knew  walking   and No. 1 Court are outfit-                    Absent were three of the win-
            star, who turns 41 on Aug. 8  out here last year, it was go-  ted  with  retractable  roofs),  Andy  Murray,  whose  2013  ningest players in tournament
            and has been sidelined for a  ing to be a tough year ahead.   and Freya Ridings, who sang  Wimbledon  singles  trophy  history: Martina Navratilova
            year  by  knee  problems,  was  Maybe  didn’t  think  it  was   the  2017  ballad  “Lost  With-  was the first for a British man  (who tested positive for CO-
            among more than two dozen  going to take me this long to   out  You”  while  accompany-  in 77 years, Angelique Kerber  VID-19 and wrote on Twitter
            winners  of  singles  champi-  come back. But the knee has   ing herself on a white piano  and Petra Kvitova were other  she was “gutted” to miss the
            onships  at  the  grass-court  been rough on me,” he told   placed on the grass near some  active  players  present.  And  occasion),  Serena  Williams
            tournament  who  appeared  the crowd. “I didn’t know if I   front-row seats.           there  were  big  names  from  and  Pete  Sampras.  Navra-
            in  the  main  stadium  during  should make the trip, but I’m                          yesteryear,  too,  of  course:  tilova’s  nine  singles  cham-
            a 35-minute tribute to a sta-  happy  standing  right  here,   Past  champions  on  hand  Billie  Jean  King,  Rod  Laver,  pionships  are  a  Wimbledon
            dium that opened in 1922.    right now.”                  included  some  still  in  the  Chris  Evert,  Bjorn  Borg  —  record; Williams, who lost in
                                                                      brackets  this  year,  such  as  he and McEnroe, fierce rivals  the first round last week, and
            “I’ve  been  lucky  enough  to  The  whole  scene  was,  in   Novak   Djokovic,   Rafael  in  the  1980s,  hugged  each  Sampras, who retired in 2002,
            play a lot of matches on this  some respects, an infomercial   Nadal and Simona Halep in  other  —  Stefan  Edberg  and  each won it seven times.
            court.  Feels  awkward  to  be  for the Grand Slam event it-  singles,  and  Venus  Williams  Goran Ivanisevic.
            here today in a different type  self.                     in mixed doubles.

                              Zhou involved in frightening 1st-lap crash at British GP

            (AP)  —  Zhou  Guanyu  was  in-     the gravel and his Alfa Romeo seemed  there  are  no  fractures,”  said  a  radio  by the FIA because his Mercedes was
            volved  in  a  frightening  first-lap  to be wedged between fencing and a  broadcast from the Alfa Romeo team  loaded onto a truck to be taken back
            crash  Sunday  that  brought  the  tire  barrier  at  the  first  corner.  The  to  Zhou’s  teammate  Valtteri  Bottas.  to pit lane while he was checking on
            British Grand Prix to an immedi-    race  was  red-flagged  and  George  The  team  said  he  was  the  circuit’s  Zhou.  Mercedes  protested  the  call,
            ate halt as safety crews attended  Russell, one of the drivers involved in  medical center.                 but the FIA did not budge.
            to the only Chinese driver in For-  the crash, sprinted from his car to the
            mula One.                           tire barrier to check on Zhou.      Alex Albon of Williams was also taken  The  drivers  returned  to  the  pits  to
                                                                                    to the medical center, and there was  await a restart.
            Zhou’s  car  slid  upside-down  across  “Zhou  is  conscious,  he  is  talking,  no  immediate  update  on  his  condi-
                                                                                    tion. Albon had spun into the pit wall  After  the  race  was  stopped,  “several
                                                                                    after being struck by Sebastian Vettel  people attempted to enter the track,”
                                                                                    from behind as drivers tried to avoid  F1 said in a statement. “These people
                                                                                    the incident involving Zhou.        were  immediately  removed  and  the
                                                                                                                        matter is now being dealt with by the
                                                                                    Russell appeared to be hit from be-  local authorities.”
                                                                                    hind at the start and was knocked into
                                                                                    Zhou, whose car went flying across a  Local police had warned Friday they
                                                                                    gravel  trap  and  over  a  tire  wall  into  knew  of  plans  for  spectators  to  en-
                                                                                    the retaining fence. The car was skid-  ter the track as part of a protest, but
                                                                                    ding on the “halo” which protects the  didn’t identify any people or group.
                                                                                    driver’s head, then went airborne. It
                                                                                    was stuck between the tire wall and  The “halo” device around the cock-
                                                                                    the fence, delaying efforts to extricate  pit  played  a  prominent  role  earlier
                                                                                    Zhou.                               Sunday in a Formula Two race at Sil-
                                                                                                                        verstone when Dennis Hauger’s car
                                                                                    Russell, who ran from his car to help  landed on top of rival Roy Nissany’s
                                                                                    Zhou,  called  it  “one  of  the  scariest  car. The incident was reminiscent of
                                                                                    crashes I’ve ever seen.”            a crash in F1 involving Max Verstap-
                                                                                                                        pen and Lewis Hamilton at the Italian
                                                                                    Russell was declared out of the race  Grand Prix last year.
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