Page 16 - ATA
P. 16

                                                                                                                           Wednesday 24 January 2018

            Celebrate With Us Our Dia di Betico!

            ORANJESTAD  -  Tomorrow,
            Thursday January 25th, the
            island will have lots of fes-
            tivities  that  honor  the  late
            pro-autonomy       political
            leader  Gilberto  Francois
            (Betico)  Croes.  He  helped
            the  island  attain  the  Status
            Aparte. Aruba was allowed
            to  function  as  a  common-
            wealth  within  the  Dutch
            Kingdom and Betico is hon-
            ored for this outcome since
            1989 by celebrating the Dia
            di  Betico.  The  official  holi-
            day features performances,
            sporting events and games
            throughout the island. Aru-
            ba Today presents a selec-
            tion of the events that take
            place on this festive day.

            Official  Ceremony  &  Cul-
            tural Manifestation
            The  protocol  program  for
            the  honoring  of  Betico
            Croes is a nice event to go
            to.  The  governor  of  Aruba
            as well as the government
            with spouses will be present
            in  their  attire  dress  code.
            This  will  take  place  at  the
            Plaza   Libertador   Betico
            Croes  on  Vondellaan  at  9
            AM.  End  of  the  afternoon
            you can enjoy the cultural
            manifestation,  performed
            by several local artists. This
            will be between 6 PM and
            10.30  PM,  same  location.
            Drinks  and  food  are  pro-
            vided by the different stalls
            and  there  will  be  a  kid’s
            corner for the little ones.

            City Walk
            Foundation  Rancho  orga-
            nizes  a  very  nice  walking
            tour  that  will  give  you  a
            good  idea  of  Oranjestad.
            The tour takes 2 hours and
            focuses primarily on the city
            center  with  the  neighbor-
            hood Rancho as heart of it.
            The first tour starts at 9 AM,
            the second at 11 AM, both
            with  the  starting  point  Flor
            di  Oriente.  More  informa-  (San  Nicolas)  and  Com-   ture.  Performances  by  lo-
            tion on Facebook: Stichting  munity Museum open their  cal  artists  and  artisans  are
            Rancho.                      doors  at  this  special  day  on the program. The Face-
                                         between 10 AM to 4 PM. An  book      page    Fundacion
            Musea                        assortment of drinks, snacks  Museo  Arubano  will  give
            The Historical Museum (Fort  and more will take care of  you more information.
            Zoutman  at  Oranjestad),  your inner needs while you
            the  Museum  of  Industry  enjoy some of our local cul-           Continue on Page 14
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