Page 28 - bon-dia-aruba-20200518
P. 28

                       Monday 18 May 2020
            5 Iran tankers sailing to Venezuela amid U.S. pressure tactics

            By JON GAMBRELL                                                                                                     Sunday, when Iran's Foreign
            Associated Press                                                                                                    Ministry issued a statement
            DUBAI,  United  Arab  Emir-                                                                                         saying Foreign Minister Mo-
            ates  (AP)  —  Five  Iranian                                                                                        hammad Javad Zarif wrote
            tankers  likely  carrying  at                                                                                       a  letter  to  U.N.  Secretary-
            least  $45.5  million  worth  of                                                                                    General  Antonio  Guterres
            gasoline  and  similar  prod-                                                                                       saying  the  U.S.  "piracy"
            ucts are now sailing to Ven-                                                                                        threatened  the  "disruption
            ezuela, part of a wider deal                                                                                        of Iran's fuel transmission to
            between the two U.S.-sanc-                                                                                          Venezuela."
            tioned nations amid height-                                                                                         Abbas    Araghchi,   Iran's
            ened  tensions  between                                                                                             deputy  foreign  minister,  is-
            Tehran and Washington.                                                                                              sued  a  similar  warning  to
            The tankers' voyage came                                                                                            the  Swiss  ambassador  in
            after  Venezuela's  social-                                                                                         Tehran,  who  looks  out  for
            ist  leader  Nicolás  Maduro                                                                                        American interests there.
            already  turned  to  Iran  for                                                                                      It  remains  unclear  how
            help  in  flying  in  chemicals                                                                                     the U.S. will respond to the
            needed  at  an  aging  refin-                                                                                       tankers.
            ery  amid  a  gasoline  short-                                                                                      On Thursday, the U.S. Trea-
            age,  a  symptom  of  the                                                                                           sury, State Department and
            wider  economic  and  po-                                                                                           Coast Guard issued an ad-
            litical  chaos  gripping  Latin                                                                                     visory warning the maritime
            America's  one-time  largest                                                                                        industry  of  illegal  shipping
            oil producer.                                                                                                       and     sanctions-dodging
            For Iran, the tankers repre-                                                                                        tactics by countries includ-
            sent a way to bring money                                                                                           ing Iran.
            into  its  cash-starved  Shiite                                                                                     The  advisory  repeated  an
            theocracy and put its own                                                                                           earlier promise of up to $15
            pressure on the U.S., which                                                                                         million  for  information  dis-
            under  President  Donald                                                                                            rupting the Guard's financ-
            Trump  has  pursued  maxi-                                                                                          es.  It  also  warned  anyone
            malist  campaigns  against                                                                                          "knowingly  engaged  in  a
            both nations.                                                                                                       significant  transaction  for
            But  the  strategy  invites   In this April 30, 2017 file photo, released by an official website of the office of the Iranian Presidency,   the  purchase,  acquisition,
                                         Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, center, inaugurates the Persian Gulf Star Refinery in Bandar
            the  chance  of  a  renewed   Abbas, Iran.                                                                          sale, transport or marketing
            confrontation     between                                                                          Associated Press   of  petroleum"  faced  U.S.
            the  Islamic  Republic  and                                                                                         sanctions.
            America both in the Persian  sula  and  through  the  Suez  cepting   the   shipments.  ernment, its military and its  U.S.  Army  Maj.  Rob  Lode-
            Gulf, which saw a series of  Canal  into  the  Mediter-   Raja  said  Refinitiv  had  no  paramilitary, hard-line Rev-  wick,  a  Pentagon  spokes-
            escalating  incidents  often  ranean  Sea,  according  to  data on any Iranian gaso-   olutionary Guard.            man,  declined  to  com-
            involving the oil industry last  data  collected  from  the  line shipment ever going to  "If  the  United  States,  like  ment  on  the  Iranian  ves-
            year, and wider afield.      ship's Automatic Identifica-  South America before.       pirates,  intends  to  create  sels.  He  referred  questions
            "This is like a new one for ev-  tion  System,  or  AIS,  which,   a  insecurity  on  international  to  the  State  Department,
            eryone," said Capt. Ranjith  acts as a tracking beacon.   website focused on the oil  highways, it will take a dan-  which did not immediately
            Raja, an analyst who tracks  One  of  the  vessels,  the  trade  at  sea,  first  reported  gerous risk that will certain-  respond.
            oil shipments by sea at the  Clavel,  listed  its  AIS  desti-  the ships likely were head-  ly  not  go  unnoticed,"  the  Analysts   already   have
            data  firm  Refinitiv,  of  the  nation  as  Caracas  begin-  ing to Venezuela.        agency  warned  in  its  brief  been  warning  about  the
            gasoline  shipments.  "We  ning May 12, according to  The  capacity  of  the  five  report.                         growing  chance  for  a  re-
            haven't  seen  anything  like  log data from ship-tracking  ships is some 175,000 metric  The Nour item, later picked  newed  confrontation  be-
            this before."                website  tons. On the open market,  up  by  other  semiofficial  tween  the  U.S.  and  Iran,
            All the vessels involved be-  The vessel later changed its  the  gasoline  and  product  news  agencies  in  Iran,  fol-  whose  government  down-
            long to Iranian state-owned  destination  as  "TO  ORDER"  carried  within  them  would  lows  a  pattern  by  Tehran  played and then struggled
            or  state-linked  companies,  two days later, though the  be  worth  at  least  $45.5  of  issuing  veiled  threats  for weeks with the corona-
            flying  under  the  Iranian  ship remains on a route that  million,  though  Iran  likely  through  such  reports  even  virus pandemic.
            flag. Since a pressure cam-  will see it leave the Mediter-  reached   a   discounted,  as  officials  don't  directly  In  April,  the  U.S.  accused
            paign on Iranian vessels be-  ranean Sea and be in posi-  non-cash  deal  with  Cara-  acknowledge them.            Iran of conducting "danger-
            gan,  notably with the tem-  tion to sail on to Venezuela.  cas given the circumstanc-  Quoted by a website affili-  ous and harassing" maneu-
            porary seizure of an Iranian  Another tanker, the Forest,  es  the  two  nations  face,  ated to Iranian state televi-  vers    near  American  war-
            tanker  last  year  by  Gibral-  changed its AIS destination  Raja said.               sion,  Cabinet  spokesman  ships in the northern Persian
            tar, the country's ships have  to "S. AMERICA TO ORDER"  As  news  about  the  tank-   Ali Rabiei on Saturday said  Gulf.  Iran  also  had  been
            been unable to fly flags of  on May 14.                   ers  grew,  an  Iranian  news  he did not have any infor-  suspected of briefly seizing
            convenience  of  other  na-  Three others, the Faxon, the  agency  called  Nour,  be-  mation on the ships.         a  Hong  Kong-flagged  oil
            tions,  a  common  practice  Fortune  and  the  Petunia,  lieved  to  have  ties  to  the  "We  have  to  sell  our  oil  tanker just before that.
            in international shipping.   all  appear  on  routes  that  country's Supreme National  and we have access to its  Iran  seized  ships  last  sum-
            The ships all appear to have  could  take  them  to  Ven-  Security Council, published  paths,"  Rabiei  said.  "Iran  mer  and  the  U.S.  accuses
            been loaded from the Per-    ezuela. Given the crushing  an item on its website ear-   and  Venezuela  are  two  it  of  attacking  tankers  in
            sian Gulf Star Refinery near  U.S.  sanctions  imposed  on  ly  Saturday  trying  to  link  a  independent  nations  that  the  region  amid  tensions
            Bandar Abbas, Iran, which  Iran,  also-sanctioned  Ven-   U.S.  military  exercise  in  the  have had trade with each  over   Trump   unilaterally
            makes  gasoline,  Raja  said.  ezuela  appears  to  be  the  Caribbean  to  the  tankers.  other  and  they  will"  in  the  withdrawing  America  from
            The  ships  then  traveled  country  that  would  have  That council includes mem-     future.                      Tehran's  nuclear  deal  with
            around the Arabian Penin-    nothing  to  lose  from  ac-  bers  of  Iran's  civilian  gov-  But  that  all  changed  late  world powers in 2018.q
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