Page 25 - bon-dia-aruba-20200518
P. 25
U.S. NEWS Monday 18 May 2020
U.S., European leaders weigh reopening risks without a vaccine
Continued from Front protective equipment. But
the church postponed that
A member of President Do- after local authorities rai-
nald Trump’s cabinet, He- sed questions and is now in
alth and Human Services talks about parameters for
Secretary Alex Azar, would- holding future services.
n’t second-guess state and The church’s preparations
local officials as they de- to reopen were “more than
cide whether to let restau- what they’d had to do if
rants and other businesses they were at Home Depot
reopen. He said the lock- or Lowe’s or Walmart,” said
down measures also carry Jeremy Dys, a counsel at
“serious health consequen- First Liberty Institute, the le-
ces,” including the risk of gal nonprofit representing
suicide, delayed cardiac Northwest Bible Baptist.
procedures and cancer “Somehow people going
screenings. to church are incapable,
“I think in any individual in- it’s insinuated, of safely ga-
stance you’re going to see thering.”
people doing things that Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis
are irresponsible,” Azar told has suggested that early
CNN on Sunday. “That’s predictions were over-
part of the freedom we blown, as he attempts to
have here in America.” lure residents back to pu-
The warnings by Italy’s blic life and help rebuild
Conte and British Prime Mi- the state’s battered eco-
nister Boris Johnson came nomy. On Monday, Florida
as governments worldwide restaurants will be allowed
and many U.S. states strug- A woman and children wear face coverings as a precaution against the coronavirus while to operate at 50% capaci-
gled with restarting eco- crossing a bridge in Barr Lake State Park Sunday, May 17, 2020, near Brighton, Colo. ty, as can retail shops, mu-
nomies blindsided by the Associated Press seums and libraries. Gyms
pandemic. With 36 million can also begin reopening.
newly unemployed in the a very long way to go, and reopen and some experts Republican, told CNN on Paula Walborsky, a 74-year-
U.S. alone, economic pres- I must be frank that a vac- worry it is a sign of the kind Sunday that he was con- old retired attorney in Tal-
sures are building even as cine might not come to of outbreak re-ignition that cerned to see images of lahassee, Florida, has resi-
authorities acknowledge fruition.” might occur when social a crowded bar in Colum- sted the temptation to get
that reopening risks setting Coronavirus has infected distancing and other pre- bus, Ohio, on the first day her hair done and turned
off new waves of infections over 4.6 million people and vention measures are loo- that outdoor dining esta- down dinner invitations
and deaths. killed more than 312,000 sened or ignored. blishments were allowed to from close friends.
‘’We are facing a calcula- worldwide, according to a “It’s likely that we’re going reopen. But when one of her city’s
ted risk, in the awareness ... tally by Johns Hopkins Uni- to see more of this” kind of “All of this is a work in pro- public swimming pools
that the epidemiological versity that experts say un- increase, said Dr. Boris Lush- gress,” he said. “We made reopened by appointment,
curve could go back up,” der counts the true toll of niak, dean of the University the decision to start ope- she decided to test the wa-
Conte said, adding that the pandemic. of Maryland School of Pu- ning up Ohio, and about ters. She wore a mask that
Italy could “not afford” to The U.S. has reported over blic Health. 90 percent of our economy she removed when she
wait until a vaccine was 88,000 dead and Europe Dr. Michael Saag at the is back open, because we waded into the pool. Just a
developed. Health experts has seen at least 160,000 University of Alabama at thought it was a huge risk handful of other swimmers
say the world could be deaths. Birmingham called Texas not to open. But we also shared the water as she
months, if not years, away Some experts noted re- “a warning shot” for states know it’s a huge risk in ope- swam laps and did water
from having a vaccine ports of recent case sur- to closely watch any surges ning.” aerobics.
available to everyone des- ges in Texas, including a in cases and have plans Houses of worship are be- “I was so excited to be
pite the scientific gold rush 1,800-case jump Saturday, to swiftly take steps to stop ginning to look ahead to back in the water, and it
now on to create one. with Amarillo identified as them. resumption of in-person just felt wonderful,” Wal-
Britain’s Johnson, who was a growing hot spot. Texas “No one knows for sure services, with some eyeing borsky said.
hospitalized last month with officials said increased tes- exactly the right way for- that shift this month. But the Professional soccer mat-
a serious bout of COVID-19, ting was playing a big role ward, and what I think challenges of reopening ches in Germany resumed
speculated Sunday that a — the more you look for we’re witnessing is a giant the doors to worship are over the weekend, a move
vaccine may not be de- something, the more you national experiment,” said steeper in states with on- keenly watched by the
veloped at all, despite the find it. Many are watching Saag, an infectious disea- going public health restric- rest of the soccer world as
huge global effort to pro- hospitalizations and death ses researcher. tions. well as Major League Base-
duce one. rates in the weeks ahead to In the U.S., many states In Elgin, Ill., Northwest Bible ball, the NBA, the NFL and
“I said we would throw eve- see exactly what the new have lifted stay-at home- Baptist Church had sought the NHL in the U.S., which
rything we could at finding Texas numbers really mean. orders and other restric- to welcome back worshi- all face major changes to
a vaccine,” Johnson wro- But Texas was one of the tions, allowing some types pers on Sunday, preparing their operations amid the
te in the Mail on Sunday earliest states to allow of businesses to reopen. to scan people’s tempe- pandemic.
newspaper. “There remains stores and restaurants to Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine, a ratures and purchasing “The whole world is wat-
ching Germany to see how
we do it,” Bayern Munich
coach Hansi Flick said. “It can act as an example for
all leagues.”q