Page 26 - bon-dia-aruba-20200518
P. 26
Monday 18 May 2020
'A bridge too far': Coronavirus catchphrase taken from WWII
By DAN SEWELL Netherlands, cut off enemy
Associated Press supply lines and finish off
CINCINNATI (AP) — A Brit- German resistance by that
ish general's pessimistic Christmas.
prediction about a World The strategy was champi-
War II operation is show- oned by British Field Mar-
ing up as a coronavirus-era shal Bernard Montgomery,
catchphrase. while other Allied generals
The top U.S. infectious dis- favored using a broad front
ease expert, Dr. Anthony approach with the German
Fauci, urged caution in military on the run.
Senate testimony last week British Lt. Gen. Frederick
on reopening decisions, in- Browning had voiced cau-
cluding about children and tion. "I think we might be
schools, saying "the idea of going a bridge too far,"
having treatments avail- said Browning, proved cor-
able or a vaccine to facili- rect when the Allies were
tate the reentry of students stopped at Arnhem road
into the fall term would be bridge as Germans mount-
something that would be a ed surprisingly strong oppo-
bit of a bridge too far." sition behind two SS Panzer
Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine, divisions.
a Republican who has In this April 16, 2020, file photo wearing his protective mask made by his wife, Ohio Gov. Mike There were thousands of
earned praise for aggres- DeWine walks into his daily coronavirus news conference at the Ohio Statehouse in Columbus, casualties and missing men
sive measures to curb the Ohio. on both sides, and war in
spread of the virus, has Associated Press Europe continued into May
used the phrase while ex- 1945. Ryan's book became
plaining his decision to re- shaping Allied strategy in was a good way to explain honorary doctorate from a 1977 movie featuring an
verse himself on requiring World War II, of the new use his belief that the masks the school, was a friend of All-Star cast including Sean
people to wear masks in of the phrase popularized "was one order too many" the late Scripps College Connery, Michael Caine,
public because of nega- by journalist and author for many Ohioans. of Communication Dean James Caan and Robert
tive feedback. Cornelius Ryan with his 1974 "Frankly I was kind of grop- John Wilhelm, a fellow war Redford. Browning was
It was a mandate many book "A Bridge Too Far." ing for an expression," correspondent, and the played by Dirk Bogarde, a
people wouldn't accept, "It is something that kind DeWine told The Associ- school houses his collection 1950s British leading man
he said on ABC's "This of works it way into popu- ated Press on Friday. "That of files, letters, audio inter- whose quote in the movie
Week," calling it "a bridge lar culture without really phrase just popped into my views and questionnaires. becomes: "Well, as you
too far." thinking about it," Lovelace head." Ryan, best known for his know, I've always thought
"Who knew?" said Alex- said. "I guess it is a little odd Lovelace, 31, a native of D-Day book "The Longest that we tried to go a bridge
ander Lovelace, who just comparing wearing a face the Baltimore area, made Day," finished "A Bridge too far."
earned his doctorate in mask to the Second World use of the Cornelius Ryan Too Far" months before his The movie got lackluster re-
American military history War." Collection in the Ohio Uni- death in 1974. It recounts views, with some critics sug-
at Ohio University after de- DeWine said he hadn't versity library during his Operation Market Garden, gesting that its nearly three-
fending his dissertation on read Ryan's book, but was doctoral research. an initiative in September hour length was a bridge
the role of the media in familiar with it. He said it Ryan, who received a 1944 to punch through the too far.q
‘Delusional’ Martin Shkreli denied prison release by judge
sumoto said in a nine-page not unexpected," Shkreli's work "under strict supervi-
ruling Saturday that the lawyer, Benjamin Brafman, sion." In a research pro-
man known as the "Pharma said. posal posted online, Shkreli
Bro" failed to demonstrate Shkreli is serving a seven- called the pharmaceutical
extraordinary and com- year prison sentence for a industry's response to the
pelling factors that would 2017 conviction for lying to pandemic "inadequate"
require his release under investors about the perfor- and said researchers at ev-
home confinement rules mance of two hedge funds ery drug company "should
designed to move vulner- he ran, withdrawing more be put to work until COV-
able inmates out of institu- money from those funds ID-19 is no more."
tions during the pandemic. than he was entitled to get, Shkreli first gained notori-
The low-security prison in and defrauding investors ety by buying the rights to
Allenwood, Pennsylva- in a drug company, Retro- a drug used to treat an in-
nia, where the 37-year-old phin, by hiding his owner- fection that occurs in some
Shkreli is locked up has re- ship of some of its stock. AIDS, malaria and cancer
In this Aug. 15, 2017 photo, Martin Shkreli is interviewed on the ported no cases of coro- A judge ordered Shkreli to patients and raising the
Fox Business Network in New York. navirus among inmates forfeit $7.3 million. price from $13.50 to $750
Associated Press and staff, and there's no Brafman filed court papers per pill.
NEW YORK (AP) — A judge ment, noting that probation evidence in his medical last month asking federal He is also known for attack-
rejected the request of officials viewed that claim files to suggest a childhood authorities to release him ing critics on social media
convicted pharmaceutical as the type of "delusional bout with asthma contin- for three months and allow and offering a bounty to
executive Martin Shkreli to self-aggrandizing behavior" ues to pose a significant him to live at his fiancé's anyone who could give
be let out of prison to re- that led to his conviction. health problem, Matsumo- New York City apartment him one of Hillary Clinton's
search a coronavirus treat- U.S. District Judge Kiyo Mat- to wrote. "Disappointed but so he could do laboratory hairs.q