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WORLD NEWS Monday 18 May 2020
The logo and building of the World Health Organization
(WHO) headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, 15 April 2020.
Associated Press
Costa Rica seeks unity
In this picture taken on Wednesday, May 13, 2020, keys hang at the reception of the Saturnia
hotel, in Venice, Italy. for COVID fight as WHO
Associated Press
Italy seeks to boost tourism by opening assembly looms
borders June 3 By JAMEY KEATEN mis" version focusing only
Associated Press
on the outbreak. A hand-
By COLLEEN BARRY Serandrei said that Satur- over, the virus lockdown GENEVA (AP) — Costa Ri- ful of world leaders, plus
Associated Press nia's clients are overwhelm- and suspension of touristic ca's president said Friday many health ministers,
VENICE, Italy (AP) — The ingly foreign, making open activities cost the country that COVID-19 can only are expected to take
Italian government an- borders and an eventual 10 billion euros ($10.8 bil- be defeated if countries part. European Union
nounced Saturday that it resumption of air traffic key lion), the amount spent shun nationalism and member states and
will throw open its borders to a successful season. With by foreigners in Italy from aren't "selfish," urging ac- several other countries
next month, effectively no clear indication of when March to May 2019, ac- cess to diagnostics and have prepared a resolu-
ending Europe's longest more regular air traffic will cording to a study by the treatment tools for every- tion that aims to boost
and strictest coronavirus resume, he is looking for- national statistics agency one as a major meeting solidarity, ensure equi-
lockdown just as the sum- ward to further signals be- ISTAT. of the World Health Or- table access to treat-
mer tourism season gets fore committing to a June 3 To illustrate the importance ganization's membership ment tools, and reaffirm
under way. opening. The caution may of arrivals from nearby looms next week. commitments to protect
Both regional and inter- be merited. countries, Eurostat figures Carlos Alvarado joined human rights that may
national borders will open Germany -- whose border show that French over- WHO officials for an on- be strained at a time of
June 3, with the govern- is about a 4-hour drive from night stays in Italy hit 14 mil- line news conference broad restrictions on trav-
ment eliminating a 14-day Venice through Austria lion last year, while those to outline a worldwide el, trade and movement
quarantine for anyone ar- -- is instructing citizens not from Germany came in at "technology repository" — among other things.
riving from abroad. Many to travel abroad for tour- 13.6 million, edging Italians for vaccines, medicines One unknown was how
hope the move will revive a ism until at least June 15. themselves at 13.5 million. and diagnostics, seeking much the Trump admin-
decimated tourist industry, And officials in neighboring Spaniards were the top to boost solidarity be- istration, which has criti-
which is worth 13% of Italy's France made clear that with 14.6 million. fore the World Health As- cized the WHO for being
gross domestic product. they had sought a coordi- Italy is hoping also to en- sembly on Monday and too cozy with China dur-
Such an opening is exact- nated European effort on courage domestic tourism, Tuesday — at which rivals ing the outbreak, and
ly what tourism operators border openings, indicat- offering vouchers to lower China and the United others will press to have
have been waiting for -- ing Italy had jumped the income families to spend States will share a stage Taiwan granted observer
even if European neighbors gun. in Italian hotels, camp- on the coronavirus fight. status over the objections
so far appeared be wary During a visit to a Norman- grounds and other estab- "It's an opportunity for hu- of China. China consid-
of the unilateral Italian an- dy beach, Interior Minister lishments before the end of manity to show the best ers Taiwan part of its ter-
nouncement. Christophe Castaner said the year. of what we are made of," ritory and points to the
"We hope to work with on Saturday that Europe- Not everyone is satisfied Alvarado said, speaking widely accepted "One
the neighboring countries, an countries should work with the guidelines set out from Costa Rica Friday, China" policy.
those who can travel by together in solidarity and overnight by the govern- referring to the reposi- The two-minute speech
car,'' said Gianni Serandrei, held out the possibility of ment, which foresees the tory set to be formally of U.S. Health and Hu-
the owner of the 4-star Ho- France acting to protect its opening Monday of bars, launched May 29. "Only man Services Secretary
tel Saturnia near St. Mark's citizens. restaurants, shops, hair- together, only with multi- Alex Azar is likely to get
Square. Italy's national hotel feder- dressers and beauticians. lateralism, only with that attention.
The hotel's last guest -- a ation said that by April the Restaurant owners in Milan kind of leadership, we The U.S. mission in Ge-
determined couple of hon- sector had already shed protested in front of the can defeat coronavirus neva this week said the
eymooners from Argentina 106,000 jobs, with occu- main train station Saturday, — not closing in national- United States believes
-- checked out around pancy dropping by 99% for saying that the rules re- isms, not being selfish." that Taiwan's "success-
March 11, days after Ita- foreigners and 96% for Ital- main unclear and that the Such calls for solidar- ful actions in response
ly's lockdown. And when ians. Another half a million entire sector needs more ity are likely to be tested to COVID-19 would be
phones have rung in recent jobs are at risk if the sum- concrete help, including next week. Usually the of significant benefit to
months, it has been with mer season does not take an abolition of taxes. Many WHO's biggest annual the rest of the world,"
cancellations, with only a off, according to the asso- worry they will reopen only event, the assembly will and merit its inclusion for
few reservations for 2021 ciation. to have to close again be- be conducted online the online event as an
trickling in. Judged by last year's turn- cause of lack of business.q and is billed as a "de mini- observer.q