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                                                                                                 u.s. news Diasabra 30 Januari 2021

                         Fauci sees vaccination for kids by late spring or the summer

            (AP) — The government's  emergency  room  physician,
            top  infectious  disease  ex-  who  supports  Fauci's  goal.
            pert said Friday he hopes  “Children can also be vectors
            to see children being vac-   of  transmission,  and  getting
            cinated  starting  in  the  children vaccinated is impor-
            next  few  months.  It's  a  tant as we strive for herd im-
            needed  step  to  securing  munity.”
            widespread  immunity  to
            the coronavirus.             The Food and Drug Admin-
                                         istration has not yet approved
            “Hopefully  by  the  time  we  vaccines for children, due to
            get  to  the  late  spring  and  insufficient  testing  data  on
            early  summer  we  will  have  safety  and  effectiveness  for
            children being able to be vac-  young people. But Fauci said
            cinated,”  Dr.  Anthony  Fauci  data  is  being  gathered  now,
            said during the White House  through a process called “age
            coronavirus briefing.        de-escalation testing.”

            Vaccines are not yet approved  For  example,  the  Pfizer-
            for  children,  and  Fauci  was  BioNTech  vaccine  received
            looking ahead to a time they  emergency  approval  for  use
            will be plentiful. Even older  in people 16 and older. The
            adults  are  having  difficulty  next step, said Fauci, involves
            getting shots at the moment.  testing  in  children  down  to
            As  of  Thursday,  only  about  12 years old, and if that's suc-
            1.3% of Americans had been  cessful  it's  followed  by  an-
            fully vaccinated with the re-  other round of testing down
            quired two doses of the cur-  to those 9 years old.       measured  in  hundreds  to  a  goal  of  100  million  shots  in
            rently available vaccines.                                couple of thousands ... what  its first 100 days.         His  American  Rescue  Plan
                                         Since the initial tests to vali-  we call safety and ... immu-                         legislation  in  Congress  calls
            Children  represent  about  date the safety and effective-  nogenicity.” That's a term for  Two  more  vaccines  from  for  $50  billion  to  finance
            one-fourth  of  the  popula-  ness of the Pfizer and Mod-  whether the vaccine success-  American  companies  are  a  major  expansion  of  test-
            tion,  and  for  the  U.S.  to  erna vaccines involved tens of  fully triggers an immune sys-  nearing  the  stage  where  the  ing,  which  is  seen  as  neces-
            reach  “herd  immunity,"  or  thousands of people, the age-  tem response.             FDA  can  evaluate  them  for  sary  for  the  safe  reopening
            widespread  resistance,  about  related  testing  on  children                         approval. One from Johnson  of  schools  and  businesses.
            70% to 85% of the population  can  be  done  using  smaller  After  a  frustratingly  slow  &  Johnson  requires  only  a  That's  because  robust  test-
            must be vaccinated.          groups.                      start, the U.S. is now admin-  single shot.               ing can detect early outbreaks
                                                                      istering about 1 million shots                            before they spread through a
            “Children  tend  to  not  be-  “You don’t want to have to ...  a day to adults, although that  Biden  has  also  set  a  goal  of  community and trigger shut-
            come as severely ill as adults  go  through  an  efficacy  trial,  pace  is  still  seen  as  insuf-  reopening  most  schools  by  downs.  Testing  in  the  U.S.
            but  they  can  still  become  where  you’re  involving  tens  ficient.  President  Joe  Biden  the  summer,  and  directed  had  a  chaotic  start,  and  ex-
            ill  and  some  have  tragically  of  thousands  of  children,"  has  talked  about  1.5  million  government agencies to work  perts say in many parts of the
            died,”  said  Dr.  Leana  Wen,  said  Fauci.  “What  you  can  shots a day, if it can be done.  with communities to advance  country it's still subpar.
            a  public  health  expert  and  do, is in a much smaller trial,  His  administration  has  set  a  it.

                              Biden to visit wounded soldiers at Walter Reed Hospital

            (AP)  —  President  Joe  at  Walter  Reed  National  pital, which treats thousands  Army  National  Guard,  died  just a few trips to the hospital
            Biden  is  making  his  first  Military Medical Center.   of military service members,  there in 2015 after a long bat-  made by Trump, who broke
            major  foray  outside  the                                veterans  and  their  families.  tle with brain cancer.   with  predecessor  President
            White  House  on  Friday,  Biden  has  a  long  and  per-  His  son  Beau,  who  served                             Barack  Obama  in  terms  of
            to  visit  wounded  soldiers  sonal  history  with  the  hos-  as  a  major  in  the  Delaware  Even before Beau’s treatment  visiting troops there. Obama
                                                                                                   at  the  hospital  in  Bethesda,  made nearly two dozen trips
                                                                                                   Maryland, just outside Wash-  to the hospital to meet with
                                                                                                   ington,  Joe  Biden  and  his  wounded soldiers.
                                                                                                   wife, Jill, were frequent visi-
                                                                                                   tors  during  his  time  as  vice  Biden’s  early  visit  there
                                                                                                   president,  making  multiple  marks one of his first depar-
                                                                                                   Christmas Day stops to meet  tures  from  the  gated  White
                                                                                                   with soldiers there. Jill Biden  House campus. Throughout
                                                                                                   focused in part on promoting  the transition and even dur-
                                                                                                   awareness of issues affecting  ing the campaign, Biden has
                                                                                                   military  families  during  that  pared back his travel and in-
                                                                                                   time,  and  on  Friday  she’ll  person  meetings,  doing  as
                                                                                                   again be focused on the issue  much work as possible virtu-
                                                                                                   as she participates in a virtual  ally  to  minimize  the  risk  of
                                                                                                   event with military-connect-  spreading the coronavirus.
                                                                                                   ed students.                 In  the  10  days  since  he
                                                                                                   Walter  Reed  also  features  a  was  inaugurated  president,
                                                                                                   specially  outfitted  suite  for  Biden’s  only  other  ventures
                                                                                                   presidents  to  receive  treat-  beyond  the  White  House
                                                                                                   ment, and President Donald  complex  included  a  visit  to
                                                                                                   Trump  was  admitted  there  the  Lincoln  Memorial  for  a
                                                                                                   for  a  few  days  last  October  celebration  on  Inauguration
                                                                                                   receiving  treatment  for  the  Day  evening  and  a  visit  to
                                                                                                   coronavirus.  It  was  one  of  church last Sunday.
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