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                                                                                         world news Diasabra 30 Januari 2021

                              China derecognizes British National Overseas passport

            (AP) — China said Friday it will
            no  longer  recognize  the  British  “This  move  seriously  infringes  on
            National  Overseas  passport  as  a  China’s sovereignty, grossly interferes
            valid travel document or form of  in Hong Kong affairs and China’s in-
            identification amid a bitter feud  ternal  affairs,  and  seriously  violates
            with London over a plan to allow  international law and the basic norms
            millions of Hong Kong residents  of  international  relations,”  he  said.
            a route to residency and eventual  “China will no longer recognize the
            citizenship.                        so-called  BNO  passport  as  a  travel
                                                document and proof of identity start-
            The announcement by Foreign Min-    ing  from  Jan  31st,  and  reserves  the
            istry  spokesperson  Zhao  Lijian  on  right to take further measures.”
            Friday  throws  up  new  uncertainty
            around the plan just hours after the  Many Hong Kongers carry multiple
            U.K. said it would begin taking appli-  passports  and  it  is  unclear  what  if
            cations for what are called BNO visas  anything  the  Chinese  government
            beginning late Sunday.              could do to prevent people entering
                                                the U.K. through the BNO visa plan.
            Under the plan, as many as 5.4 mil-  As  a  further  protection  of  personal
            lion  Hong  Kong  residents  could  be  privacy, a cellphone app will allow ap-
            eligible to live and work in the U.K.  plicants to download their biometric
            for five years then apply for citizen-  information without having to been
            ship.  Demand  soared  after  Beijing  seen visiting the British visa office.  cracked  down  on  civil  and  politi-  “I am immensely proud that we have
            last  year  imposed  a  sweeping  new                                   cal life in Hong Kong in what critics  brought in this new route for Hong
            national  security  law  on  the  former  The  BNO  passport  was  originally  a  say  violates  China’s  commitment  to  Kong BNOs to live, work and make
            British  colony  following  months  of  disappointment  for  Hong  Kongers  maintain  the  city’s  separate  way  of  their  home  in  our  country,”  British
            pro-democracy protests.             when  it  was  first  offered  ahead  of  life  for  50  years  after  the  handover.  Prime Minister Boris Johnson said in
                                                Hong  Kong’s  handover  to  Chinese  China  first  declared  the  1984  Sino-  a statement.
            “The British side’s attempt to turn a  rule in 1997. At the time, it offered  British  Declaration  setting  out  the
            large number of Hong Kong people  only the right to visit for six months  handover arrangements null and void  “In  doing  so  we  have  honored  our
            into second-class British citizens has  with  no  right  to  work  or  become  a  despite its recognition by the United  profound ties of history and friend-
            completely changed the nature of the  full  citizen.  Applicants  had  to  have  Nations,  then  imposed  the  national  ship with the people of Hong Kong,
            two sides’ original understanding of  been born before the handover date.  security law on the territory after the  and  we  have  stood  up  for  freedom
            BNO,” Zhao told reporters at a daily  However,  pressure  grew  to  expand  city’s legislature was unable to pass it  and autonomy – values both the UK
            briefing.                           such privileges as China increasingly  on its own.                      and Hong Kong hold dear.”

                        German unemployment steady, but virus having effect on jobs

            (AP)  —  Germany's  job  January remained unchanged                                    tion in January,” said Federal  recovery  process  slowed  as
            market  performed  un-       at 6% when adjusted for sea-  In  unadjusted  terms,  the  Labor  Agency  head  Detlef  new  lockdown  measures
            expectedly  well  in  Janu-  sonal  factors,  with  41,000  headline  figure  in  Germany,  Scheele.  “But  the  measures  were  imposed,  the  Federal
            ary, according to statistics  fewer people out of work, ac-  the  January  unemployment  meant to contain the corona-  Statistical Office said Friday.
            released  Friday,  though  cording to the Federal Labor  rate rose to 6.3% from 5.9%  virus are leaving their mark.”
            lockdown         measures  Agency.                        in  December,  with  some                                 German    gross   domestic
            meant to slow the spread                                  193,000  more  people  regis-  Like many countries, Germa-  product  grew  0.1%  over  the
            of the coronavirus contin-   Economists  had  been  pre-  tered as jobless for a total of  ny  has  implemented  wide-  previous  quarter  when  ad-
            ue to leave their mark on  dicting  a  slight  uptick  in  some 2.9 million out of work.  spread  restrictions  meant  to  justed for price, seasonal and
            Europe's largest economy.    number  of  unemployed  and                               slow the spread of the coro-  calendar  factors  the  Wies-
                                         a rise in the adjusted rate to  “All  in  all,  the  labor  market  navirus,  including  shutting  baden-based agency said.
            The  unemployment  rate  in  6.1%.                        remained  in  robust  condi-  restaurants for all but takeout  The  office  had  already  re-
                                                                                                   and delivery, bars, and leisure  ported earlier in January that
                                                                                                   and sports facilities.       the  economy  was  expected
                                                                                                                                to  have  “roughly  stagnated”
                                                                                                   Rises  in  unemployment  in  during  the  fourth  quarter
                                                                                                   Germany,  which  has  Eu-    when it reported that for the
                                                                                                   rope’s  biggest  economy,  and  year, GDP shrank by 5%.
                                                                                                   elsewhere  on  the  continent
                                                                                                   have  been  moderate  by  in-  The  office  said  new  lock-
                                                                                                   ternational standards. That is  down  measures  implement-
                                                                                                   because  employers  are  mak-  ed  in  early  November  had
                                                                                                   ing  heavy  use  of  salary  sup-  taken their toll on household
                                                                                                   port programs, often referred  consumption  in  particular
                                                                                                   to  as  furlough  schemes,  during the fourth quarter.
                                                                                                   which  allow  them  to  keep
                                                                                                   employees  on  the  payroll  “After  the  historic  9.7%
                                                                                                   while they await better times.  slump  of  the  gross  domes-
                                                                                                                                tic  product  in  the  second
                                                                                                   In Germany, the labor agency  quarter of 2020, the German
                                                                                                   pays at least 60% of the sal-  economy  was  recovering  in
                                                                                                   ary of employees who are on  the summer of the year,” the
                                                                                                   reduced or zero hours.       agency  said.  “In  the  fourth
                                                                                                                                quarter, however, the recov-
                                                                                                   Separate  data  showed  that  ery process slowed due to the
                                                                                                   Germany’s  economy  grew  second coronavirus wave and
                                                                                                   only  slightly  in  the  fourth  another  lockdown  imposed
                                                                                                   quarter  of  2020,  though  the  at the end of the year.”
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