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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Thursday 1 sepTember 2022
            Venezuelan migration picks up, reaches about 6.8M

            By REGINA GARCIA CANO                                                                                               Data  compiled  by  the  In-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    teragency    Coordination
            LOS PATIOS, Colombia (AP)                                                                                           Platform  for  Refugees  and
            — Arbelys Briceño fixed her                                                                                         Migrants,  which  involves
            eyes  on  the  chicken  soup                                                                                        about  200  humanitarian
            in the plastic container set                                                                                        organizations,  show  gov-
            before  her,  the  first  warm                                                                                      ernments  have  recorded
            meal  she'd  had  in  days.                                                                                         the  arrival  of  753,000  Ven-
            She  began  eating  slowly,                                                                                         ezuelan   migrants,   refu-
            almost  hesitantly,  but  then                                                                                      gees  and  asylum  seekers
            picked up the pace — and                                                                                            since November in 17 Latin
            snagged  another  serving                                                                                           American  and  Caribbean
            when soup kitchen workers                                                                                           countries.
            offered seconds.                                                                                                    The  platform's  data  also
            It was her eighth day on a                                                                                          show  the  overall  popula-
            journey  from  her  Venezu-                                                                                         tion  of  such  Venezuelans
            elan  hometown  to  Peru,                                                                                           in  those  countries  had  de-
            a  country  the  14-year-old                                                                                        clined  slightly  for  a  time
            couldn't  place  on  a  map                                                                                         last  year, from 4,620,185  in
            but  that  her  older  brother                                                                                      January to 4,598,355 in July.
            had set as their destination.                                                                                       The platform's figures don't
            Mosquitoes  had  marked                                                                                             include  all  migrants  as
            her legs. The sun had baked                                                                                         some countries don't count
            her face.                                                                                                           those who are illegally pres-
            "It is as if it were a vacation   Migrants from Venezuela cross into Chile from the Bolivian border near Colchane, Chile, Dec. 9,   ent and they don't include
            but  with  lots  of  walking,"   2021.                                                                              figures  for  other  countries,
            Arbelys  said  with  an  out-                                                                      Associated Press  such as the United States.
            look far more upbeat than                                                                                           Pandemic  lockdowns  and
            that  of  most  Venezuelan  November,  according  to  at two sites.                    chronic shortages.           border  closures  also  have
            migrants  trying  to  escape  data from receiving coun-   Jhon  Alvarez,  coordina-    Rrestaurants,    imported  pushed  migrants  to  riskier
            poverty  in  their  once-pros-  tries,  even  as  the  govern-  tor  of  the  Fundación  Nue-  goods  stores,  exercise  stu-  paths.  Mexico  recently im-
            perous country.              ment  of  President  Nicolas  va  Ilusión  —  roughly  New  dios  and  other  businesses  posed  a  visa  requirement
            About  6.8  million  Venezu-  Maduro  continues  to  tout  Hope Foundation in English  have  opened  in  the  capi-  for Venezuelans, so instead
            elans have left their home-  economic  growth.  Colom-    —  said  he  is  increasingly  tal,  Caracas.  Maduro  re-  of  flying  to  a  country  bor-
            land  since  an  economic  bia, which had not report-     seeing familiar faces at the  cently  said  the  country's  dering  the  U.S.,  Venezu-
            crisis  took  hold  in  earnest  ed  updated  figures  since  soup kitchen.            economy  grew  17.4%  dur-   elan  migrants  now  often
            in  2014  for  the  country  of  November, posted a jump  "People  are  returning  from  ing the first three months of  trek northward across Cen-
            some  28  million  people.  of roughly 635,000 between  the other countries — Chile,  2022.                         tral  America  after  crossing
            Most have gone to nearby  that month and August.          Peru,  Ecuador,  Bolivia  —  But Venezuela still has one  the  Darien  Gap,  a  road-
            nations  in  Latin  America  By  the  time  Arbelys,  her  again to Venezuela, but af-  of the world's highest infla-  less  jungle  straddling  the
            and  the  Caribbean.  More  sister  and  their  brother  ter 15 days or a month they  tion rates and about three  Colombia-Panama  border
            than  2.4  million  are  in  Co-  reached  Colombia,  they  can't  stand  it,  and  they  quarters  of  the  population  where  thieves,  swollen  riv-
            lombia, where Arbelys and  had  walked  about  370  come back," Alvarez said.          lives  on  less  than  $1.90  a  ers,  rough  terrain  and  wild
            her brother had paused on  miles  (600  kilometers).  She  He said they tell him, "'Look,  day,  an  international  stan-  animals are common.
            their trek.                  had been unable to sleep  I  had  to  come  back  be-     dard  for  extreme  poverty.  Panama's government said
            That huge migration slowed  one  night  —  they  had  cause the situation is still the  Many lack access to clean,  45,000  Venezuelans  had
            as the pandemic cut eco-     stayed  on  a  sidewalk  and  same  (or)  it's  worse.  They  running water and electric-  entered  its  territory  that
            nomic  opportunities  and  she was startled by noises.  raised the minimum wage,  ity.                              way so far this year, up from
            complicated  travel  across  She  slipped  and  fell  twice  yes they did, but there's no  "Hope is the last thing to be  only 3,000 last year.
            the  region  and  as  Ven-   as  they  walked  along  a  work.'"                       lost,  but  at  the  moment,  Arbelys, the 13th of 14 sib-
            ezuela's  socialist  govern-  muddy back road to cross  Nowadays, 48% of migrants  there is none," Frank Fernan-    lings, said she did not know
            ment adopted reforms that  the border.                    surveyed  by  a  network  of  dez said as he tried to con-  if  she  would  get  to  enroll
            slowed  the  country's  eco-  Her  brother,  on  the  jour-  assistance  agencies  cited  tact his family from the soup  at school once she gets to
            nomic  free-fall  and  gave  ney  for  a  second  time,  lack  of  employment  and  kitchen  to  let  them  know  Peru. She was not even sure
            some  appearance  of  re-    knew  better  than  to  allow  low  salaries  as  their  main  he had reached Colombia  where  in  Peru  she  would
            vival.                       the  harsh  sun  to  crisp  his  reason to leave Venezuela,  with his brother. They were  live.
            About    150,000   Venezu-   skin and slathered his face  while  40%  mentioned  diffi-  headed  to  Chile,  where  An  aid  worker  at  a  shel-
            elans  returned  to  their  with sunscreen, which had  culties obtaining food and  Fernandez had worked for  ter  near  the  border  had
            homeland at the height of  formed streaks  on his  fore-  basic  services,  according  four years before testing his  warned her of the dangers
            the coronavirus pandemic,  head.                          to  the  Venezuelan  office  luck again in Venezuela.     she  could  face  during  the
            according  to  United  Na-   Outside the soup kitchen in  of  the  United  Nations  High  The  19-year-old  used  to  rest of the journey.
            tions'  estimates,  and  some  Los  Patios,  about  4.5  miles  Commissioner for Refugees.  earn about $43 a day work-  "My  brothers  tell  me  that
            host  countries  reported  a  (7.5  kilometers)  inside  Co-  Maduro has taken steps to  ing construction in Chile. At  nothing  is  going  to  hap-
            decline in the overall count  lombia,  migrants  quickly  halt the country's econom-   home,  he  could  only  find  pen  to  me,"  said  Arbelys,
            of  Venezuelan  immigrants  cram  around  an  outdoor  ic  decline,  chief  among  work  cleaning  windshields  whose  parents  stayed  be-
            for the first time in years.  table  once  the  chain  link  them  ending  strict  foreign  at  a  gas  station.  He  and  hind.  "Along  the  journey,  I
            But  the  outward  march  is  fence door opens.           currency  controls,  leading  his brother walked up to 25  feel scared sometimes be-
            on the rise again.           Some  learned  from  friends  to  a  de  facto  switch  from  miles (40 kilometers) a day  cause (the aid worker) also
            At  least  753,000  Venezue-  or other migrants about the  the  Venezuelan  bolivar  to  until  they  entered  Colom-  told me about human traf-
            lans have left their country  operation,  whose  cooks  the U.S. dollar. That broke a  bia  along  one  of  the  hun-  ficking and how they try to
            for  another  in  Latin  Ameri-  prepare upward of 40 gal-  years-long  cycle  of  hyper-  dreds  of  dirt  roads  across  trick  you.  I'm  very  trusting,
            ca or the Caribbean since  lons of soup for each meal  inflation  and  helped  ease  the border.                    so that scares me a little."q
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