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Thursday 1 sepTember 2022 locAl

            Farmers Market at the Ostrich Farm

            Every first Sunday of the month the Ostrich Farm organized  The Farmer’s market is held under a large, covered area
            and facilitate the largest farmers market on the island. Ev-  so you can shop comfortably in the shade.
            erything sold during the farmers market are locally craft-
            ed,  produced  and  grown.  Locally  artisans  and  farmers  The restaurant in the premises serves delicious local lunch-
            gather at the farmers market to showcase proudly their  es  and  fresh  fish  when  available.  Ice  cold  local  beer,
            products.                                                 smoothies, fresh fruit shakes and not to be missed serves
                                                                      the best shaved ice on the island!
            You can find the best artisan bread & pastries, hot sauces,  And the Ostrich tours is of course offered as well.
            jams, cooking sauces, fresh egg and honey that comes
            from  small  beekeepers,  vegetarian  snacks  from  locally  For everybody  young  and  old  here  is  something  to  do,
            soured beans call Dubaru.                                 shop, relax and enjoy a great family outing and most of
            Then you have the very talented local artisans that share  all come and support the local artisans and farmers every
            their  unique  and  one-of-a-kind  art  such  as  driftwood  first Sunday of the month from 10:00 to 14:00, Matividiri 57,
            paintings,  high  quality  jewelry,  baby  clothing,  knitting  follow  our  facebookpage    or  Instagram  @arubaostrich-
            products, ceramic mugs/cups and plates, Calabash art,  farm  and  be  notified  for  each  upcoming  farmers  mar-
            organic soap and cosmetic and so much more!               ketq
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