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                                                                                                  business Thursday 1 sepTember 2022
            States tapping historic surpluses for tax cuts and rebates

            JEFFERSON  CITY,  Mo.  (AP)                                                                                         to  be  paid  next  year  but
            —  Stoked  by  the  largest                                                                                         is  being  distributed  now
            surplus in state history, Mis-                                                                                      — along with a letter from
            souri's  Republican-led  Leg-                                                                                       Democratic  Gov.  Jared
            islature devised a $500 mil-                                                                                        Polis  touting  it  as  inflation
            lion plan to send one-time                                                                                          relief.
            tax  refunds  to  millions  of                                                                                      Polis, who is up for re-elec-
            households.  In  a  shock  to                                                                                       tion  in  November,  had
            some, GOP Gov. Mike Par-                                                                                            been  a  previous  critic  of
            son vetoed it.                                                                                                      the  automatic  refund  pro-
            Parson's   objection:   He                                                                                          vision. His Republican chal-
            wanted  a  bigger,  longer-                                                                                         lenger, Heidi Ganahl, is ac-
            lasting tax cut.                                                                                                    cusing him of "hypocrisy."
            "Now  is  the  time  for  the                                                                                       Idaho  Gov.  Brad  Little,  a
            largest  income  tax  cut  in                                                                                       Republican, has called the
            our  state's  history,"  Parson                                                                                     Legislature back for a spe-
            declared as he called law-                                                                                          cial  session  starting  Thurs-
            makers back for a Septem-                                                                                           day  to  consider  more  tax
            ber special session to con-                                                                                         breaks.
            sider a $700 million perma-  Colorado State Treasurer Dave Young holds up a replica of a check sent to resident joint tax filers   He's  proposing  to  use  part
            nent tax reduction.          as part of the "Colorado Cashback" refund Tuesday, Aug. 30, 2022, in Denver.           of  the  state's  projected  $2
            Upon  its  likely  approval,                                                                       Associated Press  billion  budget  surplus  for
            Missouri will join at least 32                                                                                      a  $500  million  income  tax
            states  that  already  have  year, meeting one informal  states  except  New  York,  rebates do little to fight in-  rebate  this  year.  He  also
            enacted some type of tax  sign of a recession.            where    Democrats    who  flation  and  "may  actually  wants  to  cut  more  than
            cut  or  rebate  this  year  —  "Quite  simply,  relying  on  wield  power  accelerated  be  counterproductive"  by  $150  million  annually  by
            an  astounding  outpour-     the  current  surplus  to  fund  the  timetable  for  a  previ-  enabling  additional  con-  creating a flat 5.8% income
            ing of billions of tax dollars  permanent  tax  changes  ously approved tax rate re-   sumer  spending  on  items  tax rate starting next year.
            back to the people. Idaho  isn't  fiscally  sustainable,  or  duction.                 in  scarce  supply  and  thus  That comes after the state
            lawmakers  are  convening  responsible,  and  will  ulti-  Republican-led   Arkansas  contributing to higher pric-  reduced  the  top  tax  rate
            Thursday  to  consider  more  mately require cuts to state  was  the  most  recent  to  es,  said  Hernan  Moscoso  each of the last two years.
            tax  breaks,  and  Montana  services,"  said  Amy  Blouin,  take  action  during  an  Au-  Boedo,  an  economist  at  "Folks,  this  is  conservative
            lawmakers also are weigh-    president  and  CEO  of  the  gust special session. A new  the University of Cincinnati.  governing  in  action,"  Little
            ing a special session for tax  Missouri  Budget  Project,  a  law will speed up a gradual  Still,  big  surpluses  coupled  said  while  asserting  the
            relief.                      nonprofit  that  analyzes  fis-  income  tax  rate  reduction  with inflation make rebates  tax  cuts  still  would  leave
            Flush with federal pandem-   cal policies.                enacted last year and pro-   a tempting option for politi-  enough  money  to  boost
            ic aid and their own surging  For  some  states,  the  cur-  vide a one-time inflationary  cians, especially during an  education funding by hun-
            tax  revenue,  states  have  rent  surpluses  are  unlike  tax credit. Republican Gov.  election year.              dreds of millions of dollars.
            cut  income  tax  rates  for  anything they've previously  Asa  Hutchinson  described  Georgia  Gov.  Brian  Kemp,  Montana  lawmakers  are
            individuals  and  businesses,  seen.                      the  $500  million  package  a  Republican  facing  a  re-  weighing  whether  to  con-
            expanded  tax  deductions  The 2022 fiscal year, which  as  "a  transfer  of  wealth  election  challenge  from  vene a special session later
            for  families  and  retirees,  ended  June  30  for  most  from  the  government  to  Democrat  Stacey  Abrams,  in  September  to  provide
            pared back property taxes,  states,  marked  the  sec-    the  taxpayer"  that  "could  has been among the most  tax  breaks  from  a  budget
            waived sales taxes on gro-   ond  straight  year  of  large  not have come at a more  aggressive  tax-cutters.  He  surplus. A proposal calls for
            ceries and suspended mo-     growth  in  tax  collections  important time."            signed legislation gradually  giving $1,000 rebates to ho-
            tor fuel taxes to offset infla-  after economic shutdowns  Nationwide, inflation is at a  reducing  the  income  tax  meowners who paid prop-
            tionary  price  spikes.  Many  triggered  declines  early  in  40-year-high,  raising  prices  rate  from  5.75%  to  4.99%.  erty  taxes  during  the  past
            also  have  provided  imme-  the coronavirus pandemic.  on most good and services  He  also  signed  a  measure  two years. It also would pro-
            diate tax rebates.           Many  states  reported  their  and squeezing incomes.     providing  a  $1.1  billion  tax  vide income tax rebates of
            Republicans  and  Demo-      largest-ever  surpluses,  ac-  At least 15 states have ap-  rebate, with up to $250 for  $1,250  for  individuals  and
            crats alike have joined the  cording to the National As-  proved  one-time  rebates  individuals  and  $500  for  $2,500 for couples.
            tax-cutting  trend  during  a  sociation  of  State  Budget  from their surpluses, includ-  couples.  He  has  proposed  Montana's   Republican
            midterm election year.       Officers.                    ing  10  led  by  Democratic  an  additional  $2  billion  in  House  and  Senate  major-
            Yet divisions have emerged  "I don't think there's been a  governors  and  legislatures,  income  and  property  tax  ity  leaders  said  in  a  joint
            about how far to go. While  time in history where states  four  by  Republicans  and  rebates.  And  after  a  law  statement  that  the  re-
            Democrats  generally  have  are better equipped to ride  one — Virginia — with split  temporarily suspending the  bates  would  offer  help  "as
            favored     targeted    tax  out  a  potential  recession,"  partisan control.         state's  gas  tax  expired  in  soon  as  possible  with  ex-
            breaks  and  one-time  re-   said  Timothy  Vermeer,  se-  Democratic-led  California,  May,  Kemp  extended  the  penses  such  as  gas,  gro-
            bates,  some  Republicans  nior  state  tax  policy  ana-  which posted a record $97  gas tax break through mid-    ceries, school supplies and
            have  pressed  for  perma-   lyst  at  the  Tax  Foundation,  billion  surplus,  is  sending  September.            so  much  more."  But  some
            nent  income  tax  rate  re-  a  Washington,  D.C.-based  rebates  of  between  $200  "We're trying to help Geor-   lawmakers, including term-
            ductions  that  could  lower  think tank. "A majority, if not  and  $1,050  to  individuals  gians  fight  through  this  limited  GOP  Rep.  Frank
            tax  bills  —  and  state  rev-  all,  of  the  rainy  day  funds  earning  less  than  $250,000  tough time," Kemp said.  Garner, have expressed re-
            enue — for years to come.  are in a really healthy posi-  annually  and  households  In Colorado, legislative staff  luctance. "My first concern
            Parson describes it as "real,  tion."                     earning less than $500,000.  estimate it will cost $2.7 mil-  is if this proposal is driven by
            lasting relief."             Income tax rate cuts have  All    four   GOP-controlled  lion to carry out legislation  an imminent emergency or
            Some     budget    analysts  passed  in  13  states  this  states providing rebates —  expediting  an  income  tax  by  those  wanting  to  write
            warn  that  permanent  tax  year, already equaling last  Georgia,  Indiana,  Idaho  refund of $750 for individu-    checks  to  voters  because
            cuts could strain states dur-  year's historic total, accord-  and South Carolina — also  als and $1,500 for couples.  their  emergency  is  mere-
            ing  a  future  recession.  The  ing  to  the  Tax  Foundation.  made  permanent  income  The  constitutionally  man-  ly  an  imminent  election,"
            U.S.  economy  has  shrunk  Republicans  control  the  tax rate cuts.                  dated  refund  of  surplus  Garner wrote in an opinion
            for two straight quarters this  legislatures  in  all  of  those  Though  often  popular,  tax  revenue was originally due  column.q
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