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a8    local
               Thursday 1 sepTember 2022

            AAA’s Wings of Hope presents:

            SDG 6K Fun Walk & Run 2022

            ORANJESTAD  -  Aruba  Air-   can  learn  to  give  therapy  providing   children   who  Cuna  Progreso  also  pro-  will take place on Saturday
            port Authority N.V.’s (AAA)  exercises  to  their  child  at  (temporarily) can no longer  vides guidance to the par-  September  3,  2022,  start-
            “Wings  of  Hope”  (WoH)  is  home.                       live at their home because  ents/foster parents of these  ing  at  6AM.  The  route  will
            organizing a 6K Sustainable                               of  for  example  neglect,  children.                     be from the Airport uncov-
            Development  Goals  (SDG)  Stichting  Casa  Cuna  Pro-    sexual  abuse  or  physi-                                 ered  Parking  Lot  to  Mahu-
            Awareness Fun Walk & Run-    greso  is  a  children’s  home  cal  abuse.  Stichting  Casa  The SDG 6K Fun Walk & Run  ma roundabout to Simeon
            on  Saturday  September  3,                                                                                         Antonio  passing  by  Bopel
            2022.                                                                                                               to  Hyatt  Place  and  back
                                                                                                                                to  the  Airport  uncovered
            As part of WoH’s SDG Envi-                                                                                          Parking lot. All participants
            ronment/Airport Communi-                                                                                            are  requested  to  be  pres-
            ty  Goal,  WoH  is  organizing                                                                                      ent  at  the  starting  point,
            a  SDG  Fun  Walk  &  Run  in                                                                                       the   Airport   uncovered
            order to raise funds for two                                                                                        Parking  lot  at  5:30AM.  All
            foundations  and  create                                                                                            proceeds  will  go  towards
            awareness  on  the  impor-                                                                                          the  two  foundations.  As  a
            tance  of  the  Sustainable                                                                                         bonus, all participants pres-
            Development  Goals  set                                                                                             ent  will  automatically  be
            forth by United Nations. The                                                                                        participating  in  the  raffle
            two foundations that were                                                                                           prizes which consists of 35+
            chosen by AAA employees                                                                                             total prizes including airfare
            via a poll are Micky’s Foun-                                                                                        tickets, electronic gadgets,
            dation  and  Stichting  Casa                                                                                        apparel  and  electronic
            Cuna Progreso.                                                                                                      shop  certificates,  dinner
                                                                                                                                vouchers and much more.
            Micky’s  Foundation  pro-
            vides children with physical                                                                                        WoH  encourages  individu-
            and/or  mental  limitations                                                                                         als,   organizations,   and
            with  free,  specialized,  and                                                                                      other  service  groups  to
            intensive  therapy  session                                                                                         participate  in  the  SDG  6K
            in  the  homes  of  families.                                                                                       Fun Walk & Run to not only
            Micky’s  Foundation  orga-                                                                                          raise awareness on the im-
            nizes   3-months   projects                                                                                         portance  of  the  SDGs  but
            back-to-back  four  times  a                                                                                        also  on  the  importance  of
            year,  so  continuity  of  ther-                                                                                    everyone’s  involvement  in
            apy  is  also  guaranteed.                                                                                          projects that create a bet-
            Each  therapy  is  always                                                                                           ter  future  for  the  Aruban
            given with the assistance of                                                                                        Community,  especially  the
            at least one parent, so they                                                                                        children.q
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