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Thursday 1 sepTember 2022
AAA’s Wings of Hope presents:
SDG 6K Fun Walk & Run 2022
ORANJESTAD - Aruba Air- can learn to give therapy providing children who Cuna Progreso also pro- will take place on Saturday
port Authority N.V.’s (AAA) exercises to their child at (temporarily) can no longer vides guidance to the par- September 3, 2022, start-
“Wings of Hope” (WoH) is home. live at their home because ents/foster parents of these ing at 6AM. The route will
organizing a 6K Sustainable of for example neglect, children. be from the Airport uncov-
Development Goals (SDG) Stichting Casa Cuna Pro- sexual abuse or physi- ered Parking Lot to Mahu-
Awareness Fun Walk & Run- greso is a children’s home cal abuse. Stichting Casa The SDG 6K Fun Walk & Run ma roundabout to Simeon
on Saturday September 3, Antonio passing by Bopel
2022. to Hyatt Place and back
to the Airport uncovered
As part of WoH’s SDG Envi- Parking lot. All participants
ronment/Airport Communi- are requested to be pres-
ty Goal, WoH is organizing ent at the starting point,
a SDG Fun Walk & Run in the Airport uncovered
order to raise funds for two Parking lot at 5:30AM. All
foundations and create proceeds will go towards
awareness on the impor- the two foundations. As a
tance of the Sustainable bonus, all participants pres-
Development Goals set ent will automatically be
forth by United Nations. The participating in the raffle
two foundations that were prizes which consists of 35+
chosen by AAA employees total prizes including airfare
via a poll are Micky’s Foun- tickets, electronic gadgets,
dation and Stichting Casa apparel and electronic
Cuna Progreso. shop certificates, dinner
vouchers and much more.
Micky’s Foundation pro-
vides children with physical WoH encourages individu-
and/or mental limitations als, organizations, and
with free, specialized, and other service groups to
intensive therapy session participate in the SDG 6K
in the homes of families. Fun Walk & Run to not only
Micky’s Foundation orga- raise awareness on the im-
nizes 3-months projects portance of the SDGs but
back-to-back four times a also on the importance of
year, so continuity of ther- everyone’s involvement in
apy is also guaranteed. projects that create a bet-
Each therapy is always ter future for the Aruban
given with the assistance of Community, especially the
at least one parent, so they children.q