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                                                                                         world news Diamars 24 augustus 2021

              US WWII veteran reunites with Italians he

                                      saved as children

            (AP)  —  For  more  than
            seven  decades,  Martin
            Adler  treasured  a  back-
            and-white  photo  of  him-
            self  as  a  young  American
            soldier with a broad smile
            with  three  impeccably
            dressed  Italian  children                                                                Poland plans fence on Belarus
            he  is  credited  with  sav-
            ing as the Nazis retreated                                                                border, offers aid to migrants
            northward in 1944.
                                                                                                     (AP) — Poland plans to  Almost  800  of  them  got
            On Monday, the 97-year-old                                                               build  a  fence  along  its  in and have been placed in
            World War II veteran met the                                                             border with Belarus and  state-run centers.
            three  siblings  —  now  octo-                                                           deploy  more  soldiers  In  response  to  the  mi-
            genarians  themselves  —  in                                                             there  to  stop  migrants  grants’ arrival, Poland said
            person for the first time since                                                          seeking to enter the Eu-   it  had  deployed  over  900
            the war.                                                                                 ropean Union nation.       soldiers to the border with
                                                                                                                                Belarus  and  was  reinforc-
            Adler  held  out  his  hand  to  “That  was  a  real  hero,  the  Eventually  the  photo  was   The government on Mon-  ing  the  border  with  150
            grasp  those  of  Bruno,  Ma-  mother, not me. The moth-  spotted by an Italian journal-  day  also  offered  to  send  kilometers  (93  miles)  of
            falda and Giuliana Naldi for  er was a real hero. Can you  ist  who  had  written  a  book   humanitarian aid to a mi-  barbed wire. On Monday,
            the  joyful  reunion  at  Bolo-  imagine  you  standing  your-  on World War II. He was able   grant  group  stuck  at  the  Defense Minister Mariusz
            gna’s airport after a 20-hour  self  in  front  of  a  gun  and  to  track  down  Adler’s  regi-  border for more than two  Blaszczak  said  more  sol-
            journey  from  Boca  Raton,  screaming  ‘Children!  No!’”  ment and where it had been    weeks.                     diers would be sent and a
            Florida. Then, just as he did  he said.                   stationed  from  a  small  de-                            fence  2.5  meters  (8  feet)
            as  a  20-year-old  soldier  in                           tail  in  another  photograph.   Poland and the three Baltic  tall  would  be  erected  on
            their village of Monterenzio,  Adler still trembles when he  The smiling photo was then   states — Latvia, Lithuania  the border.
            he handed out bars of Ameri-  remembers that he was only  published in a local newspa-   and Estonia — accuse Be-
            can chocolate.               seconds  away  from  opening  per, leading to the discovery   larusian President Alexan-  Blaszczak  said  the  new
                                         fire on the basket. And after  of the identities of the three   der Lukashenko of sending  border  fence  would  be
            “Look  at  my  smile,”  Adler  all these decades, he still suf-  children,  who  by  then  were   migrants  across  their  bor-  modeled on the one Hun-
            said  of  the  long-awaited  in-  fers nightmares from the war,  grandparents themselves.  ders, which also form part  gary  erected  against  mi-
            person  reunion,  made  pos-  said  his  daughter,  Rachelle                             of the EU’s eastern border,  grants  years  ago  on  its
            sible  by  the  reach  of  social  Donley.                They shared a video reunion    in what they call a “hybrid  border with Serbia, which
            media.                                                    in  December,  and  waited     war.”  The  migrants  are  is reinforced with coils of
                                         The  children,  aged  3  to  6  until the easing of pandemic   mostly  from  Afghanistan  razor wire.
            It  was  a  happy  ending  to  a  when they met, were a hap-  travel  rules  made  the  trans-  and Iraq.           “We  are  dealing  with  an
            story  that  could  easily  have  py  memory.  His  company  Atlantic trip possible.                                attack  on  Poland.  It  is  an
            been a tragedy.              stayed on in the village for a                              All  four  EU  nations  be-  attempt  to  trigger  a  mi-
                                         while and he would come by  “I am so happy and so proud     lieve the surge in migrants  gration  crisis,”  he  said  at
            The very first time the soldier  and play with them.      of him. Because things could   is Minsk’s revenge for the  a  news  conference  at  the
            and  the  children  saw  each                             have been so different in just   EU’s sanctions against the  border.
            other, in 1944, the three faces  Giuliana  Naldi,  the  young-  a second. Because he hesitat-  autocratic  regime  in  Be-
            peeked out of a huge wicker  est,  is  the  only  one  of  the  ed,  there  have  been  genera-  larus.             Noting  that  Lukashen-
            basket  where  their  mother  three with any recollection of  tions of people,” Donley said.                        ko’s regime has ties to the
            had hidden them as soldiers  the event. She recalls climb-                               “Using  immigrants  to  Kremlin,  Blaszczak  said:
            approached.  Adler  thought  ing out of the basket and see-  The serendipity isn’t lost on   destabilize   neighboring  “We  will  not  allow  the
            the  house  was  empty,  so  he  ing  Adler  and  another  U.S.  Giuliana  Naldi’s  30-year-  countries  constitutes  a  creation of a route for the
            trained  his  machine  gun  on  soldier, who has since died.  old  granddaughter,  Roberta   clear  breach  of  the  inter-  transfer  of  migrants  via
            the  basket  when  he  heard  a                           Fontana, one of six children,   national  law  and  qualifies  Poland  to  the  European
            sound,  thinking  a  German  “They  were  laughing,”  Na-  eight grandchildren and two   as a hybrid attack against ...  Union.”
            soldier was hiding inside.   ldi,  now  80,  remembers.  great-grandchildren who de-     Latvia,  Lithuania,  Poland  Meanwhile,  political  ten-
                                         “They  were  happy  they  scended from the three chil-      and thus against the entire  sions  are  growing  in  Po-
            “The    mother,   Mamma,  didn’t shoot.”                  dren  hidden  in  the  wicker   European  Union,”  they  land over 30 migrants who
            came out and stood right in  She,  on  the  other  hand,  basket.                        said  in  a  joint  statement  became stuck on the bor-
            front of my gun to stop me  didn’t quite comprehend the                                  Monday.                    der with Belarus. A refugee
            (from)  shooting,”  Adler  re-  close call.               “Knowing that Martin could     From Geneva, the U.N.’s  rights group says the group
            called. “She put her stomach                              have  shot  and  that  none  of   Refugee  Agency’s  spokes-  includes  people  from  Af-
            right against my gun, yelling,  “We  weren’t  afraid  for  any-  my  family  would  exist  is   person Shabia Mantoo said  ghanistan  and  some  who
            ‘Bambinis!  Bambinis!  Bam-  thing,” she said.            something very big,” Fontana   the  organization  has  been  need  medical  attention.
            binis!’  pounding  my  chest,″                            said. “It is very emotional.”  closely following the situ-  Poland insists they are on
            Adler recalled.              She also remembers the sol-                                 ation.                     Belarusian  territory,  but
                                         dier’s chocolate, which came  During his stay in Italy, Adler                          has still faced criticism for
                                         in a blue-and-white wrapper.  will spend some time in the   “We  have  been  very  con-  not allowing the migrants
                                                                      village  where  he  was  sta-  cerned  by  developments  to apply for asylum.
                                         “We  ate  so  much  of  that  tioned, before traveling on to   at the borders resulting in
                                         chocolate,” she laughed.     Florence, Naples and Rome,     people  being  stranded  for  On  Monday  the  Polish
                                                                      where he hopes to meet Pope    days,” Mantoo said.        Foreign  Ministry  said  it
                                         Donley  decided  during  the  Francis.                                                 submitted  a  diplomatic
                                         COVID-19 lockdown to use                                    The  Polish  government  note to Belarus offering to
                                         social  media  to  try  to  track  “My dad really wants to meet   said  last  week  that  2,100  provide food and medicine
                                         down the children in the old  the pope,” Donley said. “He   migrants  had  tried  to  en-  for  the  group,  as  well  as
                                         black-and-white photo, start-  wants to share his message of   ter  Poland  illegally  from  tents,  beds,  sleeping  bags,
                                         ing with veterans’ groups in  peace and love. My dad is all   Belarus  so  far  in  August.  blankets and pajamas.
                                         North America.               about peace.”
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