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A32     sports
                 Diamars 24 augustus 2021

                          Dybala recalled to Argentina squad for World Cup qualifiers

            (AP) — Striker Paulo Dy-                                                               Buenos Aires.                la (Betis), Lisandro Martínez
            bala  was  called  up  to  the                                                                                      and Nicolás Tagliafico (Ajax).
            Argentina  squad  for  the                                                             Defender  Cristian  Romero
            first  time  in  almost  two                                                           and midfielder Leandro Pare-  Midfielders:  Rodrigo  De
            years Monday after an im-                                                              des are suspended for the first  Paul  (Atletico  Madrid),  Le-
            pressive start to the season                                                           game.                        andro  Paredes  (Paris  Saint
            with Juventus.                                                                                                      Germain), Giovani Lo Celso
                                                                                                   ____                         (Tottenham),  Exequiel  Pa-
            Dybala  was  included  in  the                                                                                      lacios  (Bayer  Leverkusen),
            squad  for  three  upcoming                                                            Squad:                       Guido  Rodríguez  (Betis),
            World Cup qualifiers in Sep-                                                           Goalkeepers:  Franco  Ar-    Nicolás  Domínguez  (Bolo-
            tember,  with  veteran  Sergio                                                         mani (River Plate), Emiliano  gna), Emiliano Buendía (As-
            Aguero out injured.                                                                    Martínez (Aston Villa), Juan  ton Villa) and Alejandro Gó-
                                                                                                   Musso (Atalanta), Gerónimo  mez (Sevilla).
            Coach Lionel Scaloni includ-                                                           Rulli (Villarreal).
            ed  most  of  the  players  who                                                                                     Forwards:  Lionel  Messi  and
            won  the  Copa  America  in                                                            Defenders:  Gonzalo  Mon-    Ángel Di María (París Saint-
            July,  Argentina’s  first  major  host Brazil in the final, were                       tiel, Marcos Acuña (Sevilla),  Germain),  Lautaro  Mar-
            title in almost 30 years.    all called up.               Argentina is second in South  Nahuel  Molina  (Udinese),  tínez  (Inter  Milan),  Nicolás
                                                                      American qualifying with 12  Cristian  Romero  (Totten-   González (Fiorentina), Ángel
            Lionel  Messi,  goalkeeper  Dybala was part of the 2019  points from six matches. The  ham),  Nicolás  Otamendi  Correa  (Atletico  Madrid),
            Emiliano Martínez and strik-  Copa America squad and has  team has away games against  (Benfica), Juan Foyth (Villar-  Paulo Dybala (Juventus), Ju-
            er Angel Di María, the scorer  played 29  games  in  total for  Venezuela  and  leader  Bra-  real), Lucas Martínez Quarta  lián Álvarez (River Plate) and
            of  the  winning  goal  against  Argentina.               zil  before  hosting  Bolivia  in  (Fiorentina), Germán Pezzel-  Joaquín Correa (Lazio).

                           Pacquiao ponders ring retirement, political plans after loss

              (AP) — Manny Pacquiao  Pacquiao  said.  “That’s  why  stump speech by a politician.
              sounded like a fighter on  I’m still here fighting at the
              his  way  out  and  a  politi-  age  of  42.  I’m  enjoying  it,  Indeed,  the  Filipino  sena-
              cian on his way up.         but  sometimes  you  have  to  tor’s  next  fight  is  probably
                                          think about the response of  in  the  political  ring:  He  is
              He  might  have  concealed  your body. ... My mind, my  widely expected to enter the
              his battered face behind big  heart, it’s 100%. But my legs  presidential race in the Phil-
              sunglasses,  but  Pacquiao  were cramping.”             ippines next month ahead of
              didn’t  hide  behind  excuses                           the May 2022 election.
              or denial after a discouraging  In the moments after he re-
              unanimous-decision  loss  to  turned from a two-year ring  “In my heart, I want to con-
              Yordenis  Ugás  on  Saturday  absence with the loss to the  tinue to fight,” Pacquiao said.
              night.                      rangy,  resilient  Ugás,  Pac-  “But the thing is, I also have
                                          quiao repeatedly hinted he is  to consider my body. I’ve put
              Yes,  Pacquiao  disclosed  that  planning to retire from box-  it through a lot of things. Es-
              his legs cramped throughout  ing.                       pecially back in my country,
              the fight on the Vegas Strip,                           there’s a lot of things that I   his  generation.  Along  with  best  guy,  the  best  fighter.  I
              depriving him of the mobil-  He is still alongside Canelo  need  to  accomplish  to  help   his stunning array of champi-  hate to see the day when he
              ity that has always made his  Álvarez  as  the  two  biggest  people.  I  want  to  be  an  in-  onship belts and his ground-  retires, but this could be it.
              power so dangerous.         active stars in the sport, yet  spiration  to  the  Philippine   breaking mobility across the  We’ll  see  what  Manny  de-
                                          Pacquiao  (67-8-2)  has  nev-  people inside and outside the   sport’s  weight  classes,  Pac-  cides.”
              The  eight-division  world  er  spoken  so  frankly  about  ring.”                   quiao  will  be  remembered
              champion  still  acknowl-   leaving  behind  26  years  in                           for  his  utter  fearlessness  in  Another   scenario   seems
              edged  the  larger  fact  that  the pro fight game.     Countless   athletes   have   taking  on  countless  larger  equally  plausible  at  this
              was obvious even to most of                             struggled  mightily  to  find   foes without blinking.   point:   Pacquiao   doesn’t
              his devoted fans around the  “I’ve  done  a  lot  for  boxing,  worthwhile ways to fill their                    win  the  presidency  in  nine
              world: He deserved his loss  and boxing has done a lot for  time  after  retirement.  That   Freddie  Roach,  Pacquiao’s  months — he is behind sev-
              to  Ugás,  a  talented  oppo-  me,”  Pacquiao  said.  “I  look  wouldn’t  be  a  problem  for   devoted  trainer  for  most  of  eral candidates in early poll-
              nent who probably wouldn’t  forward to spending a lot of  Pacquiao:  His  chaotic  life   the  past  two  decades,  ac-  ing — and he subsequently
              have been much trouble for  time thinking about my fu-  won’t  get  less  busy,  but  it   knowledged  being  “a  little  gets  a  highly  lucrative  op-
              prime Pacman.               ture in boxing.”            could be a bit more focused   worried” about the champ.  portunity  to  return  to  the
                                                                      with only one career to con-                             ring late next year, when he
              And  that  might  be  a  good  Pacquiao’s  postfight  com-  sider.                   “He’s boxed for a long time,  will be nearly 44.
              reason to walk away.        ments included a sprinkling                              and  he’s  the  best  guy  I’ve
                                          of  such  catchy,  pre-written  If Pacquiao retires, he leaves   ever had,” Roach said. “The  Given  Pacquiao’s  competi-
              “This  sport  is  my  passion,”  phrases  —  sort  of  like  a  boxing as one of the greats of                   tive nature and his relatively
                                                                                                                               expensive  lifestyle,  his  self-
                                                                                                                               awareness  could  be  over-
                                                                                                                               come by the rewards of the
                                                                                                                               fight game.

                                                                                                                               But  in  the  moments  after
                                                                                                                               this  cramping,  frustrated
                                                                                                                               great  lost  for  the  first  time
                                                                                                                               in  four  years,  Pacquiao  was
                                                                                                                               thinking  deeply  about  both
                                                                                                                               his  current  state  and  future
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