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sports Diamars 24 augustus 2021
Small crowds, big noise at Little League World Series
(AP) — Hunter Nepple’s
game-tying three-run
homer in the bottom of
the sixth inning had Ne-
braska’s cheering section
screaming and stomping
their feet at Lamade Sta-
Hawaii’s 3-0 lead had evapo-
rated with one swing, but its
fans were eager to respond
once pitcher Micah Bennett
got the team from Honolulu
out of the inning. Nebraska’s
and Hawaii’s sections of the
ballpark took turns belting
out hometown cheers, an stands, I think it sounds pret- still appearing on nation- used to. I think they’re com- his players “don’t know any
impromptu who-can-be- ty loud even though it’s not ally televised ESPN broad- fortable with what it is now.” different” than competing
loudest contest in a game that the hugest crowd.” casts, they’re doing so in a with little more than family
wound up as an 11-3 Hawaii The reduced capacity crowds more familiar and relatable Nonetheless, longtime Little and friends on hand.
victory in seven innings Sun- permitted at Volunteer and setting. Stier pointed out League World Series fan Erin
day. Lamade Stadiums have cre- how the opening days of the Smith of nearby Hughesville And for Rader, the experi-
ated an intimate experience LLWS have been reminiscent definitely noticed a dip in en- ence of being in South Wil-
Because of the ongoing CO- for everyone involved. of hometown Little League ergy at the ballpark this year. liamsport rather than endur-
VID-19 pandemic, Little games. She got a section pass since ing another season without
League World Series games Scott Stier was in attendance her dad volunteers at the sta- Little League baseball like in
have only had a few hun- supporting Florida’s team, Hawaii manager Brandon diums. 2020 is more than enough to
dred family and friends in the since his 13-year-old son aged Sardinha noted how capacity get excited about.
stands this year. Turns out out of their Little League but restrictions also were in place Not to mention, embar-
they were the ones making is still best friends with one during both the Hawaii state rassing moments like a dad “I don’t know if playing in
a lot of the noise in the first of the players. Stier thinks tournament and the West moaning when his child front of the world or playing
place. the more relaxed atmosphere Regional in San Bernardino, strikes out or bobbles a ball in front of 30,000 in person is
could help some of the more California. are now much easier for all much different. It’s all a new
“Even with the smaller shy participants. to hear. experience,” he said. “You get
crowds, it really hasn’t di- “If there were a lot more what you get and you don’t
minished our experience at “It’s a tough burden to carry fans out there, it could be a Nebraska manager Dustin throw a fit. That’s kind of
all,” said Stan Budarz, father for them,” Stier said. “I think distraction,” Sardinha said. Rader, whose Hastings Little how we’ve lived this whole
of Jacob Budarz of the Con- it turned out to be maybe a “Throughout this process League squad is just the sec- trip. It would have been nice
necticut team. “You can gen- blessing in disguise if they from our state tournament ond team from the Corn- to see those stands packed,
erate a lot of energy and the felt a little uncomfortable.” to regionals, it’s been kind of husker state to ever make it to but man, it’s a lot better than
way the acoustics are in the While these 12-year-olds are limited, so that’s what they’re the world series, said he and last year.”
US Open champs get lowest payout since 2012; total prizes up
(AP) - The two singles player compensation to a re- a decrease from $1.5 million
champions at this year’s cord $57.5 million, slightly in 2020 and $1.9 million in
U.S. Open will earn 35% more than the $57.2 million 2019 — and the lowest since
less than in 2019, the last in 2019. The figure was $53.4 $950,000 in 2012.
time the Grand Slam ten- million in 2020.
nis tournament allowed In 2020, U.S. Open qualify-
spectators, while prize The title winners in singles ing was called off amid the
money for qualifying and each will be paid $2.5 mil- pandemic. That part of this
the first three rounds of lion, down from $3 mil- year’s event starts Tuesday
the main draw will rise as lion last year and $3.85 mil- — unlike for the main tour-
part of an overall increase. lion two years ago. It is the nament, no spectators will be
lowest amount for the top permitted — and will award
A year after banning fans en- prize at Flushing Meadows nearly $6 million in all, a
tirely because of the corona- since 2012, when the singles jump from about $3.5 mil-
virus pandemic and lowering champs each received $1.9 lion in 2019.
prize money due to lost rev- million.
enue, the U.S. Tennis Asso- Other examples of increases
ciation announced Monday This year’s singles runners- in singles: First-round prize chair tennis.
that it will be boosting total up will be paid $1.25 million, money goes to $75,000, a The singles draw in New
bump of 23% from $61,000 “We determined our round- York is Thursday; main draw
in 2020 and of 29% from by-round prize money alloca- action begins Aug. 30.
$58,000 in 2019; second- tions by engaging in an open
round payouts go to $115,000 dialogue with the players Novak Djokovic will be bid-
from $100,000 in 2020 and and the management of both ding to complete the first cal-
2019; and third-round pay- tours,” tournament director endar-year Grand Slam by a
outs go to $180,000 from Stacey Allaster said in a state- man since Rod Laver in 1969
$163,000 in 2020 and 2019. ment issued by the USTA. and eyeing a men’s-record
“We applaud their collective 21st major singles champi-
Total prize money is going leadership in directing the onship. Naomi Osaka is the
up for each competition, the 2021 U.S. Open prize mon- defending women’s champi-
USTA said: singles, doubles, ey to benefit the maximum on as she seeks a fifth Grand
mixed doubles and wheel- number of players.” Slam title.