Page 30 - bon-dia-aruba-20210824
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A30     world news
                 Diamars 24 augustus 2021

                          Leaked footage shows grim conditions in Iran’s Evin prison

            (AP)  —  The  guard  in  a  political  prisoners,”  read  a  out  the  stamp  show  guards
            control  room  at  Iran’s  message from the online ac-    wearing facemasks, signaling
            notorious    Evin   prison  count to the AP in Dubai.     they came amid the corona-
            springs to attention as one                               virus pandemic.
            by one, monitors in front  Iran,  which  has  faced  criti-
            of him suddenly blink off  cism  from  the  United  Na-   Though there is no sound in
            and  display  something  tions special rapporteur over  the videos, they speak to the
            very  different  from  the  its prison conditions, did not  grim world faced by prisoners
            surveillance  footage  he  immediately respond to a re-   at the facility. One sequence
            had been watching.           quest for comment sent to its  shows what appears to be an
                                         U.N. mission in New York.  emaciated man dumped from
            “Cyberattack,”  the  monitors  Iranian  state  media  in  the  a car in the parking lot, then
            flash.  Other  guards  gather  country  have  not  acknowl-  dragged  through  the  prison.
            around, holding up their mo-  edged the incident at Evin.  Another shows a cleric walk-
            bile  phones  and  filming,  or                           ing down the stairs and pass-
            making  urgent  calls.  ”Gen-  However, several embarrass-  ing by the man, without stop-  in 1988 at the end of the Iran-  Western  fears  over  Tehran’s
            eral protest until the freedom  ing  hacking  incidents  have  ping.                   Iraq War.                    program — is widely suspect-
            of  political  prisoners”  reads  struck  Iran  amid  ongoing                                                       ed to have been an American
            another line on the screens.  tensions  over  its  accelerated  Guards in another video are  “The  Evin  prison  is  a  stain  and Israeli creation.
                                         nuclear program and as talks  seen beating a man in a pris-  on  Raisi’s  black  turban  and
            An online account, purport-  with  the  West  over  reviving  oner’s  uniform.  One  guard  white beard,” the message on  Evin prison was built in 1971
            edly  by  an  entity  describing  the  atomic  accord  between  sucker-punches  a  prisoner  the screens in the prison con-  under  Iran’s  Shah  Moham-
            itself  as  a  group  of  hackers,  Tehran and world powers re-  in a holding cell. Guards also  trol room also read.  mad Reza Pahlavi. It housed
            shared  footage  of  the  inci-  main on hold.            fight  among  themselves,  as                             political  prisoners  then  and
            dent, as well as parts of other                           do  the  prisoners.  Many  are  Iran, long sanctioned by the  later,  after  the  1979  Islamic
            surveillance  video  it  seized,  Four  former  prisoners  at  crammed  into  single-room  West, faces difficulties in get-  Revolution  swept  the  shah
            with  The  Associated  Press.  Evin,  as  well  as  an  Iranian  cells.  No  one  wears  a  face-  ting up-to-date hardware and  from power.
            The alleged hackers said the  human rights activist abroad,  mask.                     software,  often  relying  on
            release of the footage was an  have  told  the  AP  that  the                          Chinese-manufactured  elec-  While  in  theory  under  the
            effort to show the grim con-  videos  resemble  areas  from  The account that shared the  tronics or older systems. The  control  of  Iran’s  prison  sys-
            ditions at the prison, known  the facility in northern Teh-  videos with the AP calls itself  control room system seen in  tem, Evin also has specialized
            for  holding  political  prison-  ran. Some of the scenes also  “The  Justice  of  Ali,”  a  ref-  the  video,  for  instance,  ap-  units  for  political  prisoners
            ers and those with ties abroad  matched  photographs  of  the  erence  to  the  Prophet  Mu-  peared  to  be  running  Win-  and those with Western ties,
            who  are  often  used  as  bar-  facility  previously  taken  by  hammad’s  son-in-law  who  dows 7, for which Microsoft  run by the paramilitary Rev-
            gaining chips in negotiations  journalists, as well as images  is  revered  by  Shiites.  It  also  no  longer  provides  patches.  olutionary Guard, which an-
            with the West.               of the prison as seen in sat-  mocks Iran’s Supreme Lead-  That would make it easier for  swers only to Khamenei. The
                                         ellite photos accessed by the  er Ali Khamenei.           a  potential  hacker  to  target.  facility  is  the  target  of  both
            In  one  part  of  the  footage,  AP.                                                  Pirated versions of Windows  U.S.  and  European  Union
            a  man  smashes  a  bathroom                              It claimed to have “hundreds”  and other software are com-  sanctions.
            mirror to try to cut open his  The footage also shows rows  of  gigabytes  of  data  from  mon across Iran.
            arm.  Prisoners  —  and  even  of sewing machines that pris-  what  it  described  as  a  hack                      After  Iran  cracked  down  on
            guards  —  beat  each  other  oners use, a solitary confine-  conducted  several  months  In recent months, Iran’s rail-  protesters  following  the  dis-
            in  scenes  captured  by  sur-  ment  cell  with  a  squat  toi-  ago. It did not answer ques-  road  system  was  targeted  puted  2009  re-election  of
            veillance  cameras.  Inmates  let  and  exterior  areas  of  the  tions about who was involved  by  an  apparent  cyberattack.  hard-line  President  Mah-
            sleeping in single rooms with  prison.  There  are  images  of  in the leak.           Other  self-described  hacker  moud Ahmadinejad, many of
            bunk beds stacked three high  the prison’s open-air exercise                           groups have published details  the arrested protesters ended
            against  the  walls,  wrapping  yard,  prisoners’  bathrooms  The account linked the tim-  about Iranians alleging hack-  up in Evin. Lawmakers later
            themselves in blankets to stay  and offices within the facility.  ing  of  its  leak  to  the  recent  ing on behalf of the theocracy.  pushed  for  reforms  at  Evin,
            warm.                                                     election of Iranian President  Meanwhile the most-famous  following  reports  of  abuses
                                         Much  of  the  footage  bears  Ebrahim  Raisi,  a  hard-line  cyberattack  —  the  Stuxnet  at the prison — which led to
            “We  want  the world  to  hear  timestamps  from  2020  and  acolyte of Khamenei involved  virus  that  destroyed  Iranian  the installation of the closed-
            our voice for freedom of all  this year. Several videos with-  in the execution of thousands  centrifuges  at  the  height  of  circuit cameras.

                           Deadly gunfire at airport; Taliban insist on US pullout date

                                                                      (AP)  —  A  firefight  out-  seized by opponents the day  evacuation  beyond  Aug.  31,
                                                                      side Kabul’s international  before  and  had  surrounded  the date he had set for com-
                                                                      airport  killed  an  Afghan  Panjshir,  the  last  province  pleting  the  pullout  of  U.S.
                                                                      soldier   early   Monday,  that remains out of their con-  forces.  British  Prime  Min-
                                                                      highlighting  the  perils  of  trol.                      ister  Boris  Johnson  plans  to
                                                                      evacuation efforts even as  Afghanistan’s  security  forces  press Biden for an extension.
                                                                      the  Taliban  warned  any  collapsed  in  the  face  of  the
                                                                      attempt by U.S. troops to  Taliban  advance,  despite  20  But  Taliban  spokesman  Su-
                                                                      delay  their  withdrawal  to  years of Western aid, training  hail Shaheen, in an interview
                                                                      give people more time to  and assistance. Tens of thou-   with Sky News, said Aug. 31
                                                                      flee would “provoke a re-    sands of Afghans have sought  is  a  “red  line”  and  that  ex-
                                                                      action.”                     to  flee  the  country  since,  tending  the  American  pres-
                                                                                                   fearing a return to the brutal  ence would “provoke a reac-
                                                                      The  shooting  came  as  the  rule the Taliban imposed the  tion.”
                                                                      Taliban  moved  to  shore  up  last  time  they  ran  Afghani-
                                                                      their  position  and  eliminate  stan. That has led to chaos at  Gunfire  broke  out  early
                                                                      pockets  of  armed  resistance  the airport in Kabul, the main  Monday  near  an  entrance
                                                                      to  their  lightning  takeover  route out of the country.  to the airport, where at least
                                                                      earlier  this  month.  The  Tal-                          seven Afghans died a day ear-
                                                                      iban  said  they  retook  three  U.S. President Joe Biden has  lier in a panicked stampede of
                                                                      districts  north  of  the  capital  not  ruled  out  extending  the  thousands of people.
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