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A28    u.s. news
                Dialuna 13 September 2021

                         Evangelical Lutheran church installs 1st transgender bishop

                                                                                                   ern  California  and  northern  noun   “they,”   previously
                                                                                                   Nevada.                      served  as  pastor  of  Grace
                                                                                                                                Lutheran  Church  in  San
                                                                                                   “My call is ... to be up to the  Francisco and a chaplain co-
                                                                                                   same  messy,  loving  things  I  ordinator for the city’s police
                                                                                                   was  up  to  before,”  Rohrer  department, and also helped
                                                                                                   told worshippers. “But most-  minister to the city’s home-
                                                                                                   ly, if you’ll let me, and I think  less  and  LGTBQ  commu-
                                                                                                   you will, my hope is to love  nity.  They  studied  religion
                                                                                                   you and beyond that, to love  at  Augustana  University  in
                                                                                                   what you love.”              their  hometown  of  Sioux
                                                                                                                                Falls,  South  Dakota,  before
                                                                                                   Rohrer was elected in May to  moving to California to pur-
                                                                                                   serve a six-year term as bish-  sue  master  and  doctoral  de-
                                                                                                   op of the Sierra Pacific Synod  grees at the Pacific School of
                                                                                                   after  its  current  bishop  an-  Religion in Berkeley.
                                                                                                   nounced his retirement.
                                                                                                                                Rohrer became one of seven
                                                                                                   “I step into this role because  LGBTQ pastors accepted by
                                                                                                   a diverse community of Lu-   the  progressive  Evangelical
                                                                                                   therans in Northern Califor-  Lutheran church in 2010 af-
                                                                                                   nia  and  Nevada  prayerfully  ter  it  allowed  ordination  of
                                                                                                   and thoughtfully voted to do  pastors in same-sex relation-
                                                                                                   a historic thing,” Rohrer said  ships. Rohrer is married and
                                                                                                   in a statement. “My installa-  has two children.
                                                                                                   tion  will  celebrate  all  that  is
            (AP)  —  The  Evangeli-      op in a service held in San  The Rev. Megan Rohrer will  possible when we trust God  The church is one of the larg-
            cal  Lutheran  Church  in  Francisco’s  Grace  Cathe-     lead  one  of  the  church’s  65  to shepherd us forward.”  est  Christian  denominations
            America  installed  its  first  dral on Saturday.         synods,  overseeing  nearly                               in  the  United  States  with
            openly  transgender  bish-                                200 congregations in North-  Rohrer,  who  uses  the  pro-  about 3.3 million members.

                         Woman is 2nd to admit role in death of 8 members of a family

            (AP)  —  An  Ohio  woman                                  the  Rhoden  family.  Wag-   rified  residents  in  a  stretch
            pleaded  guilty  Friday  to  In  exchange  for  the  plea,  ner’s  plea  comes  nearly  five  of  rural  Ohio  and  launched  The Wagners used guns with
            helping  plan  the  killings  prosecutors  dropped  aggra-  months after her son Edward  one of the state’s most exten-  homemade  silencers,  allow-
            of  eight  members  of  a  vated murder charges against  “Jake” Wagner pleaded guilty  sive  criminal  investigations,  ing them to kill their victims
            family, becoming the sec-    her  and  recommended  that  to  aggravated  murder  and  which  led  to  the  Wagners’  as they slept, according to the
            ond  member  of  her  own  she  serve  a  30-year  prison  other  charges  and  agreed  to  arrest  more  than  two  years  prosecutors.
            family  to  admit  to  a  role  sentence.  Her  agreement  to  testify against the other three  later.
            in a shocking crime pros-    testify  against  other  remain-  in a deal that would help all                        Angela  Wagner  was  fully
            ecutors say stemmed from  ing defendants was also part  four  avoid  potential  death  The  Wagners  spent  months  aware of the plans and bought
            a  dispute  over  custody  of  of the deal, they said.    sentences.                   planning the killings and tar-  several  items  used  to  carry
            her granddaughter.                                                                     geted  some  of  the  victims,  out  the  killings,  including
                                         She  didn’t  make  any  state-  George  “Billy”  Wagner  III  but  “some  sadly  were  killed  “phone jammers” that would
            Angela  Wagner,  50,  pleaded  ments during the hearing.  and George Wagner IV have  because they happened to be  have  prevented  the  victims
            guilty  in  southern  Ohio’s                              pleaded not guilty.          there,”  said  special  prosecu-  from calling for help, Canepa
            Pike County to conspiracy to  Her  husband  and  their  two                            tor Angela Canepa.           said.
            commit  aggravated  murder,  adult sons also were charged  The  fatal  shootings  at  three
            along with burglary, evidence  in the 2016 slayings of seven  trailers  and  a  camper  near  Most of the victims were re-  She also forged custody doc-
            tampering and other charges.  adults and a teenage boy from  Piketon  in  April  2016  ter-  peatedly shot in the head, and  uments and monitored some
                                                                                                   some showed signs of bruis-  of  the  victims’  social  media
                                                                                                   ing. Three young children at  accounts  before  the  killings,
                                                                                                   the scenes were unharmed.    Canepa  said.  Wagner  ap-
                                                                                                                                proached  prosecutors  about
                                                                                                   The victims were 40-year-old  a  deal  and  gave  them  new
                                                                                                   Christopher Rhoden Sr.; his  information  after  her  son
                                                                                                   ex-wife,  37-year-old  Dana  pleaded guilty, Canepa said.
                                                                                                   Rhoden;  their  three  chil-
                                                                                                   dren,  20-year-old  Clarence  Jake Wagner pleaded guilty in
                                                                                                   “Frankie”  Rhoden,  16-year-  April on the fifth anniversary
                                                                                                   old  Christopher  Jr.,  and  of  the  slayings  and  said  in
                                                                                                   19-year-old Hanna; Clarence  court that he was “deeply and
                                                                                                   Rhoden’s  fiancee,  20-year-  very  sorry.”  He  hasn’t  been
                                                                                                   old  Hannah  Gilley;  Chris-  sentenced, but his lawyer said
                                                                                                   topher Rhoden Sr.’s brother,  he understood that he would
                                                                                                   44-year-old  Kenneth  Rho-   spend his life in prison.
                                                                                                   den;  and  a  cousin,  38-year-
                                                                                                   old Gary Rhoden.             Christopher  Rhoden  Sr.’s
                                                                                                                                brother,  Tony  Rhoden  Sr.,
                                                                                                   Prosecutors  say  the  Wagner  has said the family was grate-
                                                                                                   family  planned  the  killings  ful for the first plea as “some
                                                                                                   for  months,  motivated  by  a  semblance of justice.”
                                                                                                   dispute  over  custody  of  the
                                                                                                   daughter  Jake  Wagner  had  He  also  has  sued  the  Wag-
                                                                                                   with Hanna Rhoden.           ners. That case is pending.
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