Page 29 - bon-dia-aruba-20210913
P. 29
world news Dialuna 13 September 2021
Custody fight over child, 6, who survived Italy cable crash
one in Turin. Gali Peleg wouldn’t say ex- ment on Italian news reports
actly where the boy was, only that they were considering
“His bed is empty, his toys that he had arrived on Sat- opening an investigation into
and clothes were left behind. urday. “We are caring for his the case.
His new desk, school back- emotional state and health.”
pack, notebooks, pencil case “I am certain and full of
and books were ready” for his In Italy, Aya Biran told re- hope” that Israeli and Ital-
first day of class on Monday, porters the boy has Italian ian authorities will work to-
she said. citizenship and had been gether “to ensure his return
living with his parents since home” to Italy, Aya Biran told
The aunt contended that when he was a toddler in reporters.
when the maternal grandfa- Italy before the accident. It
ther had come to pick him up wasn’t immediately possible The Corriere della Sera
for an arranged visit on Sat- to confirm if the child also newspaper quoted a pater-
urday morning, it was agreed had Israeli citizenship but nal uncle, Or Nirko, as say-
(AP) — A six-year-old boy Aya Biran, told reporters on that the boy would be back by he reportedly had an Israeli ing Saturday that the Pelegs
who was the sole survivor Sunday that the previous day, dinner. But after Eitan didn’t passport. had the boy’s Israeli passport
of a cable car crash this Eitan’s maternal grandfather return, the aunt filed a po- and had failed to give it to
year in northern Italy is at took the boy on an agreed-up lice report on Saturday night, The Italian foreign ministry the paternal relatives despite
the center of a bitter cus- d on May 23 after the cable Italian news report said. wasn’t immediately com- an Italian court order that
tody battle between his broke. After the boy was re- menting on the case. they do so by Aug. 30. Nirko
maternal grandparents in leased from a Turin hospital The maternal grandfather was quoted as saying that the
Israel and his paternal rel- following weeks of treatment couldn’t immediately be The aunt in Israel told the boy’s maternal grandpar-
atives in Italy, who claim for critical injuries, Italian reached for comment. But radio station that the boy ents had contended that if he
the child was flown with- juvenile court officials ruled a sister of Eitan’s late moth- “screamed from excitement stayed in Italy, “Eitan would
out their permission to Is- that the child c ay visit, then er denied that the boy was when he saw us. He said, have grown up without ties
rael over the weekend. flew him without permission snatched away from Italy. ’I’m finally in Israel.″ The to his (Israeli) identity.”
to Israel. aunt added that “everything
Fourteen people, including “We did not abduct Eitan,″ we did was only for the good According to the paternal
Eitan Biran’s parents and She said the boy has been un- Gali Peleg told radio station of the boy.” relatives, the maternal fam-
younger sibling, died when dergoing both physical ther- 103 FM in Israel. ”We will ily had challenged in Italian
the cable car slammed into a apy and psychotherapy since not use that word. What hap- Pavia prosecutors’ offices courts the custody arrange-
mountainsideould live with his hospital release and was pened is that we brought Ei- were closed on Sunday and ment that let Eitan live with
a paternal aunt near Pavia, in due to have follow-up medi- tan home.” investigators couldn’t imme- Biran, who is a doctor with
northern Italy. But the aunt, cal visits this week, including diately be reached for com- her own children.
Two women campaign to become France’s 1st female president
(AP) — Two French poli- in search of freedom amid France is a necessary formal- Pen and Macron, as it was
ticians kicked off their dictator Francisco Franco’s ity for each presidential elec- The vote is expected to boil during France’s last presiden-
presidential campaigns rule. tion. down to a duel between Le tial election in 2017.
Sunday, seeking to be-
come France’s first fe- Le Pen, the 53-year-old lead-
male leader in next year’s er of France’s far-right party,
spring election. started her campaign in the
southern city of Frejus with a
The far-right National Rally pledge to defend French “lib-
party’s Marine Le Pen and erty.” In keeping with a hard-
Paris’ Socialist mayor, Anne right message that critics say
Hidalgo, both launched their has vilified Muslim commu-
presidential platforms in nities, Le Pen promised to
widely expected moves. be tough on “parts of France
that have been Talibanized.”
They join a burgeoning list of Although she launched her
challengers to centrist Presi- candidacy earlier this year, on
dent Emmanuel Macron. Sunday she made 26-year-
This includes battles among old Jordan Bardella the act-
multiple potential candidates ing head of the party as her
on the right — including an- campaign goes into full gear.
other female politician Val-
erie Pecresse — and among Le Pen is also remaking her
the Greens. image for this election. Gone
is the dark blue wardrobe
Hidalgo, 62, mayor of the that has been her trademark.
French capital since 2014, is She now will be donning
the favorite to win the So- light blue for the campaign,
cialist Party nomination. “to show our vision, less
She launched her candidacy partisan, (reaching) higher,”
in the northwestern city of Le Pen’s special councillor
Rouen. Philippe Olivier was quoted
as saying by Le Figaro, the
“I want all children in France conservative daily.
to have the same opportuni-
ties I had,” she said, invok- Macron, 43, has not yet an-
ing her roots. Hidalgo is the nounced his reelection bid
daughter of Spanish immi- but is expected to do so.
grants who fled their country Launching a candidacy in