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A28    U.S. NEWS
                Diamars 10 November 2020

                        Tropical Storm Eta dumps rain on an already flooded Florida

            (AP)  —  Heavy  rain  from                                                             ting  furniture  up  to  higher  RV parks,  campgrounds  and
            Tropical Storm Eta caused                                                              ground and trying to get wa-  other low-lying areas. School
            dangerous  flooding  Mon-                                                              ter out of their homes,” Bar-  districts  closed,  saying  the
            day  across  Florida's  most                                                           ry said. “Everyone is helping  roads were already too flood-
            densely  populated  urban                                                              each other out a lot.”       ed  and  the  winds  could  be
            areas,  stranding  cars  and                                                           A tractor-trailer was left dan-  too gusty for buses to trans-
            swamping  entire  neigh-                                                               gling off the elevated Palmet-  port students. But the islands
            borhoods  with  fast-rising                                                            to Expressway in Miami, the  were spared any major dam-
            water that had no place to                                                             Florida  Highway  Patrol  re-  age,  and  officials  expected
            drain.                                                                                 ported. The driver lost con-  shelters to close and schools
                                                                                                   trol on the wet, slick road and  to reopen by Tuesday.
            The system made landfall in                                                            suffered minor injuries, CBS
            the  Florida  Keys  and  posed                                                         4 in Miami reported.         Aside from a banyan tree that
            a serious threat across South                                                          “Please  take  this  storm  seri-  fell  on  a  home  and  injured
            Florida,  which  was  already                                                          ously,”  urged  Palm  Beach  people inside, Key Largo was
            drenched  from  more  than                                                             County Emergency Manage-     largely  unscathed,  Fire  chief
            14  inches  (35  centimeters)  the Everglades meet the sea,  doing our best to ensure that  ment  Director Bill Johnson.  Don Bock said.
            of rain last month. Eta could  with  maximum  sustained  the people in our community  “Please  don’t  drive  through  Eta  also  was  not  done  yet
            dump  an  additional  6  to  12  winds of 65 mph (100 kph).  are being protected.”     flooded roadways.”           with  Cuba,  just  90  miles
            inches (15 to 30 centimeters),  It was centered south of Na-                           Miami-Dade  County  May-     south  of  Florida,  where  the
            forecasters said.            ples, moving west-northwest  City   officials   dispatched  or  Carlos  Gimenez  said  he  storm continued to swell riv-
            “It  was  far  worse  than  we  at 13 mph (20 kph).       some  24  tanker  trucks  with  was in frequent contact with  ers and flood coastal zones on
            could’ve  ever  imagined,  and                            giant vacuums to soak up wa-  county  officials  about  the  Monday. Some 25,000 people
            we were prepared," said Arbie  Forecasters  said  the  system  ter from the past few weeks.  struggle to drain the flooded  were  evacuated  with  no  re-
            Walker, a 27-year-old student  could  intensify  again  into  a  Some  older  neighborhoods  waters.                ports  of  deaths,  but  rainfall
            whose Fort Lauderdale apart-  minimal hurricane as it slow-  simply do not have any drain-  “In  some  areas,  the  water  continued,  with  total  accu-
            ment  was  filled  with  5  or  6  ly  moves  up  the  southwest  age. The city also passed out  isn’t  pumping  out  as  fast  as  mulations of up to 25 inches
            inches (13 to 15 centimeters)  Gulf Coast, centered just far  6,000  sandbags  to  worried  it’s coming in,” warned Mi-  (635 mm) predicted.
            of water.                    enough offshore to maintain  residents  over  the  weekend,  ami-Dade   Commissioner
                                         its  strength  while  dumping  but water seeped into homes  Jose “Pepe” Diaz.          Eta initially hit Nicaragua as
            "It  took  us  20  minutes  to  vast amounts of water across  and stranded cars in parking                          a  Category  4  hurricane  and
            navigate  out  of  our  neigh-  the lower third of the Florida  lots and along roadways.  Firefighters  pulled  a  person  wreaked havoc from Mexico
            borhood  due  to  the  heavy  peninsula.                                               from  a  car  that  had  driven  to Panama. Authorities were
            flooding in our area,” Walker  Fort Lauderdale Mayor Dean  Randi  Barry,  36,  also  woke  into a canal Sunday night in  still  surveying  the  damage
            added. Floodwaters also sub-  Trantalis  called  it  a  100-year  up Monday to flooded streets  Lauderhill,  north  of  Miami.  Monday after days of torren-
            merged half of his sister’s car.  rain event.             outside  her  home  in  Fort  The patient was hospitalized  tial  rain.  Official  death  tolls
            Eta  hit  land  late  Sunday  as                          Lauderdale,  and  joined  her  in critical condition, accord-  totaled at least 68 people, but
            it  blew  over  Lower  Mate-  “Once  the  ground  becomes  neighbors  in  helping  people  ing to a statement from Lau-  hundreds more were missing
            cumbe, in the middle of the  saturated,  there’s  really  no  whose  cars  were  stuck  in  derhill Fire.           and many thousands were in
            chain  of  small  islands  that  place  for  the  water  to  go,”  high water.                                      shelters after flash floods tore
            form  the  Keys.  The  storm  Trantalis  said.  “It’s  not  like                       In  the  Keys,  the  mayor  or-  through communities of im-
            moved into the Gulf of Mex-  a major hurricane. It’s more  “There  are  a  lot  of  people  dered  mandatory  evacua-  provised  homes  on  unstable
            ico early Monday near where  of a rain event, and we’re just  with  their  doors  open,  get-  tions  for  mobile  home  and  mountainsides.

                       Former WVa judge known for eye-raising statements dies at 79

                                                                      Armstead, a former House of  schools.”                    baggage  arrived  70  minutes
                                                                      Delegates speaker, won a 12-  If  you  are  dead  drunk  and  late  at  New  York’s  John  F.
                                                                      year term.                   miss the interviews, send let-  Kennedy  International  Air-
                                                                      Neely said he ran because the  ters,” the ad said.        port. He sought $3,000 from
                                                                      court system was a mess, es-  When  he  announced  his  the  airline  as  a  speaker’s  fee
                                                                      pecially since a 2018 scandal  candidacy  last  year,  Neely  because  he  informed  fellow
                                                                      in which state lawmakers ini-  defended  the  ad,  calling  it  a  passengers  about  the  delay.
                                                                      tiated impeachment proceed-  humorous  rebuttal  to  two  He  said  he  settled  out  of
                                                                      ings  that  a  separate  panel  of  “highly  pompous”  federal  court for $12,500.
                                                                      judges later derailed. He also  appeals  judges  who  he  said  At  a  youth  leadership  con-
                                                                      said it was taking far too long  implied in law review articles  ference  in  1989,  Neely  sug-
                                                                      for  the  Supreme  Court  to  that clerks “had to be almost  gested attacking drug dealers
                                                                      process an appeal, which was  superhuman.”                with  baseball  bats.  He  told
                                                                      “very, very bad for litigants.”  “I couldn’t resist doing that,”  the  same  conference  a  year
                                                                      During his time as a justice,  Neely said.                later  that  society  would  be
                                                                      Neely  often  got  attention  In 1985, Neely fired his sec-  better  off  if  women  stayed
            (AP)  —  A  former  West  woman Jennifer Bundy. “We  both for what he said and did  retary  for  refusing  to  con-  home with their children.
            Virginia  Supreme  Court  acknowledge all the great ser-  outside of court.            tinue  babysitting  his  son  af-  Current  Justice  Margaret
            Justice  who  once  jok-     vice  and  his  incredible  wis-  In  an  ad  for  a  clerk  that  he  ter  three  consecutive  weeks  Workman once said of Neely
            ingly  referred  to  himself  dom that he gave to the state  placed  in  the  Virginia  Law  of  watching  the  child.  The  that  “someone  should  drag
            as  “America’s  laziest  and  of  West  Virginia,”  Gov.  Jim  Weekly  in  1991,  Neely  re-  public outrage that followed  him  kicking  and  screaming
            dumbest  judge”  and  who  Justice said at a news confer-  ferred  to  himself  as  “Amer-  prompted  him  to  restore  into the 20th century.”
            attracted  as  much  atten-  ence Monday.                 ica’s  laziest  and  dumbest  her job and give up the title  Neely  said  last  year  that  he
            tion for his behavior out-   Neely was first elected to the  judge.”                   of chief justice. At the time,  stood  by  the  baseball  bat
            side the court as in it, has  court  at  age  31  in  1972.  He  The  ad  sought  “a  bright  Neely claimed he had a right  statement.  He  also  reiter-
            died. He was 79.             served  until  stepping  down  person  to  keep  (the  judge)  to order his staff to perform  ated his opinion that women
                                         in 1995 to start a law practice  from  looking  stupid,”  and  such  duties  as  babysitting,  should stay home with young
            Richard  Neely  died  Sun-   in  Charleston.  He  tried  to  gave  preference  to  Univer-  collecting  his  laundry  and  children. He said that “would
            day  of  liver  cancer,  which  win back a seat on the court  sity  of  Virginia  law  students  typing books he wrote.  be  really  nice”  because  “the
            had been diagnosed recently,  in  June  but  lost  to  incum-  “who studied interesting but  In 1986, he sued Trans World  more parental time kids have,
            said Supreme Court spokes-   bent  judge  Tim  Armstead.  useless  subjects  at  snobby  Airlines for $38,000 after his  the better off they are.”
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