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P. 30

                Diamars 10 November 2020

                       Azerbaijan says it shot down Russian helicopter over Armenia

            (AP)  —  Azerbaijan  said                                                                                           copter was shot down in Ar-
            Monday that it shot down                                                                                            menia  near  the  border  with
            a  Russian  military  heli-                                                                                         Azerbaijan.  Two  servicemen
            copter that was flying over                                                                                         were killed, but the Russian
            Armenia.  Two  Russian                                                                                              Defense  Ministry  said  the
            servicemen were killed.                                                                                             aircraft was outside the con-
                                                                                                                                flict area.
            The  helicopter  was  shot
            down as it flew near the bor-                                                                                       The  helicopter  was  downed
            der with the Azerbaijani ex-                                                                                        near the border with Nakhci-
            clave  of  Nakhchivan,  which                                                                                       van,  an  exclave  of  Azerbai-
            is  surrounded  by  Armenia,                                                                                        jan surrounded by Armenia,
            Iran and Turkey. The area is                                                                                        Turkey  and  Iran.  It  was  not
            distant  from  Nagorno-Kara-                                                                                        clear who shot it down.
            bakh,  the  region  where  Ar-
            menian and Azerbaijani forc-                                                                                        The  ministry  said  the  heli-
            es have been fighting heavily                                                                                       copter  was  accompanying  a
            since late September.                                                                                               military  convoy,  but  did  not
                                                                                                                                say  what  the  purpose  of  the
            The  Russian  Defense  Min-                                                                                         convoy  was.  Russia  main-
            istry said earlier that the air-                                                                                    tains a large military base in
            craft was outside the conflict                                                                                      northern  Armenia,  about  90
            area.                                                                                                               miles  (150  kilometers)  from
            But  a  statement  from  the                                                                                        the site where the helicopter
            Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry                                                                                        was downed.
            said the conflict was a factor
            in  the  incident.  The  minis-  which  Azerbaijani  President  which  Azerbaijani  President  gives  strategic  advantage  to  Nagorno-Karabakh  was  an
            try noted that the helicopter  Ilham  Aliyev  had  claimed  Ilham  Aliyev  had  claimed  whoever  holds  it.  The  city  autonomous republic during
            was flying in the dark at low  a  day  earlier  —  is  the  most  a  day  earlier  —  is  the  most  also lies along the main road  the Soviet era. As the Soviet
            altitude  and  “in  the  context  significant  military  develop-  significant  military  develop-  connecting Stepanakert with  Union began to break apart,
            of  these  factors  and  in  light  ment since fighting between  ment since fighting between  Armenia.  Long  lines  of  ve-  there  were  clashes  and  then
            of  the  tense  situation  in  the  Azerbaijani  and  Armenian  Azerbaijani  and  Armenian  hicles  jammed  the  territo-  full-scale  war  erupted  after
            region  and  increased  com-  forces  over  Nagorno-Kara-  forces  over  Nagorno-Kara-  ry’s main road on Sunday as  the  Soviet  collapse  in  1991.
            bat  readiness  in  connection  bakh restarted in September.  bakh restarted in September.  Nagorno-Karabakh residents  An  estimated  30,000  people
            with possible provocations of  The region lies in Azerbaijan  The region lies in Azerbaijan  fled the fighting into Arme-  died  in  the  fighting,  which
            the Armenian side, the duty  but  has  been  under  control  but  has  been  under  control  nia.                   ended with a 1994 truce.
            combat crew decided to open  of  ethnic  Armenian  forces  of  ethnic  Armenian  forces  “Unfortunately, we are forced  Since then, international me-
            fire to kill.”               backed by Armenia.           backed by Armenia.           to admit that a series of fail-  diation  efforts  to  determine
                                                                                                   ures  still  haunt  us,  and  the  the  region’s  final  status  fal-
            Azerbaijan  has  been  making  THIS  IS  A  BREAKING  Reflecting  the  strategic  im-  city  of  Shushi  is  completely  tered,  and  the  region  was
            advances  in  Nagorno-Kara-  NEWS  UPDATE.  AP’s  ear-    portance  of  the  city,  Arme-  out  of  our  control,”  Vagram  separated  from  the  rest  of
            bakh and seemingly scored a  lier story follows below.    nian  Prime  Minister  Nikol  Pogosian,  a  spokesman  for  Azerbaijan by a demilitarized
            major victory on Monday. A  (AP)  —  Azerbaijani  forces  Pashinian  insisted  that  “the  the president of the govern-  zone.
            spokesman for the Nagorno-   took control of a strategic city  fight  for  Shushi  is  continu-  ment in Nagorno-Karabakh,
            Karabakh  region's  govern-  in  the  separatist  territory  of  ing,”  indicating  Armenian  said in a statement on Face-  The current fighting has con-
            ment  said  Azerbaijani  forces  Nagorno-Karabakh and were  forces  were  either  trying  to  book. “The enemy is on the  tinued despite the declaration
            took control of a strategic city  nearing  its  capital,  a  spokes-  retake  the  city  or  prevent  outskirts of Stepanakert.”  of several cease-fires. Arme-
            in the separatist territory and  man for the region's govern-  advances  toward  the  capital.                      nia  says  more  than  1,200
            were nearing its capital.    ment confirmed Monday.       Shushi’s position just 6 miles  In an episode that will likely  Armenian  troops  have  been
                                                                      (10 kilometers) from the re-  add to the tensions in the re-  killed in the war; Azerbaijan
            The  seizure  of  Shushi  —  The  seizure  of  Shushi  —  gional  capital  of  Stepanakert  gion, a Russian military heli-  has not stated its losses.
                                 Austrian authorities raid suspected Islamic radicals

                                                                      link  between  Monday's  ac-  looking  into  suspicions  of  Kurz also called for a “robust
                                                                      tion against suspected Islamic  terror financing, criminal or-  approach”  against  foreign
                                                                      radicals and the attack in Vi-  ganization  and  money  laun-  fighters who have tried, suc-
                                                                      enna a week ago in which an  dering among other offenses.  cessfully  or  not,  to  join  ex-
                                                                      assailant — described by of-  They  said  the  raids  resulted  tremist militias in Syria, Iraq
                                                                      ficials  as  a  supporter  of  the  from more than a year of in-  and elsewhere.
                                                                      Islamic State group — fatally  vestigations.
                                                                      shot four people before being  Austrian   Chancellor   Se-  “They are simply ticking time
                                                                      shot and killed by police.   bastian  Kurz,  speaking  later  bombs and therefore a threat
                                                                      But   the   shooting   has  Monday  after  a  meeting  to our societies,” he said.
                                                                      strengthened calls in Austria  with  European  Union  lead-  “And third, we naturally need
                                                                      for  a  crackdown  on  Islamic  er  Charles  Michel,  said  his  proper protection of the EU's
                                                                      extremism.                   country wants a coordinated,  external borders,” said Kurz,
                                                                      Prosecutors  in  Graz  said  Europe-wide effort to tackle  a longtime critic of mass im-
                                                                      more than 70 people are un-  Islamic  extremism  in  the  migration.
                                                                      der investigation in the new  wake of last week's attack.
                                                                      case  and  60  properties,  in-                           “Only if the European Union
                                                                      cluding  apartments  and  of-  This  includes  combating  can  decide  who  immigrates
            (AP)  —  Investigators  in  of supporting the Muslim  fices, were searched, the Aus-   political Islam, which he de-  and who doesn't, only if we
            several  Austrian  regions  Brotherhood  and  Hamas  tria  Press  Agency  reported.  scribed  as  “the  ideology  be-  control who enters the Euro-
            carried  out  raids  early  groups, prosecutors said.     Thirty people were taken in  hind  the  aggression  toward  pean  Union  or  not,  will  we
            Monday  on  people  and                                   for questioning.             our  society,  toward  our  way  be able to safeguard security,"
            organizations  suspected  Authorities said there was no  Prosecutors  said  they  are  of life.”                    he
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