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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Diamars 10 November 2020

                               UN envoy lays out strategy for financing climate battle

            (AP) — The U.N.’s special  to no more than 1.5 degrees  also disclose how their choic-
            envoy  for  climate  change  Celsius.                     es  are  aligned  with  climate
            on  Monday  laid  out  a                                  goals, he said.
            strategy  for  financing  ef-  "When  the  world’s  govern-
            forts  to  cut  carbon  emis-  ments set the goal of net zero  “Over  time,  investors  won’t
            sions,  calling  on  compa-  and over $100 trillion of capi-  just  judge  company  transi-
            nies to be more transpar-    tal are demanding action, at a  tion  plans,  they  too  shall  be
            ent about their efforts and  minimum, major companies  judged,’’  Carney  said.  Later
            the impact rising temper-    need to disclose whether the  Monday, the U.K.'s Treasury
            atures  will  have  on  their  assumptions  in  their  finan-  chief,  Rishi  Sunak,  said  he
            operations.                  cial accounts are aligned with  would  force  British  compa-
                                         Paris," Carney said. “In other  nies to reveal the impact they
            Mark  Carney,  the  former  words, are they joining us on  are  having  on  the  environ-
            governor  of  the  Bank  of  the Road to Glasgow or not?’’  ment  as  the  country  moves
            England,  said  126  countries                            to meet a net zero target by
            have committed to achieving  The  comments  come  at  2050.  Companies  will  have
            net-zero  carbon  emissions,  a  crucial  moment  for  cli-  until 2025 to get in line with
            and  investors  overseeing  mate     campaigners.   The  the rules.
            more  than  $140  trillion  are  U.S.,  which  withdrew  from  He also announced plans for
            demanding  that  companies  the  Paris  Agreement  under  “green  sovereign  bonds,''  in
            do  more  to  assess  the  risks  President  Donald  Trump,  hopes to position the U.K. as
            and opportunities of climate  is  expected  to  rejoin  the  ac-  the hub of green finance be-
            change.  But,  he  said,  more  cord once President-elect Joe  fore COP-26.
            needs  to  be  done  to  secure  Biden takes office.
            the trillions of dollars in pri-                          Carney  also  called  for  the
            vate  investment  needed  to  Carney has long championed  creation of new markets, par-
            slow  the  rise  in  global  tem-  the notion that making com-  ticularly  in  carbon  offsets,
            peratures.                   panies  accountable  for  their  to  facilitate  investment  in
                                         impact  on  the  planet  is  the  the  projects  needed  to  meet
            Carney’s  speech  to  financial  first  step  toward  reducing  climate goals, the most cost-
            leaders  in  London  comes  as  greenhouse gases.         effective of which are in the  polluter’s own emissions, re-  “Climate  change  is  a  global
            the  U.K.  prepares  to  host  He  said  Monday  that  com-  developing world.         ducing  net  releases  into  the  challenge. Much of the criti-
            the next U.N. climate sum-   panies need to go further by                              atmosphere.                  cal investment will take place
            mit, known as COP26, a year  disclosing  the  risks  climate  Carbon offsets occur when a                           in  emerging  and  developing
            from  now  in  Glasgow.  The  change  poses  to  their  busi-  polluter pays someone else to  While demand for such off-  economies,”  Carney  said.
            summit’s  goal  is  to  ensure  nesses  and  their  plans  for  reduce their emissions, then  sets is likely to soar as more  “For this to happen, we need
            the world meets the Paris cli-  the future. Investors such as  receives  credit  for  those  re-  companies  commit  to  net-  to  turn  billions  of  public
            mate  accord’s  goal  of  limit-  banks,  insurance  companies  ductions.  These  credits  can  zero  emissions,  this  market  capital into trillions of private
            ing  global  temperature  rises  and investment funds should  then  be  used  to  offset  the  “barely exists,” Carney said.  capital.

                            Masters honors Lee Elder with scholarship and a tee shot

            (AP) — In a year marked                                                                as honorary starter.         said  that  was  more  because
            by  racial  injustice,  Au-                                                            Elder  ended  his  career  with  he had some 15 people with
            gusta National announced                                                               four PGA Tour victories. He  him  than  “being  segregated
            Monday  it  would  honor                                                               played five more times in the  against.”  Julius  Scott,  in  his
            Lee Elder with two schol-                                                              Masters, with his best finish a  first year as president of Paine
            arships  in  his  name  at                                                             tie for 17th in 1979.        College, handled the catering
            Paine College and an hon-                                                              "To  know  that  I  would  be  for Elder all week.
            orary  tee  shot  next  year                                                           hitting a shot off the first tee  From  that  week,  Elder  be-
            for  the  first  Black  player                                                         alongside the great Jack Nick-  gan  a  relationship  with  the
            in the Masters.                                                                        laus  and  Gary  Player,  you  college.“Look  at  old  year-
                                                                                                   have  to  think  about  where  books and you'll see pictures
            “It's  mind-boggling  every                                                            you're at and what you've ac-  of  him  with  the  golf  team,”
            time  I  think  about  it,”  said                                                      complished  and  why  you're  said Cheryl Evans Jones, the
            Elder, who made his barrier-                                                           there,”  Elder  said.  "A  young  president  of  Paine  College.
            breaking  debut  in  1975.  It                                                         man  from  the  ghetto  of  “He's made a a lot of contri-
            was about time, according to                                                           Dallas,  Texas,  man,  you've  butions to the sport.”
            Masters Chairman Fred Rid-   Augusta National would pay  soul will be into this shot."  achieved  world  fame.  The  Ridley said he did not know
            ley,  who  said  racial  injustice  to start one.         The  criteria  have  changed  whole world will be watching  how  much  it  would  cost  to
            and equality have been at the  Elder  already  was  looking  over the years at the Masters,  and looking.           start a women's golf program
            forefront  of  the  nation  this  ahead to next April when he  and when the club began is-  “For the chairman to present  and  that  was  irrelevant.  He
            year.                        returns  to  the  first  tee,  this  suing  invitations  to  PGA  me  with  that  opportunity  is  said Augusta National would
            “Our  question  was  not  so  time with a shot that doesn't  Tour winners, Elder qualified  something  I'll  never  forget.  pay for everything.
            much  what  we  can  say  but  count  toward  a  score  but  is  by  winning  the  1974  Pen-  Never forget.”       “The  times  I  have  visited,  a
            what we can do,” Ridley said.  more meaningful to him than  sacola Open. That made him  The  connection  to  Paine  lot of the ladies came out to
            The  Masters  for  some  two  when he first played the tour-  eligible for the 1975 Masters.  College goes beyond it being  watch  the  men  play,”  Elder
            decades  has  provided  schol-  nament.                   He  missed  the  cut,  though  an HBCU.                   said.  “I  heard  quite  a  num-
            arship money for Paine Col-  “That is one thing that’s go-  Ridley said the moment was  Elder  arrived  in  Augusta  ber of times, ‘Gee, I wish we
            lege,  a  private,  historically  ing  to  be  significant  to  me,  historic because of the  mes-  more  than  45  years  ago  to  had a team so we could play.’
            Black college in Augusta. The  because  1975  was  just  an  sage it sent that “I belong.”  much  fanfare  as  the  first  By Augusta National making
            Lee Elder Scholarship will be  ordinary  shot  playing  a  golf  Next April, he will join Jack  Black  competitor  in  a  tour-  that  decision,  it's  now  going
            endowed  for  one  man  and  tournament,  even  though  it  Nicklaus and Gary Player as  nament that for four decades  to give them a chance to ful-
            one woman on the golf team.  was the Masters,” Elder said.  the honorary starters. Ridley  only included Blacks as cad-  fill that  dream  of being  able
            The  fact  Paine  doesn't  have  “It’s not as significant as this  referred to it as a “special mo-  dies or in catering.  to come to college, get a four-
            a women's golf program was  shot  will  be  come  April  8,  ment  in  time,”  suggesting  it  Finding  a  place  to  eat  din-  year  scholarship  plus  com-
            not  a  problem.  Ridley  said  2021.  Because  my  heart  and  will be a one-time appearance  ner  was  difficult  —  Elder  pete on the golf team.”
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