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                                                                                                           LOCAL Wednesday 24 august 2022

            Prepaid High-Speed Internet anywhere on the island

            Are  you  in  Aruba  for  "Workation"  and
            need  high-speed  Internet  anywhere
            at  any  time?  SETAR,  Aruba's  biggest
            telecom provider, offers you the fastest
            wireless Internet plans on an LTE network.

            Work  remotely  on  the  beach  via  your
            tablet, laptop, or smartphone and enjoy
            faster  upload  and  download  speeds.
            SETAR  Prepaid  Wireless  Broadband
            offers you a lower latency rate, meaning
            websites loads faster, YouTube does not
            pause  every  five  seconds,  and  apps
            download  at  a  higher  speed,  all  using
            your Mi-Fi device.

            SETAR  Wireless  Broadband  Prepaid
            offers you Internet anywhere for a fixed
            fee  without  worrying  about  additional
            charges,  and  it  is  easy  to  use  and
            access.  Choose  the  bundle  that  suits
            your budget and needs.

            Visit  SETAR  Teleshop  with  locations
            around  the  island  or  at  the  airport  to
            check your Mi-Fi SIM or device.q

            Dog Control Center with microchipping

            pilot project

            Oranjestad – Recently, the  ensure that the owners are  the test phase of the digital
            Dog Control Center started  accountable for their pets.   registration  system  that  is
            its microchipping pilot proj-  By sterilizing and microchip-  in the process of being of-
            ect. The aim is to increase  ping,  one  will  help  control  ficially launched.
            the adoption rate in Aruba.  the  dog  and  cat  popula-
                                         tion.  Currently,  the  pilot  The project is still in its plan-
            The  Dog  Control  Center  project  focus  is  on  micro-  ning phase. The Dog Con-
            has  its  adoption  require-  chipping.   Microchipping  trol  Center  is  still  meeting
            ments  for  the  owner.  One  is  for  the  dogs  adopted  with   stakeholders,   vet-
            of these requirements is to  through  the  Dog  Control  erinarians,   and    Ngo’s.
            chip  and  sterilize  the  ad-  Center  at  the  availability  The  government  aims  to
            opted  pet  and  bring  the  and evaluation of the gov-   launch a national informa-
            proof  hereof  within  two  ernment  veterinary.  The  tion  campaign  in  the  up-
            months.  This  measure  is  to  pilot  project  also  serves  as  coming months.q
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