Page 8 - HOH
P. 8

                                                                                                           local Wednesday 24 august 2022

            Huge fire at recycling center

            ORANJESTAD  –  Yesterday  morning,  the  sky  in  away, they had evacuated the premises.         ties can confirm that it was the company Daltra
            Aruba was consumed by black smoke coming  The fire department said that they were fighting  N.V.
            from the south. It was recycling center Daltra’s  the fire close to the gas plant, but emphasized  Right  away,  various  unites  of  the  Fire  Depart-
            waste sector which caught fire.                  that they had no control on the smoke yet.      ment  were  mobilized  to  deal  with  it.  It  is  an
                                                                                                             alarming situation that puts our firemen in dan-
            Right  away,  police  and  fire  department  units  Later, the Department of Public Works, DOW in-  ger.  The  Ministry  of  Justice  and  Social  Affairs
            were dispatched to the area. Police closed off  formed that they had sent big sea pumps, be-     sends words of strength primarily to our Fire De-
            the road to avoid people from coming close to  cause the water pressure from the water system  partment who is working with body and soul to
            the smoke.                                       was not enough to control the fire. DOW also  overcome this problem, also to DOW and oth-
            Neighborhood police from Santa Cruz was also  sent  personnel  to  help,  with  additional  diesel  ers who are supporting our Fire Department in
            present, and the police’s spokesperson. Person-  pump and hoses.                                 order to end the fire as soon as possible.”
            nel from the department of calamity were also
            present to familiarize themselves with the situa-  Everyone who lives and works in the area was  At that time, smoke was still coming out of the
            tion.                                            ordered to evacuate.                            area, and our reporters understood that while
                                                                                                             the fire had subsided, it was still not completely
            By 3p.m. the fire was still ongoing. Our report-  Around 5:30p.m., minister of Justice and Social  out. The fire department said that the fire was
            er got in touch with Arugas, the gas company  Affairs posted on his social media a message:  under control but they would continue monitor-
            which  is  near  the  recycling  center.  They  said  “Today our entire community noticed a lot of  ing the area through the night.q
            that although the fire was still a safe distance  black smoke in the area of Barcadera. Authori-
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