Page 12 - HOH
P. 12

                                                                                                           local Wednesday 24 august 2022
            Aruba’s youth got talent with Rocking Youth Band

            There are so many musical                                                                                           jon  with  ukulele.  There  are
            groups  nowadays,  which                                                                                            also  three  voices  singing,
            can be found on the inter-                                                                                          and one of them is opera.
            net,  making  it  impossible                                                                                        Currently,  Parejo  said  that
            to know how many groups                                                                                             they are busy with mixing a
            are born each day. In Aru-                                                                                          modern  concept  with  op-
            ba, recently a youth musi-                                                                                          era, a personal production
            cal  group  was  created  at                                                                                        project.
            a  school  with  the  goal  of
            entertaining  and  to  keep                                                                                         Currently,  the  band  does
            growing in music.                                                                                                   covers  of  various  artists,
                                                                                                                                but they also already have
            Rocking  Youth  Band  is  a                                                                                         their  own  songs  and  their
            group formed by 9 young-                                                                                            own production in that mu-
            sters aged between 13 and                                                                                           sical  area.  “They  are  very
            15  years.  Last  weekend,                                                                                          excited  to  do  that,  but
            they  had  their  first  perfor-                                                                                    they’re  barely  one  year
            mance outside their school,                                                                                         in,  combining  their  studies
            which  was  where  their                                                                                            with music lessons and the
            band  was  created  a  year                                                                                         band”, Parejo said.
            ago.  Normally  they  per-
            formed  at  different  school                                                                                       As  young  teens,  each  of
            events, and this took place                                                                                         them  has  their  school  re-
            in a known setting.                                                                                                 sponsibilities,  their  aspira-
                                                                                                                                tions  and  other  hobbies,
            In the beginning they were                                                                                          like  windsurfing  or  becom-
            directed  by  their  teacher                                                                                        ing  a  plane  pilot.  They
            Petra  Alben,  but  Alben                                                                                           have the purpose of doing
            moved to the Netherlands,                                                                                           a production in one year’s
            leaving behind the plea to                                                                                          time,  which  is  the  school
            not  waste  their  talent  and                                                                                      year which has just started.
            to  present  the  group  with                                                                                       During  this  time  they  want
            various instruments like pia-                                                                                       to produce their own songs
            no, bass, guitar, drum and                                                                                          with producers and arrang-
            ukulele, among others.                                                                                              ers,  in  a  way  that  makes
                                                                                                                                everyone  happy  with  the
            This  time  our  reporter  did                                                                                      results,  without  losing  their
            a  special  interview  with                                                                                         focus on school.
            Tony Parejo, a professional
            musician  who  gives  music                                                                                         Parejo  also  said  that  they
            lessons.  He  represents  this                                                                                      have  decided  to  change
            youth  musical  band  and                                                                                           the band’s name because
            is also the father of two of                                                                                        they had the name of the
            the  band  members.  He                                                                                             school  where  they  study,
            says  that  their  first  perfor-                                                                                   which  is  ‘Schakel  Band’;
            mance  for  the  general                                                                                            but because some of them
            public last Saturday was a   ceived  private  lessons  for  vocals;  Isabella  Manrique,  who plays the piano.      have  changed  schools,
            complete  success,  as  the   the  instruments  in  which  14,  who  sings;  Ethan  and                             they decided to change to
            people  present  thoroughly   they specialized.           Ian  Parejo,  14,  specialized  These 9 teens, according to   ‘Yessified Chicken Nugget’
            enjoyed it.                  Rocking  Youth  Band  con-   in  drum,  percussion,  violin  Parejo, have a special dif-  – Parejo explained that not
                                         sists  of  Paula  Spinosi,  14,  and guitar; Cynthia Rafael,  ference from other musical   all of them were in agree-
            The members received mu-     Jenna  Croes,  15  –  both  14, dedicated to bass gui-    groups, because their per-   ment with that name, and
            sic  lessons  at  the  school,   dedicated  to  playing  uku-  tar;  Lukas  Teklenborg,  15,  formance  varies.  They  not   this  is  why  they  changed
            where  some  of  them  are   lele;  Vida  Maria,  13  who  with cajon and percussion;  only play rock, pop or bal-  the name again, to ‘Rock-
            still  students,  and  each  re-  is  in  charge  of  violin  and  and  Hugo  Vroegop,  13,  lads, but they also mix ca-  ing Youth Band’.

                                                                                                                                Meanwhile  they  continue
                                                                                                                                training  their  new  songs.
                                                                                                                                Parejo mentioned that they
                                                                                                                                are  organizing  an  activity
                                                                                                                                for  the  month  of  Septem-
                                                                                                                                ber, but he could not share
                                                                                                                                any details yet.
                                                                                                                                As they are a relatively new
                                                                                                                                musical  group,  they  don’t
                                                                                                                                have  social  media  as  a
                                                                                                                                group  yet,  but  their  repre-
                                                                                                                                sentative,  Parejo,  assured
                                                                                                                                that  soon  the  community
                                                                                                                                will  hear  more  of  them
                                                                                                                                and  come  to  know  their
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