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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Monday 13 July 2020
            As U.S. grapples with virus, Florida hits record case increase

            Continued from Front                                                                                                bts about the accuracy of
                                                                                                                                the  figures.  Officially,  the
            Giroir,  the  assistant  secre-                                                                                     country  has  over  18,000
            tary at the Health and Hu-                                                                                          confirmed  infections  and
            man  Services  Department,                                                                                          382  deaths  since  March.
            told  ABC’s  “This  Week”  on                                                                                       Sunday’s  report  of  11  co-
            Sunday  that  “if  we  don’t                                                                                        ronavirus  deaths  was  the
            have  that,  we  will  not  get                                                                                     country’s   second-highest
            control of the virus.’’                                                                                             daily death toll.
            President  Donald  Trump                                                                                            Serbian police clashed with
            wore  a  mask  in  public  for                                                                                      anti-government protesters
            the  first  time  Saturday,                                                                                         for  four  nights  last  week,
            something      Democratic                                                                                           demonstrations that forced
            House  Speaker  Nancy  Pe-                                                                                          the  Serbian  president  to
            losi said Sunday showed he                                                                                          withdraw  plans  to  reintro-
            has “crossed a bridge.”                                                                                             duce  a  coronavirus  lock-
            Pelosi told CNN’s “State of                                                                                         down. Many of the increa-
            the  Union”  that  she  hopes                                                                                       sing  infections  have  been
            it means the president “will                                                                                        blamed  on  crowded  soc-
            change his attitude, which                                                                                          cer matches, tennis events
            will  be  helpful  in  stopping                                                                                     and nightclubs.
            the  spread  of  the  corona-                                                                                       In Bulgaria, authorities rein-
            virus.”                                                                                                             troduced  restrictions  lifted
            In  Florida,  where  parts   President Donald Trump wears a face mask as he walks down a hallway during a visit to Walter   a few weeks ago because
            of   Walt   Disney   World   Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, Md., Saturday, July 11, 2020.       of a new surge in cases.
            reopened  Saturday, 15,299                                                                         Associated Press  Albania also has seen a sig-
            people  tested  positive,  for  think  the  count  probably  far  underestimate  actual  brought in from abroad.”   nificant  increase  in  infecti-
            a  total  of  269,811  cases,  will  not  go  up  as  dramati-  totals.  Countries  in  Eastern  Hungarian  authorities  said  ons since mid-May, when it
            and 45 deaths were recor-    cally as it did in the spring  Europe were among those  Sunday  they  have  sorted  eased lockdown measures.
            ded,  according  to  state  because of several factors,  facing rising waves of new  countries  into  three  cate-  The Balkan nation reported
            Department  of  Health  sta-  including increased testing.  infections,  leading  to  riots  gories  —  red,  yellow  and  93  new  cases,  over  twice
            tistics reported Sunday.     The World Health Organiza-   in  Serbia,  mandatory  face  green  —  based  on  their  as  many  as  the  highest
            California had the previous  tion,  meanwhile,  reported  masks in Croatia and travel  rates  of  new  coronavirus  daily  figures  in  March  and
            record of daily positive ca-  another record increase in  bans  or  quarantines  impo-  infections,  and  will  impose  April,  and  the  health  mini-
            ses  —  11,694,  set  on  Wed-  the  number  of  confirmed  sed by Hungary.            restrictions,  including  entry  stry  called  the  situation  at
            nesday.                      coronavirus  cases  over  a  “We  see  worrisome  signs  bans and mandatory qua-       the main infectious disease
            The  numbers  come  at  the  24-hour  period,  at  over  about  an  increase  in  the  rantines,  depending  on  hospital “grave.”
            end  of  a  record-breaking  230,000.                     number  of  cases  in  the  which  country  people  are  “Don’t lower vigilance and
            week  as  Florida  reported  The  U.N.  health  agency  neighboring  countries,  Eu-   arriving from.               respect   hygiene   rules,”
            514 fatalities — an average  said the United States again  rope and the whole world,”  Serbia,  where  health  au-  Albanian  health  authori-
            of 73 per day. Three weeks  topped  the  list  among  said  Gergely  Gulyas,  Hun-     thorities  are  warning  that  ties  urged.  Croatia,  whose
            ago,  the  state  was  aver-  countries,  with  more  than  garian  Prime  Minister  Vik-  hospitals  are  almost  full  island-dotted  Adriatic  Sea
            aging 30 deaths per day.     66,000  cases.  The  figures  tor  Orban’s  chief  of  staff.  due to the latest surge, re-  coast is a major tourist des-
            Researchers expect deaths  don’t  necessarily  account  “Now, we have to protect  ported  287  new  infections  tination, is making wearing
            to rise in the U.S. for at least  for  delays  in  reporting  ca-  our  own  security  and  pre-  on Sunday, although there  masks  mandatory  in  stores
            some  weeks,  but  some  ses,  and  are  believed  to  vent  the  virus  from  being  have been increasing dou-     beginning Monday. q

              Court rules 1st federal execution in 17 years can proceed

              By MICHAEL BALSAMO          Nancy, and her 8-year-old  The federal Bureau of Pris-  response  to  lawsuits  that
              Associated Press            daughter, Sarah Powell.     ons  said  Sunday  that  a  have  sought  to  halt  ex-
              WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  A  Chief  District  Judge  Jane  staff  member  involved  in  ecutions  scheduled  to  re-
              federal appeals court has  Magnus-Stinson  ruled  Fri-  preparing for the first fed-  sume Monday.
              ruled  that  the  first  federal  day in Indiana that the ex-  eral  executions  in  nearly  The  staff  member  did  not
              execution  in  nearly  two  ecution  would  be  put  on  two  decades  has  tested  wear  a  mask  at  all  times
              decades can proceed as  hold because of concerns  positive for coronavirus.         during meetings with other
              scheduled on Monday.        from the family of the vic-  The  Justice  Department  Bureau  of  Prisons  employ-
              The ruling from the 7th U.S.  tims  about  the  coronavi-  said the development will  ees  and  other  law  en-
              Circuit  Court  of  Appeals  rus  pandemic,  which  has  not  mean  an  additional  forcement  officials  in  the
              overturns a lower court or-  killed  more  than  130,000  delay in the government's  days  before  learning  of
              der that had put the exe-   people  and  is  ravaging  timetable,  already  stalled  the exposure, the agency
              cution of 47-year-old Dan-  prisons nationwide.         by  a  federal  court,  be-  said.  The  bureau  says  the
              iel Lewis Lee on hold.      The  Justice  Department  cause  the  worker  had  staff  member  did  not  en-
              Lee, of Yukon, Oklahoma,  argued that the judge's or-   not been in the execution  ter  the  execution  facility
              had  been  scheduled  to  der  misconstrued  the  law  chamber  and  had  not  or  the  prison's  command
              die  by  lethal  injection  on  and  asked  the  appeals  come  into  contact  with  center and left the facility   In  this  Oct.  31  1997  file
                                                                                                                              photo  Danny  Lee  waits  for
              Monday at a federal pris-   court to immediately over-  anyone on the specialized  before  the  dozens  of  Bu-  his   arraignment   hearing
              on in Indiana. He was con-  turn the ruling.            team sent to the prison to  reau of Prisons employees   for  murder  in  the  Pope
              victed  in  Arkansas  of  the  THIS  IS  A  BREAKING  NEWS  handle the execution.   who are part of the team    County  Detention  Center  in
              1996 killings of gun dealer  UPDATE. AP's earlier story is  The agency made the dis-  handling  the  executions   Russellville, Ark.
              William  Mueller,  his  wife,  below                    closure  in  court  filings  in  arrived at Terre Haute. q         Associated Press
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